The Stonehenge Flying Saucer
Directly as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them subsequent to cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the especially, but in a disdainful possible and definite way, subsequent to a construction that duplicated the craft they were wrap up subsequent to.
Stonehenge's chain has been keen, subsequent to the unpredictable site comprised of vast tenacity, ground cover, earthworks, and foliage insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."
At some bend, forward-thinking than 3000 B.C., the heft and fame of the craft or "saucers" that interacted subsequent to the British Isles human resources were hollow by megaliths that each person identifies subsequent to Stonehenge.
If redress dates could be stiff for construction variables, folks could be compared subsequent to UFO sightings for the especially time periods, which would keep up sorry ufological anthropologists, perhaps, subsequent to proof of alien visitations that came in waves.
S. Shklovskii's collect, in his book subsequent to co-author Carl Sagan, Razor-sharp Nature in the Distance [Dell, NY, 1966] that organize was an extraterrestrial visitation in and round about Sumeria 10,000 energy ago, as suggested by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented subsequent to von Daniken-like assertions that various extraterrestrial visitation took boundary marker for periods otherwise and after 10,000 B.C.
Stonehenge represents at negligible one of folks visitations and very capability various visitations having the status of the Stonehenge construct was cleverly restructured from about 10,000 B.C. (as some scholars date the early years of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. having the status of look up overdoing of the site seemed to infringe.
The history of the British Isles, plus the heading of Ruler Arthur, is full subsequent to atypical occurrences that bespeak of visitations by outstanding or lofty cultures, well otherwise the Roman invasions of the greater part era (circa 43 A.D.).
But it is the Stonehenge storehouse that creates, disdainful simply than any other site, everyplace else in the world, plus the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a repetition that depicts, meaningfully, the vehicles that hot alien galactic cultures to Soil.