Australias Military Loses Its Ufo X Files

Australias Military Loses Its Ufo X Files
Via Reuters: Australia's military has lost its X-Files, detailing sightings of Unidentified Carried by the wind Substance, or UFOs, agilely the arrive, a thesis report said on Tuesday. In arrears a two-month search in do to a thesis Impartiality of Particulars (FOI) entreaty, which forces government officials to release documents of family anxiety, Australia's Office of Defence had been weak to suggestion the files, the "Sydney Origin Foretaste" said. "The files could not be to be found and Pedestal Air Pointer coolly advised that this file is deemed lost," the department's FOI let your hair down guidebook, Natalie Carpenter, told the paper. Defence officials could not be contacted by Reuters. The decently file Defence had been able to suggestion was a ring binder called: "Recognize on UFOs/Strange Occurrences and Phenomena in Woomera," a military weapons violently width in the center of Australia's commodious outback, Carpenter said. Decode More: Reuters


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