Psi Vs Spy Approaching Cold War Levels

Psi Vs Spy Approaching Cold War Levels


"China and Russia's foreign intelligence services are among the most aggressive in collecting against sensitive and protected US systems." -- Michael McConnell, Director of National Intelligence

Associated Press:

"China and Russia's foreign intelligence services are among the most aggressive in collecting against sensitive and protected U.S. systems, facilities and development projects, and their efforts are approaching Cold War levels," McConnell says in his testimony. "Foreign intelligence information concerning the plans, activities and intentions of foreign powers and their agents is critical to protect the nation and preserve our security."

American Chronicle:

If the American and British Intelligence Services are continuing to investigate and, perhaps, exploit psychics for the war on terror, another question comes to mind: Are foreign intelligence services, and in particular those cited by Joel Brenner, including Russia, China and Iran, using unconventional psychic collection techniques to enhance the "advanced surveillance and reconnoitering" that concerns counterintelligence chief Brenner and his staff? Regardless of the veracity of paraphysical phenomena for intelligence collection, a serious problem for counterintelligence operations is dealing with the mixture of real nuts and bolts programs, some under government sponsorship and with military implications, and the strange world of phenomenology.

STARstream Research:

Tom's motivation, it now appears certain, can be summed up in two words: national security. In a recent interview, a senior intelligence official who is familiar with spooks in cyberspace explained, "Tom is interested in the subject because, one, he is concerned that DIA officers parading as CIA officers -- a felony -- are leaking classified material to the UFO groups. He also knows that in years past the KGB used parapsychology and paranormal groups to get to military people with classified information. He is concerned that any enemy group could easily use these forums to search out national security secrets." Joel Brenner, the United States national counterintelligence chief recently said that the number of Russian agents operating in the country had reached "Cold War levels," according to the Russian News ">

In addition to Russo's source, another unrelated former government scientist told Caryn Anscomb, a contributing investigator for Starstream Research, of a "deep black" psychic spy program.

Investigator Caryn Anscomb asked Russo to rate the credibility of his human source for the latest NSA revelation. Russo replied, "His speculations are sometimes further than I would go... But his accuracy re: facts has never been in question."

Gus Russo's unnamed source reports strange new developments at the NSA program. According to Russo, "The source says the program encountered problems when when foreign targets were being blocked by an extraterrestrial source that has never been identified."

Posted by Unknown | at 6:03 PM