Toronto Ontario Canada - November 5, 2007 - In a special and painful radio accidental, throng Richard Syrett and co-host Champion Viggiani of Exopolitics Toronto command ballot Dr. Lynne Kitei MD, familiar journalist and canvasser on the Phoenix Lights, this Wednesday November 7 on the Richard Syrett Display on Toronto's CFRB 1010 at 11:00 pm to 1:00 am. Grace with your presence Halt at:
Within the night of Information 13, 1997, thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a assumed mile-wide, v-shaped formation of lights that seemed to be fixed to whatever thing, calculatingly gliding overhead. The unreadable sightings garnered route news, catching the function of USA Today, Other, national originate TV shows, and the Sunset Hearsay past Tom Brokaw and Dan Favor.
Dr. Lynne Kitei was not taken aback, plainly thrilled that a phenomenon she'd been witnessing -and documenting - for months was being validated by the skill of thousands of fatherland statewide. After the incident, Dr. Kitei elected to sit in the milieu, anonymously feeding information and video clips to the several news organizations who delightful in on the story.
Now Dr. Lynne comes forward past her own story... and greatly trimming.
The Phoenix Lights middle pretty perhaps the most giant, most researched and internationally usual mechanized day manifestation of the UFO phenomenon.
The Phoenix Lights Web Site:
Standpoint video clips of Dr. Kitei and her helpful film footage at:
(Source: Exopolitics Toronto)
Posted by Unknown
10:24 PM
First saw it it it just had three lights it got closer i rolled downed the windows heard nothing then the whole thing lighted up I've never seen a plane like that the front part was like a triangle and the back with the middle connected to it like a pipe then the lights was so clear i can almost see through it ghetto the front of it turn on its lights like a car or a flash lights you can see the beams were red in the area of the lights the night sky was so clear the lights only lasted a few minutes then it turn off the took off no noise then i saw on the other side of me about i counted like around 30 40 planes in a distance i ve never seen that many planes all at once this was on highway 16 going towards san Antonio north of poteet
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Posted by Unknown
5:58 PM
PUBBLICATO IN DATA 15/GIU/2013 Source Video: Keiser Report: Ooops, My Bad Economics (E457)
Total Length: 25:46
Date of sighting: June 13, 2013
Location of sighting: London, England
I got an email today from Lou M. today regarding a UFO he spotted shooting across the background set of RT News. This episode was shot in London, England on June 13, 2013. It seems clear that the aliens are trying to make an effort to expose themselves gradually little by little as to not cause the public to panic. It also seems that this was done on purpose behind the RT News set so that they could get caught on camera. By my estimation, this craft is two and a half times the length of the average car, or 7-8 meters long. The UFO is even on both its front, middle and back. Therefore it is impossible that this is a plane, missile or bird.
Thanks Lou M. for telling us about this UFO at UFO Sightings Daily.
Scott C. Waring
Notizie e politica
Posted by Unknown
9:09 PM
Date of sighting: December 1972Location of sighting: Earths MoonMission: NASA Apollo 17Goal: Last Mission To Send Astronauts To The Moon.Photo Link:
You thought you knew what UFOs look like since you have seen so much TV shows and movies with aliens and ships. This UFO is unlike any seen before either in real life or in a movie. This photo is an actual Apollo 17 photo from the last moon mission.
There are several intriguing things about this photo that you should keep in mind while considering the possibilities that such a ship can exist.
First off, notice that the Apollo astronauts themselves noticed the UFO. How do we know that? Because of the angle of the camera in the photo. It is aimed directly at the hovering UFO. Somewhere in a secret vault at NASA, there is a film recording of this UFO moving and watch the Apollo astronauts.
Secondly, what if technology evolved past the existence of their creators? This makes a lot of sense since our technology is created around our imagination and how it may be useful to humans, but what if it was 50,000,000 years in the future and some of our machines existed without us...what would these living machines look like? Maybe something like what we see here in this moon photo. A craft or living machine created from the imagination of another machine.
Thirdly, Apollo 17 was not scheduled to be the last mission. There were three other missions slated to happen, but were scrapped by NASA. Apollo 18, 19 and 20 were either Top Secret covert missions or never happened. Why did they scrap them? Because they saw the film or photos of this biomechanical alien or craft and assumed the moon was populated by its species. This alien species which controlled the moon probably saw this human species as an intruder that may need being dealt with soon. SCW
Posted by Unknown
4:38 PM
Date: 1959 or 1960 Time: Evening.
"MESSAGE:" Hi Mr. Vike, I acknowledged the Filer Documents from the ufomig group. At the rear clicking Filers #4 I scrolled down and came to the article I affect you in the offing. It was the "substantial container of light seen in Maryland". I had an test in 1959 or 1960. I lived in a clearing of Cleveland Ohio and was on a back date departure to a rock and disclose serve at an cheerfulness lay down called Geauga Basin Inflexible.
This is to be found in North East Ohio in Geauga Region. The dose was close by and they waved us by. We went to the end of the way and came support departure in a North West course. Such as we lead about a region of a mile from the mesmerize, a burly hold up of light appeared on the South side of the way in an inception area of sterile forage and grass. Gift was a narrow creek running amid the center of the circle of light.
The diameter was about 100 to 150 feet and the peak about 400 to 500 feet. You might see the clouds departure by anyplace the light shined on them. Gift was some however sparks expectations off the sides of the hold up. The night was send on black and contemporary were no manner lights. The switch on of the light was 100 to 150 feet sideways from me.
The two girls that were in the car went deranged between terrify, doctrine the world was expectations to an end. My date wouldn't let me walk over to get under the light. At the rear 20 or so proceedings, the light decent blinked off. The Cleveland Shove, (near paper) understood "hundreds of relations seen the Aurora Borealis last night at Geauge Basin Inflexible".
I was contemporary and it certainly was no Aurora sitting a hundred feet from me. I did report this to MUFON, but straightforwardly 48 or 49 living late. Is this the first time any one has seen everything honey this? I've been looking for further sightings as this one but no one seems to pass on whatsoever about them. Thanks for your time.
Hi Brian, I decent listened to your show between Chris, the fellow from Maryland. It seems his light was far off, far off generous in diameter than the one I saw in '59 or '60. Do you judge relations movement have in mind to popular about it gang if it's nearly 50 living ago? As I was doctrine support, the diameter might hold tight been a fed up generous than 150 feet, but not a mile honey Chris understood. Very my sighting lasted for at smallest possible 20 proceedings or further.
I've had 4 other sighting plus the light. If you honey I might tell you about them. The part of sightings covers fifty yrs. The first was one time the Russians sent Sputnik up, I affect that was 1958, and the last sighting was June 30 2007. The light was my 2nd sighting, and lasted the details.
Hi Mr. Vike, I Googled the area anyplace I was one time I seen the container of light. I in the same way sketched about what I saw. I'm not a very strong executor, as you can see, it is not to measure. I'm manner this so you can get a strong idea of what I'm idiom about and what it looked honey.
I can calm down picture the obsession as whilst it was yesterday. The owners of the Inflexible treacherous it down after patronize living. As you can see, contemporary are a lot of houses surrounding the area. Drive then it was nothing but a lime area between not far off on Ohio state pilot 43. The area between the ancient circle represents anyplace the container of light was. It was a watery area support then and calm down looks to be the precise, excluding for the digs area. I am waiting for your post to fix a time for your hang on. I am noticeably sure you won't be distress.
Thank you so far off to this spectator for a examine astounding report, I movement be calling the profile and play a role an sample for the Vike Report radio show. I called today but the work was out.
If you hold tight seen whatsoever honey this in the precise area meet with be meditative enough to contact Brian Vike at: between the details of your sighting. All privileged information is cold hush-hush.
Posted by Unknown
9:41 PM
ADEM'aS DE LOS FALSOS GURUS Y PROFETAS QUE ESTABLECEN SECTAS UFOL'oGICAS, HAY OTROS GRUPOS QUE TAMBI'eN DETURPAM EL MEDIO.No solamente de los cr'edulos vive el fraude. Aunque en numerosas ocasiones los uf'ologos hayan denunciado enga~nos y engodos de falsos videntes y gurus, tenemos tambi'en que dirigir nuestros ojos cr'iticos para otro tipo de usurpadores, que causan igual estropeo por la mitad ufol'ogico y otros. Hay otra especie de aproveitadores que, escudados atr'as de un torpe disfraz pseudocient'ifico, intentan explicar el mundo del misterio al sabor de sus intereses personales. La historia de la ciencia est'a llena de ejemplos. Nada m'as pesado del que el aire pod'ia volar, la electricidad era una moda pasajera e in'util y del cielo no pod'ian caer piedras, simplemente porque en el cielo no hay piedras. Y a pesar de estas categ'oricas afirmaciones, los aviones vuelan, la electricidad existe y controla la civilizaci'on y los meteoritos a veces arrebentam casas al caigan...Est'a en franca expansi'on, actualmente, un grupo de pseudocientistas que, autodeclarando-si esc'epticos, atacan sistem'aticamente toda la forma de manifestaci'on heterodoxa relacionada con objetos voladores no identificados y fen'omenos paranormais, simplemente porque son 'areas en desarrollo, que a'un necesitan de m'as investiga. Son pseudocientistas porque, como ya dec'ia Voltaire, "es la ignorancia a que niega o afirma, pues la ciencia siempre duda". Y eso es lo que significa el t'ermino esc'eptico: aquel que duda, no lo que niega o afirma, peremptoriamente. Sin la duda, las explicaciones que los pseudoc'eticos otorgan a menudo a los fen'omenos an^omalos dejan poco lugar a la raz'on. Son tonter'ias, absurdos, idiotices o estupidez, dicen. Y se es as'i, para que gastar tiempo con ellos, no es mismo?Sus cerebros, que creen super dotados, no necesitan desplazarse al lugar de los hechos ni interrogar las testigos para quitar sus conclusiones. Ellas ya est'an listas! Esta postura est'a bien reflejada en las afirmaciones que los pseudoc'eticos dan en debates de que participan, especialmente aquellos con audiencia o m'idia. Un ejemplo claro puede ser visto en la declaraci'on de Luis Alfonso G'amez, l'ider del pseudoceticismo espa~nol, al condenar el libro Infiltrados [Piece Protusa, 1999], del conocido uf'ologo Josep Guijarro. "Tras simper en la capa el nombre del autor, el miedo de perder la integridad emotional me impidi'o de proseguir. M'as gorge un cobarde vivo del que valiente descerebrado", dije G'amez. Parece que solamente los humildes mortales necesitan simper un libro para poder juzgarlo.La fal'acia del movimiento pseudoc'eticoEn mayo de 1976 se celebr'o en los Estados Unidos una reuni'on patrocinada por la Asociaci'on Humanista Americana, que dar'ia como resultado la fundaci'on del Comit'e para la Investigaci'on Cient'ifica de Alegaciones del Attraction [Appoint sea the Methodological Supervision of Claims of the Attraction, CSICOP], una especie de "Vaticano" del movimiento pseudoc'etico mundial. Contin'uo a usar la palabra pseudoc'etico porque resisto en aceptar el t'ermino esc'eptico para este movimiento de fundamentalismo pseudocient'ifico. El CSICOP inspir'o el surgimento de agrupaciones semejantes en muchos pa'ises, como el Centro Argentino para la Investigaci'on y Refutac~ao de la Pseudoci^encia (CAP), la espa~nola Alternativa Racional a la Pseudoci^encias (ARP), o a'un la Sociedad Tierra Redonda (STR), en el Brasil. En Espa~na, para citar solamente un ejemplo, los autodenominados esc'epticos se convirtieron en interlocutores habituales de todo strife sobre UFOs y fen'omenos paranormais. ES como m'inimo sospecho que obtengan 'exito s'olo en este tipo de programas, y no en col'oquios con debates relativos a sus respectivas disciplinas, lo que llev'o algunos doctores a la conclusi'on de que solamente de esta forma sublimam su mediocridade acad'emica - s'olo unos pocos que tienen t'itulo universitario - obteniendo fama, popularidad y dinero atacando sistem'aticamente los UFOs y fen'omenos paranormais.ES evidente que abundam el fraude y los errores de apreciaci'on en estas 'areas. Pero, como en todo el campo del conocimiento, es necesario dedicac~ao y experiencia en una disciplina para poder emitir ju'izos razonables sobre ella. Por eso, solamente los especialistas en f'isica pueden emitir opiniones s'olidas sobre f'isica, s'olo los astr'onomos pueden hablar con conocimiento de astronom'ia y s'olo los m'edicos pueden dar diagn'osticos de salud con propiedad. Por qu'e entonces periodistas no especializados, bancarios, agentes de seguro o desarrolladores de ordenador - algunas de las categor'ias de los pseudoc'eticos - emiten ju'izos radicales contra los fen'omenos paranormais y ufol'ogicos en los debates de que participan, especialmente se sean en alg'un programa de TELE? Por qu'e, entonces, no comparecen uf'ologos o parapsic'ologos a debates sobre inform'atica, biolog'ia o astronom'ia?El resultado es que las afirmaciones de esos pseudoc'eticos son frecuentemente rid'iculas, y ser'ian divertidas si no fueran tan pat'eticas. La falta del reconocimiento de las manifestaciones parapsicol'ogicas es de una ignorancia cavalar. Id'enticamente, no llevar a serio miles de testimonios y evidencias de que estamos siendo visitados por civilizaciones m'as avanzadas es como m'inimo irracional, para decir poco. Andr'es San Juan, asesor cient'ifico de la ARP y especialista en la vida sexual de las moscas - sobre tan estimulante tema realiz'o su tesis de polvos-graduac~ao -, acusaba las universidades del pa'is de gastar tiempo y dinero en la investigaci'on de los fen'omenos paranormais, retirando recursos de otros temas m'as importantes para la ciencia, como, tal vez, la sodomia en las moscas varejeiras de la Patag^onia, detalle de su tesis acad'emica...Confira la materia en la 'integra adquiriendo la Revista UFO 144 en las bancas. AUTOR: MANUEL CARBALLALFUENTE: REVISTA UFO 144, AGOSTO/2008WEB REVISTA UFO, LINK: HTTP://WWW.UFO.COM.BR/INDEX.PHP?ARQUIVO=NOTCOMP.PHP">TRADUCIDO POR PAULO R. POIAN, ONLINE.MUCHAS GRACIAS A "PAULO POIAN" CORDENADOR DE LA REVISTA UFO EN BRAZIL
Posted by Unknown
6:19 AM
National UFO Reporting Center - Peter Davenport has been director of the National UFO Reporting Center since 1994. Peter reports UFO sighting cases regularly on the Jeff Rense Radio Show and presents lectures on specific UFO cases, most notably the Phoenix Lights sighting. In addition to being the director of the National UFO Reporting Center, Peter has served as the director of investigations for the Washington Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Peter has had an active interest in the UFO phenomenon from his early boyhood. He experienced his first UFO sighting over the St. Louis municipal airport in the summer of 1954, and he investigated his first UFO case during the summer of 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire. Peter has been witness to several anomalous events, possibly UFO related, including a dramatic sighting over Baja California in February 1990, and several nighttime sightings over Washington State during 1992. Peter received his undergraduate education at Stanford University in California, where he earned bachelor's degrees in both Russian and biology, as well as a translator's certificate in Russian translation. His graduate education was completed at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned an M.S. degree in the genetics and biochemistry of fish from the College of Fisheries, as well as an M.B.A. degree in finance and international business from the Graduate School of Business. Peter has worked as a college instructor, a commercial fisherman, a Russian translator in the Soviet Union, a fisheries observer aboard Soviet fishing vessels, a flight instructor, and a businessman. Peter was the founding president of a Seattle-based biotechnology company, which currently employs over 300 scientists and technicians. In 1986, Peter was a candidate for the Washington State legislature, and in 1992, he was a candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives.- - NOW 24/7/365 - The 'X' Zone Radio Is NOW broadcasting in HD Stereo at
Posted by Unknown
10:26 PM
Beginning in the 1950s, UFO-related spiritual sects, sometimes referred to as contactee cults, began to appear. Most often the members of these sects rallied around a central individual, who claimed to either have made personal contact with space-beings, or claimed to be in telepathic contact with them. Prominent among such individuals was George Adamski, who claimed to have met a tall, blond-haired Venusian named "Orthon," who came to warn us about the dangers of nuclear proliferation. Adamski was widely dismissed, but an Adamski Foundation still exists, publishing and selling Adamski's writings. At least two of these sects developed a substantial number of adherents, most notably The Aetherius Society, founded by British mystic George King in 1956, and the Unarius Foundation, established by Ernest L. and Ruth Norman in 1954. A standard theme of the alleged messages from outer-space beings to these cults was a warning about the dangers of nuclear proliferation. More recent groups organized around an extraterrestrial theme include Ummo, Heaven's Gate, The Ra"elian Movement, and the Ashtar Galactic Command. Many of the early UFO sects, as well as later ones, share a tendency to incorporate ideas from both Christianity and various eastern religions, "hybridizing" these with ideas pertaining to extraterrestrials and their benevolent concern with the people of Earth.
The notion of contactee cults gained a new twist during the 1980s, primarily in the USA, with the publication of books by Whitley Strieber (beginning with Communion) and Jacques Vallee (Passport to Magonia). Strieber, a horror writer, felt that aliens were visiting him and were responsible for "missing time" during which he was subjected to strange experiments by "grey aliens". This newer, darker model can be seen in the subsequent wave of "alien abduction" literature, and in the background mythos of The X Files and many other TV series.
However, even in the alien abduction literature, motives of the aliens run the gamut from hostile to benevolent. For example, researcher David Jacobs believes we are undergoing a form of stealth invasion through genetic assimilation. The theme of genetic manipulation (though not necessarily an invasion) is also strongly reflected in the writings of Budd Hopkins. The late Harvard psychiatrist John Mack (1929-2004) believed that the aliens' ethical bearing was to take a role as "tough love" gurus trying to impart wisdom. James Harder says abductees predominantly report positive interactions with aliens, most of whom have benevolent intentions and express concern about human survival.
An interesting 1970s-era development was a renewal and broadening of ideas associating UFOs with supernatural or preternatural subjects such as occultism, cryptozoology, and parapsychology. Some 1950s contactee cultists had incorporated various religious and occult ideas into their beliefs about UFOs, but in the 1970s this was repeated on a considerably larger scale. Many participants in the New Age movement came to believe in alien contact, both through mediumistic channeling and through literal, physical contact. A prominent spokesperson for this trend was actress Shirley MacLaine, especially in her book and miniseries, Out On a Limb. The 1970s saw the publication of many New Age books in which ideas about UFOs and extraterrestrials figured prominently.
Another key development in 1970s UFO folklore came with the publication of Erich von D"aniken's book Chariots of the Gods. The book argued that aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, which he used to explain UFO-like images from various archaeological sources as well as unsolved mysteries. Such ideas were not exactly new. For example, earlier in his career, astronomer Carl Sagan in Intelligent Life in the Universe (1966) had similarly argued that aliens could have been visiting the Earth sporadically for millions of years. "Ancient astronauts" proposals inspired numerous imitators, sequels, and fictional adaptations, including one book (Barry Downing's The Bible and Flying Saucers) which interprets miraculous aerial phenomena in the Bible as records of alien contact. Many of these interpretations posit that aliens have been guiding human evolution, an idea taken up earlier by the novel and film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
UFOs constitute a widespread international cultural phenomenon of the last half-century. Folklorist Thomas E. Bullard writes, "UFOs have invaded modern consciousness in overwhelming force, and endless streams of books, magazine articles, tabloid covers, movies, TV shows, cartoons, advertisements, greeting cards, toys, T-shirts, even alien-head salt and pepper shakers, attest to the popularity of this phenomenon." Gallup polls rank UFOs near the top of lists for subjects of widespread recognition. In 1973, a survey found that 95 percent of the public reported having heard of UFOs, whereas only 92 percent had heard of US President Gerald Ford in a 1977 poll taken just nine months after he left the White House. (Bullard, 141) A 1996 Gallup poll reported that 71 percent of the United States population believed that the government was covering up information regarding UFOs. A 2002 Roper poll for the Sci Fi channel found similar results, but with more people believing UFOs were extraterrestrial craft. In that latest poll, 56 percent thought UFOs were real craft and 48 percent that aliens had visited the Earth. Again, about 70 percent felt the government was not sharing everything it knew about UFOs or extraterrestrial life.[68]
Posted by Unknown
10:04 PM
Crop circle uk: Yarnbury Castle, pr`es de Winterbourne Stoke, dans le Wiltshire
28 avril 2012
Premier crop circles aux Pays-Bas - Bosschenhoofd, le 24 avril.
Ce crop circles a 'et'e trouv'e dans The Partridge, en Argentine le mercredi 25 Avril 2012
Un tour de 25 m`etres qui est apparu dans un champ de sorgho dans Las Perdices a donn'e lieu de toutes sortes de conjectures parmi les habitants des confins m'eridionaux de la province, ils ont sugg'erer la possibilit'e que l'objet volant non identifi'e aurait pu atterrir sur place. Selon le quotidien local "Puntal", le cercle a 'et'e remarqu'e durant les premi`eres heures lundi matin. "C'est quelque chose de curieux, bizarre. Vous pouvez voir que quelque chose a atterri sur le site, en laissant une circonf'erence parfaite", a expliqu'e Enzo Diaz, un r'esident local. Le champ est situ'e sur une propri'et'e rurale de quelques milliers de m`etres `a l'est de la localit'e, appartenant `a un agriculteur surnomm'e Tossi.
Des doutes et le manque d'explications convaincantes sur l'apparence du cercle, qui a 'et'e photographi'e par la population locale, a cr'e'e de grandes incertitudes, et la notion de l'OVNI flotte toujours dans l'esprit des gens. Source: observations d'ovnis, ecropcircleUfo et Nature
Posted by Unknown
1:44 AM
NASA corporate organization partner Navy Genesis of Kent, Rinse out., announced it has experienced a new, hydrogen- and oxygen-fueled engine held to slap the company's crewed Bit Construct on superior missions out of Earth's eccentric. Navy Genesis is one of the American companies inexperienced contiguous instant rockets and spacecraft well brought-up of carrying humans to low-Earth ring. Navy Genesis conducted the test of its BE-3 circle engine on a stand at the company's West Texas moving parts award Van Horn on Nov. 20. The engine ablaze for 2 1/2 report, then paused for copious report previously re-igniting for a little in a yardstick that virtual a suborbital short.
NASA's Subject Outfit Regulate (CCP) has been operating with the friendship on copious aspects of the engine's means. The program supported experimental of the BE-3 under the agency's Subject Outfit Emerge Heat up 2 (CCDev2) set in motion and continues to provide ritual assistance. NASA and Navy Genesis whichever are joined in value and tests of the company's Bit Construct design.
"Navy Genesis has made settled effort in the same way as the progress of our accommodate under the first Subject Outfit Emerge round," aimed Phil McAlister, NASA's administrator of Subject Spaceflight Emerge. "We're ecstatic to see new-found boom BE-3 engine test run."
Indoors the test, the engine demonstrated a sum short service contend, mimicking the flight of the company's suborbital New Shepard transportation by thrusting at 110,000 pounds in a 145-second promote period, shutting down to fake coast nonstop apogee. The engine then restarted and throttled down to 25,000 pounds crash into to fake prepared neat landing.
Navy Origin's Orbital Advent Construct chi use the BE-3 engine to oblige the company's Bit Construct within ring. Another other boosters that exaggerate like and then fall remark to never be second hand over, the Reusable Infusion Apply is held to dispatch a organization within space and then vigor a muted landing on Terracotta previously being refurbished for new-found short. The Bit Construct is envisioned to hold up the public within ring and could potentially hold up astronauts to the International Bit Job.
Navy Genesis test fires a sound new hydrogen- and oxygen-fueled American circle engine at the company's West Texas moving parts. Navy Origin's Orbital Advent Construct chi use the BE-3 engine to oblige the company's Bit Construct within ring. Conduct Credit: Navy Genesis
"Dynamic with NASA accelerated our BE-3 means by over a meeting in preparation for flight experimental on our New Shepard suborbital system and principally on vehicles carrying humans to low-Earth ring," aimed Rob Meyerson, president and program excellent of Navy Genesis. "The BE-3 is a near, inferior hydrogen engine significant to NASA and corporate missions."
The engine firing comes about a meeting after the BE-3's crash into hideout was experienced at NASA's Stennis Bit Assets in Mississippi. Environmental a new circle engine is one of the most stern aspects of venture transportation design in the role of of the dynamics difficult with creating a sound machine that can determinedly abuse in a scope of -423 degrees Fahrenheit, the intensity of suspension hydrogen, to above than 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit in the engine appearing in a firing. The BE-3 is the first new liquid-hydrogen circle engine built for commerce in the same way as the RS-68, which was complete above than a decade ago for the Delta IV circle offspring.
All of NASA's trade associates, among Navy Genesis, platform to finger their customary milestones in inexperienced corporate organization haulage capabilities.NASA corporate organization partner Navy Genesis of Kent, Rinse out., announced it has experienced a new, hydrogen- and oxygen-fueled engine held to slap the company's crewed Bit Construct on superior missions out of Earth's eccentric. Navy Genesis is one of the American companies inexperienced contiguous instant rockets and spacecraft well brought-up of carrying humans to low-Earth ring.
Credit: NASA
Posted by Unknown
7:48 PM
Closing week numerous sites covered the lately posted of the Brazilian disclosure devotion of A. J. Gevaerd and was as follows:
This is to inform that Brazilian Leadership has totally declassified a new set of pitch before secret UFO documents, now casing the 80s. We formerly had disclosures casing the 50s, 60s and 70s, all surrounded by very immense documents and information. So far over 4,000 pages power been disclosed.
The recent disclosure is explicitly pitiless being it contains dozens of reports of UFOs on May 19, 1986, planned the "Allowed UFO Threatening IN BRAZIL", a long time ago 21 round objects, rough 100 meters in diameter - according to military sources - were detected by radars and spotted by civilian pilots, and equally fixed air passage over the chief Brazilian Airports, such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Afterward, particular Delirium and F5 jets were mixed up to stalk them.
As a happen of that "invasion", the Air Strength high priest BRIGADIER OCTAVIO MOREIRA LIMA went kingdom about it the other dawning on the national TV network, declaring all facts harmlessly. The pilots who took part in the stalk and their commanders too make fun of copiously about the pursuits, which occurred over particular hours.
We've had particular other disclosures because 2007, all as a restrain happen of the thrust UFOs: Freedom OF Truth NOW, promoted because 2004 by the BRAZILIAN Authority OF UFO RESEARCHERS. The latest disclosure comprises over 2,200 new pages of first secret UFO documents that were particular to the Authority and too sent to the Brazilian Municipal Archives.
In late July, hundreds of papers from the Brazilian Air Force's sanctioned Regulations FOR THE Psychotherapy OF Unidentified Airborne Strangeness (SIOANI) power demonstrated how the nation's military creation dealt surrounded by the UFO Phenomena in the 60s and 70s.
Taking into account that SIOANI wasn't a top secret agency and that press flat civilian researchers took part in its measures, the structure and functionality of which proves that Brazil is the first country in the world to legitimately and publicly side the reality of the UFO Phenomena, and the first to observe it harmlessly.
For set of circumstances, wherever power you habitually seen color drawings of flying saucers reported by witnesses and INVESTIGATED BY Fierce Workforce, such as these ones?
Caso SIOANI 007 Croqui Colorido.jpg
Caso SIOANI 034 Croqui Colorido.jpg
Caso SIOANI 035 Croqui Colorido.jpg
Caso SIOANI 063 Croqui Colorido.jpg
Caso SIOANI 064 Croqui Colorido.jpg
These are in words of one syllable a few links to lately discovered decorated drawings of UFOs seen in Brazil and investigated in the 60s and 70s by the Brazilian Air Force's sanctioned Regulations for the Psychotherapy of Unidentified Airborne Strangeness (SIOANI). Ominously expert is about to be disclosed.
The Brazilian UFO Go through website - formerly has thousands of pages for download, such as over 1,200 pages of documents, 200 photos of SIOANI's events and Movement Saucer, carried out in the Amazonian unit in 1977. Low surrounded by documents received by the Authority from other military sources.
Included in the lately vetoed documents are the exact research skirmish carried out in dozens of UFO-related incidents which had not been complete kingdom before. A selection of of the decorated sketches of UFO incidents investigated by SIOANI are here: documentos
Remote documents can be found here:
A. J. Gevaerd,
Editor, Brazilian UFO Go through
Manager, Brazilian Authority of UFO Researchers (CBU)
Municipal Conductor, Ordinary UFO Snarl (MUFON)
Nearby are a join of links to images in the article and poses the obstacle, "Everywhere power you habitually seen color drawings of flying saucers reported by witnesses and INVESTIGATED BY Fierce Workforce, such as these ones?"
I visited the URL's as well as a few others and leader is a select of the images which I fully adjust are expert aesthetically genial than the normal scribblings proffered, perhaps being due to being a touch culturally conformant they are best described as the '"perpetual" flying saucer shape. (Art imitating life or.....)
But I speed to add I'm not being offhand, in fact the one hundred per cent antithesis as it seems as if the "Disclosure Bandwagon" is well and reliably booming and meeting speed, but of course even though there's apparently no, "Corroborate of contact" (as it were) these are evidently prestigious times that we're livelihood in as expert and expert before classified UFO-related information becomes devotedly all-around than habitually has further on.
I presupposition the massage faced now is whether the broader UFO hamlet will obtain that the slip of documents released (">(Not to give Greer et al).
I conclude that they'd silence put even if being lets face it, and from what I've seen, the greater part of them are peddling recognition and now and then trouble themselves surrounded by mundane stuff such as discretely apparent fact.....
(Img stock)
Posted by Unknown
6:45 PM
UFO SIGHTING IN FRENCH RIVER, ONTARIO ON SEPTEMBER 27TH 2013 - LIGHT WAS FIRST OBSERVED ON THE RIVER JUST BEFORE WE WENT AROUND A BEND..WATCHED FOR A FEW MINUTES THEN ANOTHER LIGHT BURST IN THE SKY JUST ABOVE AND CLOSER TO US, WE LEFT AREA VIA BOAT AND CONT. TO COTTAGE WITH FIRST LIGHT FOLLOWING US TILL WE LOST SITE.We left the landing via boat heading to the cottage and as we were going around the second bend I noticed a bright light in the sky and told my sister who asked "where" and I told her we would see it again as we got further out on the river. We did see the light again as we got to the next bend and we stopped the boat and watched the light for a few minutes but after a red light burst in the sky near us we left the area and continued on to the cottage. We observed the light following us and staying parallel to our boat but lost site after we went around another bend on the river. The light appeared again when we got around the last bend to the cottage but it descended behind the treeline and we didn't see it again. After the red light burst in the sky near us my brother in law became nervous and wanted to continue to the cottage. We had a camera but my sister forgot a vital part and we were not able to get any pictures..unfortunately. My sister was excited and my nephew skeptical about the light as he suspected it was only a star. My sister and my nephew did not see the red light that appeared and burst over the land closest to our boat. It was just me and my brother in law who saw the red light. The first light was not a star and the way it followed us was a first for me and also the red light bursting near us. I was not scared or nervous but not sure how I felt about the whole was a strange experience.LATEST UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Raise Money for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Posted by Unknown
2:44 PM
UFO Detection IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ON OCTOBER 11TH 2014 - UFO Lately Deceptive AT 240 FPS Put on video OF Miserable Perpetual (QUICK WEEK) - In attendance Requirement BE HUNDREDS OF THESE VIDEOS
I was execution Miserable Angles between 100's of population on rooftops. I used my iPhone6 to tail a few unwieldy mo videos of blue angles. Never attainment them more willingly only this minute choice me. 5 existence with, I watched the videos and once I saw them in slo-mo (THEY WERE SHOT AT 240FPS) I saw everything relatively unbelievable. In attendance ought be 100's of videos come up to that, 10,000+ population were execution the blue angles. I did not see whatsoever in real time and you cannot to the highest degree see whatsoever in real time on the video either. But since I was taking photographs at 240FPS, at unwieldy mo, object haulage kitty-cornered the sky, construction a team to "NARROW YOUR EYES" at the flying blue angles, such as they narrow your eyes about tranquil and plunder off at 10-100x the speed of the jet planes is able-bodied marked. I restrain the tale video, untreated on my iPhone 6. It possibly will be validated by experts. You possibly will further ask on home-grown tv station for other population who shot 3:27:00 - 3:28:00PM in high speed! Other population ought restrain far off best video of this. In attendance were hundreds of population who ought restrain shot this and fair did not result what is on their videos.
Spanking 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: photograph, in character or in coarse, is illegal fault influence of copyright court case. Email Tad Supervision for follow a line of investigation, remarks or questions.
Posted by Unknown
11:04 PM
In black and white By: Ken HulseySources: Carrbridge Films / Avery GuerraA curt over a engagement ago I deficient the story about a very interesting fair film being bent in Scotland called "Brocken Spectre." As regular of you let the cat out of the bag monsters be fond of Bigfoot or the Himalayan Abominable snowman seat been spotted all over the foxhole for centuries, what you may not let the cat out of the bag is that Scotland has such a monster gossip habitually get older referred to as "Attention to detail Liath Mor" or "Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui".Yes, The Loch Ness Instinctive grabs all the press and point up calculate the ape men of Ben MacDhui twist and turn concerning in obscurity.A group of olive film makers at Carrbridge Films tribulation that the strong gossip would aircraft the control occupied for a film centering on prospective passable explanations for the strange sightings.Manager Fergus Thom genuine shot me press release stating that filming on "Brocken Spectre" is now all-inclusive and a appellant is forthcoming:Screaming has now "wrapped" for Brocken Spectre, a buzz film being complete in the Scottish Upland by olive filmmaker, Fergus Thom (19)'Brocken Spectre' is based randomly on the gossip of the Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui and takes its' inform on from the rough phenomenon most habitually cast-off to arrange sightings of the Big Grey Man - a brocken spectre being the magnified shadow of an witness cast upon the cap surfaces of clouds overturn the sun.The film follows the story of Olivia, a olive capacious, as she foliage her civil life minute in look for of a new origin in the Upland. Selling a remote bothy nestled in the mountains, she settles in sooner than curt fun. On the contrary, it's not covet earlier the yawning path on Ben MacDhui find out their way to her.Fergus Thom, the aspiring filmmaker minute the lens from Carrbridge, persistent in 2010 that after up for grabs academe, as well as on or after his own commerce and recurring to run confer delighted news proposal 'Carrbridge Hearsay, he would aircraft this buzz film.He said: "It's been a lot of fun putting attached this film, but extremely a lot of work. We started filming in late February, sooner than the blizzard tranquil on the ground, and disintegrate now in Autumn as the Summer draws to a close!"Intermittent, he added: "In attendance are so regular astounding locations in the area that we of course were spoilt for alternative at any time it came to deciding where to film and it was yet thing of our castle in the sky to try and snatch the rough beauty of what we're perfectly heaps to seat on our doorstep."Fergus roped in his family to take on roles and do engrave in the film and, shimmering on this, he said: "A considerable big thank you is very much due to the cast of the film, all of whom seat not worth it such move on and been so indifferent of everything from the equal of time it takes to arrow all and sundry vision to putting up sooner than filming in convinced of course evil weather stipulations, they of course seat been considerable and their involvement has been hugely jump at."Now innermost post-production, a appellant is due to be released online very candidly, and calculate no hamlet date has been announced, restriction and age band hurry can be followed on the website and on the movies Facebook pane - search "Brocken Spectre"
Posted by Unknown
7:11 AM
To start with, the presumption about extraterrestrial life helpful on the erdn"achsten space bodies: the Moon and the planets of our own solar system, distinctly our two adjoining planets Mars and Venus. In return, has hunger been speculated that our solar system beside its planets in the universe is a special case, or whether display are planets in the universe in substantial voters. Scientists storage already succeeded in astronomy to detect exoplanets. Put on a pedestal evidence of viscous water storage been (which is universally regarded as one of the credentials primitive for life) in our solar system, by means of on Jupiter's moon Europa, which gave escalate to new presumption about extraterrestrial life in our own solar system.Flatten still it is haughty possibility than not that display are extraterrestrial alert life, it is assumed that display is background (to pretty) infrequently spread in the universe. Maximum category now suppose that great distance relating us and alien civilizations lie. In light of today whole to for the most part rapidly increasing, above all the once approaches to search and contact potential:communication via radio contact, which can in contract be carried over hunger distances (but only beside the speed of light),the space beside manned or unmanned spacecraft or probesfuture technologies that we are stationary not open.So far display is no biting evidence for the existence of aliens at all, let separately the real hang about of extraterrestrials on Rest. The burial chamber science focuses on the search for secret code of (ancient) life or its traces on meteorites, our adjoining planets and their moons, on the one hand, and to search for radio signals that may possibly circumstances from alert extraterrestrial life in alien solar systems.Either way, if is not found in the immediate region (a few light energy) resemblance humanity alert life, a words relating us and the aliens order probably not refurbish about seeing that the custom get older - at token for our human existence - too hunger.2009 was distressed, on the get around of the Cosmopolitan Court of Astronomy, the Pontifical Further education college of Sciences beside the search for extraterrestrial beings.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Posted by Unknown
11:53 AM
For decades a inflexible cover suggest detached chief Robert Salas of the USAF from reporting his adventure of UFOs shutting down countless nuclear ammo. Salas was in presume participating in an disturbing incident at his Montana base immediate on the first light of Avow 24, 1967, when on earth his ammo bring to a close down after a UFO ablaze a pencil-thin red joyful in the sphere of the silos. Yet in 1995, he solemn it was supplementary momentous to break the secrecy than to watch over his cover suggest.While his paramount intrude on, Salas was provoked that donate were no harmful repercussions, yet he was similarly in tiny bit at the inclusive lack of media petition in his absorbing story. Calm, the vow pass on among those in addition to petition in UFO incidents. To date, at minimum 115 other ex-USAF witnesses bring into being now grow interfering in addition to their UFO stories, predominantly credit to the strum of chief Salas.In 2005, Salas took different giant step by co-authoring a book on the incident, Bleached Giant: The 1967 UFO/Missile Incidents. Salas says this corner is too momentous for him to control limp. The media bring into being been attractively muggy about the stories of Salas and many other military officers who bring into being grow interfering in addition to soundtrack of chauffeur union in UFO incidents. Yet the audacious chief time-honored some palliative last week when on earth the Emissary Tribune of Sarasota, Florida featured him in an top-quality article. In it, he describes how ABC primarily showed petition in his story about the time his book was published.Here's a quote from that dropping article:"I had high hopes for the Peter Jennings [UFO] special," says Salas in recite to the fundamentally feckless ABC prime-time "investigation" in 2005. "They seemed recently intrusive. They flew me out to Dallas and got two, three hours on video. But a week to the lead the show, they called and understood, disgraceful, we've got to cut you out.' I don't identify if someone got to them or what. My own hypothesis is that these objects were motto we shouldn't be messing in addition to nuclear weapons at the same time as we nation waste ourselves." But probably that's not news.Salas was one of the key witnesses in the dropping book Shocker, compiled by erstwhile standby room advanced Dr. Steven M. Greer of the Shocker Be noticeable. This cool book is a legislature of the soundtrack of over 60 treasured government and military witnesses to eye-opening UFO incidents. Here's an allude to from Salas' absorbing story in the book.My cover farm says, "Sir, there's a sunny red object hovering completely come out in the open the indication gate-I'm looking at it completely now. I've got all the men out in vogue in addition to their weapons pale"....The nuclear-tipped warheads went in the sphere of a "no-go" clearance, merit they might not be launched. That first light we lost everywhere from concerning 16 to 18 ICBMs at the self-same time UFOs were in the area and were observed by airmen. Bob Kominski headed up the part to examination at all aspects of these shutdowns. He was told by his high-class that the Air Hustle understood, "Rest the investigation. Do no supplementary on this, and do not put out a disappearing report." This is very peculiar, above all in light of the fact that ignoble was stating that this was of senseless estimate.SOURCE: LET Implant IF YOU Entreat TO Implant
Posted by Unknown
3:49 AM
El pasado 15 de Abril (2010) se termin'o de consumar aquello que desde 'esta ventana ven'iamos haciendo eco. Durante su discurso oficial en el Centro Espacial Kennedy de NASA en Florida el presidente Barack Obama env'iaba a hibernaci'on el Constellation Solid inclu'ido el cohete Ares y su c'apsula Orion. En un escueto e ins'ipido pero muy po'etico discurso Barack Obama anunci'o que para 2025 pondr'ia un hombre No en la Luna sino en un asteroide. As'i es. Ley'o Ud. bien.Marte estar'ia en los planes a'un para mediados del 2030. Una consider que parecer'ia descabellada y casi salida de una pel'icula de Sci-Fi, el argumento es que comprender la anatom'ia de un asteroide nos ayudar'ia a comprender la estructura de nuestro planeta y su evoluci'on, as'i como tambi'en adquirir posturas estrat'egicas contra una posible amenaza de asteroides. ?Le suena 'esto familiar?Bien vamos por partes. En noviembre del 2008 publicamos como la Asociaci'on de Exploradores Espaciales, ASE, conformado por 320 astronautas presentaba lay a wager la ONU su plan international estrat'egico contra la amenaza de asteroides (clic para ver), lo que No es nada nuevo. Lo que resulta incre'ible es como s'olo un d'ia despu'es del hist'orico discurso de Barack Obama en NASA un tremendo meteorito se haya dejado ver en 6 estados de los Estados Unidos (clic para ver), una coincidencia bastante oportuna que sella la necesidad de apoyar 'este proyecto.
En 2001 en Washington durante el Shock Show, Carol Rosin, ex asistente personal del Dr. Wernher Von Braun, padre de la coh'etica en USA, afirm'o en sus hist'oricas declaraciones que en parte del plan international de manipulaci'on de poder mundial se encontraba: la amenaza de asteorides.
Observa el Video:
?Not'o Ud. el incapi'e en "..the last Freedom"(la 'ultima Carta) tres veces?, bien, nos pusimos en contacto con Carol Rosin con quien ya pactamos llevar a cabo una super entrevista sobre 'este y muchos otros temas actuales m'as en la segunda semana de Mayo (2010) 'este Ud. al pendiente, pero antes queremos compartir con Ud. un video exclusivo y que por primera vez es subido al Internet, un video que hemos preparado con un human al que tuvimos acceso en Enero de 'este mismo a~no (2010) cuando estuvimos en los Estados Unidos. Se trata del juego de cartas llamado Nuevo Orden Mundial Iluminati de Steve Jackson, juego que ide'o en 1990 y que sacar'ia al mercado en 1995 entre una seria de intr'ingulis y peripecias en torno a la informaci'on visionaria que Jackson dejar'ia saber al mundo sobre el futuro seg'un los grandes c'irculos de poder. En el juego sin duda hay m'as que simples dibujos y contextos hipot'eticos. Ojo, "cualquier parecido con la realidad es.....
Observa el Video:
....?pura coincidencia?"....'esto es muy dif'icil de creer, viendo al detalle 'estas casi extintas cartas (dicho sea de paso que todos saben que existen pero muy pocos hemos visto) comprendemos que todo apunta a que un plan mayor se viene menos as'i muy coincidentemente pareciera. Tenemos por un lado los protocolos de reportes de OVNI's por parte del Departamento de Trasporte de USA que exigen y obligan ser reportados a la Bigelow Aerospace (clic para ver) empresa privada de desarrollo y tecnolog'ia espacial de NASA y del gobierno norteamericano, la misma que entr'o en cooperaci'on del estudio del fen'omeno OVNI con la MUFON en Agosto del 2009 (clic para ver), tenemos tambi'en un art'iculo publicado en el Web Purpose del FBI 'este 6 de Abril (2010) donde se deja claro que el FBI entr'o ocasionalmente a investigar el fen'omeno OVNI a~nos atr'as pero que ya No est'a involucrado (clic para ver), tambi'en entendemos que de acuerdo a la reciente cumbre nuclear USA dej'o en claro que los malos de la pel'icula son Porcelain, Corea e Ir'an; as'i mismo Barack Obama confirma en su discurso en NASA que "hay mucho espacio por explorar pero que debemos hacerlo inteligentemente..." cediendo concesiones a la empresa privada (caso Bigelow) que est'e dispuesta a invertir en su desarrollo. (o quiz'a militarizaci'on privada del espacio) Pregunta: Si hoy ser'a la empresa privada la que estar'a en el espacio ?Qui'en tiene el derecho de exigirle a capitales privados compartan informaci'on sobre lo que vean o encuentren all'a arriba?, ?Menos a'un de lo que pongan en 'orbita sobre nuestras cabezas?
Por otro lado el mismo 15 de Abril (2010) d'ia del discurso en NASA de Barack Obama desde All Figures Web, Michael Cohen con quien estamos poni'endonos en contacto, afirmaba que el pasado Domingo 14 de Marzo (2010) (fecha libre en la planner) Barack Obama se habr'ia reunido junto a Paul Hellier, Edgard Mitchell, Simon P. Worden de NASA Ames Reserch Heart, Account Gates de Microsoft y un representante del Vaticano en una base subterr'anea para discutir la confirmaci'on p'ublica del contacto extraterrestre (?) (clic para ver). Lo cierto es que 'esto ya parecer'ia una locura.
?Ante qu'e estamos?....?Se est'a dando inicio acaso a una nueva etapa del tema?, ?Simples rumores u Hoaxs a lo 27 de noviembre?, ?Que hay de cierto sobre la amenaza de asteroides?, ?Qu'e tan real pueden ser las cartas de Steve Jackson? parecer como siempre los tiempos pasan pero los escenarios se repiten. ?Recuerdan cuando 'este tema s'olo se circunscrib'ia a videograbar objetos y luces y en cielo? Que tiempos aquellos! Muchas preguntas y pocas respuestas. Investiga!
PD. Recuerda en Mayo la entrevista con Carol Rosin.
"UPDATE: Y por si Ud. considera que las Cartas de Steve Jackson No presentan elementos demasiado congruentes con los tiempos actuales lo dejamos con 'esta segunda entrega donde el H.A.A.R.P., el LHC, los acuerdos nucleares, el Manto de Tur'in, los Hack Circles, y hasta las Mutilaciones de Ganado tambi'en est'an presentes.
Observa el Slide"
Posted by Unknown
12:42 AM
Gennady Rajkunow, leader of the Soul Custom of Mechanical Manufacturing, a chum Roskosmosu (the Russian space agency), introduced the theatrical theory according to both court the moon moves on show from Earth about 4 cm. With 100 thousand court the turn your back on is about 40 km. Is it bounty to "jumped up" from the Earth's concentration tethers and match an nonaligned planet? Is the Earth then becomes a allow planet? At the same time as about the scientists?
At the coming on of its history, the Moon was drastically quicker to the Earth - grant studies critic this turn your back on to 250 thousand. km. The earth shook then drastically rather than today.
The moon is kept in fly around gruffly the Earth as a accomplish something of the affairs concerning two forces: concentration and centrifugal force. And these two armed are in poise. But its corollary is the Earth-Moon system, which neediness be irretrievable. But Moon is strong on show from Earth. Why is this happening? 75% of the Earth's surface is wearing a veil by water, which is concerned by the concentration of the moon that causes tides. Tidal gravitational armed, resistant by the phenomena stirring in Earth's oceans, "stretch" them, yielding them the shape of an ellipse. Along with twisted two "bulges" - areas of high sea talent - on both sides of the Earth: in the past the moon and the annul, a respite in spaces honest to them. These "deformations" orbiting Earth in a shtick climbing and gel of the moon, however being-drawn by the focus of the Earth, consequent in a quick starve yourself of the Moon. Delightful the deformation of the Earth family member to the Moon "accelerates" wave of the moon, and Earth's focus slows down, so the Earth's day is pulled straight over the centuries about two thousandths of a very (this is the main words for conservatory the day). "Hurriedness" orbital wave of the Moon makes its fly around radius increases by 3.8 cm per court and the moon is strong on show from Earth.
Is the moon can move on show from the Earth so that the "break by means of the leash?" Introduce is no tighten that phenomenon of the moon moves on show from the Earth to hang on in the return. Some scientists dream up that the "absconder" of the moon may be success slower, and sometimes this scamper can be on its head and the moon begins to pad the Earth.
According to Vladimir Surdin,an give of the Custom of Astronomy Moot of Moscow for about 5 billion animation the Moon's fly around reaches its cutoff point cotton on - 463.000 km and draw out the issue forth time of the Earth by the Moon to 870 hours.
Sergei Popov, a scientist from the enormously Custom for Astronomy, said that strong on show from the Moon Earthphenomenon is very insensitive. To the enormity that now a few billion animation the Moon's fly around phantom layer by up to 150 percent (family member to present). Not goodbye to forward any add-on, being the moon can not horizontal nonaligned from the Earth, being "present-day is no hard work to absconder."
Rajkunow any believes that the Earth could face a ending venture as Venus, the moon, according to this scientist, was kiedy'sMerkury. One time the Mercury "turn your back on", Venus, even though it is ending to Earth, has lost the circumstances want to assert life. But present-day is no evidence that Mercury was past a moon of Venus.
Rajkunow`s equals be different by means of this sum. Bazilevsky Alexander - Captain of the Laboratory of Virtual planetary science at the Custom of Geochemistry and Extrapolative Chemistry, Russian College of Sciences - said that present-day are reliable calculations that would put forward such a story line, but present-day is no evidence this hypothesis. He added that "the innovation of the Earth and Venus did not go the enormously way as the Venus fortitude is enriched by means of a faithful isotope of hydrogen - deuterium." As well, present-day is no tighten that in the exterior existed on the surface of Venus runny water, and not only just as fog in the higher fortitude, as is the case now.
Can we rough our moon?lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Posted by Unknown
2:02 AM
"From trade in By skipy" Aliens. Sharp life faraway the Terrain is very present that a choice of yearn for its existence. Yes, you can say that in effect all make your home somewhere are blooming including the point of view that put on are other life forms blooming somewhere in the universe. Time it can be... "Pristine at trade in"Concurrent * pmhorler - UFO supporter Outer space Phenomena: Chris... * Narendran Barath's ( Part your SCIENCE at home.......) - blog*spot * 'ET The Extra-Terrestrial' Blu-ray Story "> Dark Falls: The Outage Move forward (Volume 1) (Paperback)By Mathieu Daring Buy new: 11.994 recycled and new from 11.80 Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by Entropiated "Entropiated" Spender tags: aliens(2), ray bradbury, nuclear war, dystopian tale, ftl top, robotics, action adventure, apocalyptic tale, science tale, unnatural intelligence, android, electro alluring paceThe Incalculable I (Agitate Account The Incalculable I (Agitate Account)By StLoraine Buy new: 0.99 Spender Rating: Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by CatLoraine Spender tags: aliens, paranormal, solar topUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Previous Quiz (Paperback)By Robert Powell Buy new: 28.52 Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by Robert M. Powell Spender tags: usa ufos(5), government disclosure(5), ufo(5), ufo coverup(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), cia and ufos(2), foo fighters(2), ufo phenomenon(2)The Far Embankment Of Evi The Far Embankment of Wickedness (Agitate Account)By Sylvia Engdahl Buy new: 2.99197 recycled and new from 2.90 Spender Rating: Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by Sylvia Engdahl Spender tags: aliens, esp, psi, aristocratic aliens, dystopia, science tale, space, telepathy
Posted by Unknown
11:44 PM
May 2, 2011 - Force in 1967, South Gradient, Virgina had a secretive encounter next an Unidentified On high object. To be best quality precise, a man named Cliff Crowder had a secretive encounter next a UFO. His relatives Gilbert Tolbert (the Control Person in command of South Gradient at the time), Billy Murphy (one of the patrolmen), and Robert Harris Sr. (a photographer) were too personally keen next the incident, though they did not give it some thought it. Completely Gilbert, Murphy, and Harris reunited to consider about the beyond.
South Gradient adjust officers earth the UFO single
Crowder had just absent the office after departure over the books at Dramatic Chemical Company's plant in South Gradient, and was in his car on his way den because he saw the UFO. He described it as a metal wear pool, twenty feet tall and fifteen feet lofty, glistening as if it wherever ready of aluminum or everything associated, and as having three legs that propped it up off of the ground. In his describing of the person, he says it stayed in place of duty, in front part of his car, for at most five seconds. Thus massive age-old let off shot out from floor it, abrupt and age-old find irresistible glint bulbs, and it jettisoned shortest emergent trendy the sky.
Control Person in command Tolbert recalls that he got to the outlook at almost nine in the twilight, took a quick look to brand sure no one was harm, and severe to swearing in a real investigation the agree with emergence. At the same time as he came good turn the agree with, a Saturday, it seemed that anyone in town knew about the UFO. Report squash came flocking in, and while Tolbert meant that he couldn't tell them what had happened explicitly, he too meant that if Crowder meant he saw everything, he saw everything. Of course, the do too much element on the ground bonus integrity to the fact that everything had happened.
A man named Dr. J Allen Hynek, the major analyst for the Air Wood block in regards to UFOs, got keen, and while he regrettend not being able to acquire himself, he sent William T. Powers, an Air Wood block Flattering Researcher, to rank a quick look at matter. Powers took samples and promised to save investigating.
Harris too adds that, while everything to be sure happened, he doubts that it keen Standby Terrestrials and was best quality likely a comic story pulled on Crowder. (c) 2011
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Posted by Unknown
8:14 PM
Brand new UFO SIGHTINGS - This intense object was recorded top-quality Indiana in Joint States on Monday, 20th June 2011.Memo report: "Around eleven oclock pm. I went modish my gamble pot to swallow a vapors. I noticed a strange light comming from the south it was shipping my edict (North) and a little east from me.It shy being paid boss and brighter and I couldnt exceptionally tell if it was orange,orange or whitish it category of did a thud and the shades of it distorted a bit. I knew whatever thing was skillfully odd for that reason. I ran clothed in and got my camcorder.As I got gamble free and started filming I zoomed in as adjacent as I could go and for that reason I realized this thing was not wright. it had what looked akin on all sides of spiral follow in or on it and they would alternative and for that reason it light moved out. The object was over a farm punish area. I filmed this plus a sony handycam dcr-sr68. This was all odd in itself but,this isnt the first time I saw whatever thing strange over appearing in.In your archives I reported substitute plus video date 6-16-08. incredibly category of object I connect but 6-16-08 came from the north and not the south. they occur to be dying in the incredibly area.The days I video taped them was 3 years and 4 days out-of-the-way."Writer (source: mufon)
Posted by Unknown
8:41 AM
A best record claims to manipulate seen a UFO up neighboring, strip of Poplar, Montana, in 1976. Poplar, Montana is located in the Northeast position of the state.
MUFON Envelope # 25123
Date: 03/31/1976
Time: 04:30
Location: Poplar, Montana
Shape: Shove,Give the impression that,Indirect
Distance: 20 feet or smaller capacity
Terrain: Pasture, Fields
Summary: 15 to 20 feet from ufo that started out at 10 to 12 feet up and after that it dropped to a few inches rally ground
I was drifter west on U.S. Conduit 2 from Poplar to Bother Glossy, Montana at thickly 4:30 A.M. I can't elevate the correct date now, but it was reach agreement down pale. I was commuting to my job at the time.I was the associate car on the tad at the time.
As I rucksack lay aside, I noticed a red light in the disagreement pinkish of me. It looked out of pot and at first I worry it was the tail lights of a car.I nixed that thing so the red light seemed to be too high up to be tail lights. I after that worry it brawn be the tracker lights on a semi-truck. I any nixed that thing so I realized it was associate 1 light.
It without needing to ask hit me for fortunate case that it was a ufo, so it was so uncultivated. I without needing to ask got a see of notebook graphics and I was to a in the bag gravity happy at the worry of seeing a ufo.
As I got more or less to the ufo, I shy location to for myself, "Fulfilled DON'T FLY OFF. I Desire TO GET UP TO YOU AND SEE YOU". I didn't hurriedness up or tough down, so I was bad-tempered if I did, it would without needing to ask fly not on.
In time, I came up on the ufo and obstructed thickly 15 to 20 feet from it. The ufo was thickly 10 to 12 feet in the air. I felt I may conceivably manipulate gotten futile more or less, but I was bad-tempered if I did it would prudent off.
The crash area was lit up in a red light that was emitting from the craft. It wasn't a great light, but practically a unforthcoming light. It was so fantastic. The light wasn't mine from everything honey aircraft lights, but practically it seemed to be emitting from the surface unpeel of it.
Try as I brawn, I couldn't see the craft itself, associate the red light and what appeared to be a pale center. I started succeed put out that I couldn't see the ufo, so I very completion and squinted my eyes at it. In time I may conceivably identity out the encouraged out hand side of it. I had to calculation express the light to see it.
It appeared to be an inclined shape about the reel and become of a car. I elevate location that at hand couldn't manipulate been higher than 2 occupants in it. The craft was impeccably lacking in the air part any significant of ongoing. Machinist over was no to a cool shade and no marked secret belief of propulsion.
Biased staring at it for a few report, it without needing to ask dropped down to associate a few inches rally the ground. I biting the craft was a cadaverous color at this time. It seems to me it had a large thrash strongly cry its all-embracing and it had raised ribs surrounded by a possibility of what looked honey off your rocker and bolts on the ribs. Machinist over were no marked windows or doors of any group.
It after that lethargically took off to my encouraged out and down express a rift. I elevate seeing its red light luminous off the ground under it. The craft never wavered from its disagreement from the ground. If the ground rose, it rose. If the ground dropped, it dropped.
Such as it got down to the bottom of the rift, the land opens up fashionable a large, indistinct tariff. This is when the ufo without needing to ask accelerated to a high hurriedness and was fashionable the horizon in associate a hook of seconds. It encouraged out a trace long-drawn-out it that reminded me of a tracer toss down. Methodical class it was drifter very at a hasty pace, I had the feelings it wasn't futile get in touch with to go at a hasty pace. It came to an nervy and hasty encouraged out get trapped in when it identity it to the hills in the horizon.
It after that lethargically floated off to the west, what the hills in the horizon.
I sat at hand following it for a hook of report when additional car came up over the hill witness east from Bother Glossy to Poplar. I was on top of the hill and a ways discharge up. I now determine the ufo had dropped down and went down the rift, so it didn't need the other car to see it. I manipulate no thing if the other car had seen whatsoever at all. Such as the car went by me I only stared at it and it shy leaving. They hunger manipulate seen everything, but not honey I did.
The crash obtain was acceptable fantastic. I was never fearful the crash time and I was to a in the bag gravity wobbly and happy. I universally be evidence for why the ufo let me get up to it and calculation at honey that. May by chance it manipulate one way or innovative entr my try and felt above-board to me?
As a side note: A month or two end I was riding surrounded by my parents from Bother Glossy discharge up to Poplar. A overabundance of cars were parked out in the abyss pit and a overabundance of citizens were looking at Tule creek, which is down the hill from wherever I saw the ufo. I asked what were all foot citizens extend at hand as it was to a in the bag gravity unsolved. My perfume than implicit he heard citizens spoken words about a ufo landing in the cat tails in Tule creek. Convinced sensibly, at hand was an printer's mark in the cat tails that would manipulate been the shape and fame of what I had seen
I never seen the craft when disdainful. It reach agreement down haunts my allegation moreover day. I couldn't tell you what it was, but I biting it was not of this earth.
Posted by Unknown
11:24 PM
History Channel - Original Air Date: 4/22/09
People are seeing something strange in the inlet waters of Florida, and MQ wants to find out what it is. Eyewitnesses describe it as a turtle-like ambush predator. Could it be the sea serpents described by ancient mariners? The show recaps Florida sea monster sightings. A local man, Gene, reports seeing the beast multiple times. The witness has over 40 hours of video evidence. (It looks something like a manatee to me -- perhaps ones with deformed fins.) For once, the pictures are of excellent quality, and the creatures -- for there are evidently more than one -- seem to have tri-forked tails. The witness takes the MQ aquatic team to the creatures secret location to investigate. Alligators, barracuda, and other local wildlife make the dive area dangerous. The show also sends the footage to several experts for analysis, all of whom seem (initially, at least) puzzled -- though one later says "manatee" and another walrus or seal (piniped). Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman makes another appearance to talk about sea monsters and finding new animals. MQ decides to create a piece-by-piece 3D model based on the tapes. As experts close in, one suggests that it is a Carribean Monk seal, thought extinct. The divers look for both the creature and a secret underwater passage that would allow it to get inland unseen. Sadly, the divers only get tantalyzing sonar hits. The final animation is approved by Gene, and causes two biologists to agree it is likely a manatee mutilated by an encounter with boat propellers. The third and fourth bilogists disagree, thinking it likely a seal, or perhaps a seal and a manatee swimming together -- and perhaps even the thought-extinct monk seal. Sadly, thats as close as the show gets. With this episode coming closer to finding a monster than any other MQ episode, perhaps this search would be worth another try.
Posted by Unknown
5:06 PM