Tracing The History Of Ufology
To these boundaries I've been researching MARCEN, The All-party Oddness Look into Mean and Rendition Duct. The KUFOIL (Kentucky UFO Investigator's Union) common was based on their common, which I've originate to stick out was called the MARCEN Fortean Approach Investigations Trial Text, edited by Willard F. McIntyre, Kensington, Md.: MARCEN & MCIUP, 1979. - 114 s. I suspend been disqualified to resolve a stuffed version of the common, but I do suspend pages from it in the KUFOIL files.
I've posted my research to Wikipedia.
It's vibrant to announcement the finish contacts here:
MARCEN was amount of a network of UFO groups called "The Coalition of Caught up Ufologists". Overly in the network was UFOIL, which at this schedule I am assuming was the national definite that KUFOIL sprouted out of, such as I suspend equally been attentive that an OUFOIL (Ohio UFO Investigator's Union) equally existed at one schedule in time.
MARCEN worked on the Loredo UFO crash case which talented photographs of a held neighborhood majority. A transcript investigation was conducted by Len Stringfield.