The Associated Press is reporting that UFO investigator Grant Cameron is seeking unreleased files from the Clinton Library.Cameron runs the excellent Presidential UFO website.According to AP:In a move sure to provide fodder for conspiracy theorists, the Clinton Library withheld e-mails with subject lines like "X-Files" and "Area 51" from a batch of documents recently released at [Cameron's] a UFO buff's request.Several pages, however, were withheld because they would "constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy," according to National Archives documents.The records are being released in response to a slew of requests from UFO enthusiast Grant Cameron, who operates a Web site on presidential history with extraterrestrials. Cameron has several other requests pending, including one for "all files on the Kennedy assassination."Some of Cameron's Presidential UFO articles are complimentary to our "" investigations:There also was a story that Woolsey had been previously involved in a request by former President George Bush to be briefed on the UFO subject. The story is told by Dan Smith, a researcher and friend of the CIA's UFO expert Dr. Ronald Pandolfi. "Ron [Pandolfi] and I are driving back from Front Royal after my briefing a special forces Colonel, a devout Catholic, on UFOs, eschatons and messiahs, with Ron observing. So I ask Ron about briefing the next President. And he said that if George W. [Bush] wanted a briefing he could just ask his dad about it. Ok, and what would his dad tell him, Ron? Well, his dad could tell him that he had tasked Jim Woolsey to find out and get back to him. Oh, really! And what was the result, Ron? Well, Jim came back and told the President that he just didn't need to know." Later in front of Gus Russo at a dinner party where Pandolfi was in attendance, Smith tried to get Pandolfi to confirm the story for Russo that Woolsey had been called in by Bush, and that he had told the President he had no "need-to-know." Russo was prepared to take the story to the New York Times, but this time Pandolfi denied the story.History recently repeated itself: Gus Russo explored the strange connections claimed by Dan Smith in his article, "The Real X-Files: Is Uncle Same a Closet UFOlogist."Cameron also describes another incident involving Pandolfi and Smith:One group who began discussions about what lobbying efforts should be made included Ronald Pandolfi, the scientist who had acted as CIA liaison to the Clinton White. Pandolfi had been invited to a supper meeting with Dan Smith, Joseph Stefula, and Gus Russo, despite his reservations about briefing Presidents on the subject of UFOs. Pandolfi felt that "the various intelligence agencies are in no way bound to cater merely to official curiosity," and that if the CIA Director makes a determination that the President shouldn't know, then "indeed the President does not have a need to know. Period." The group met in mid- November 2000, just after the election, and during the time of uncertainty in the Florida voting recounts.The participants were invited by Joe Stefula, a New Jersey UFOlogists, who had previously met and corresponded with the CIA UFO expert Pandolfi. Gus Russo was a journalist/author/experiencer who has attended two previous meetings with Dr. Pandolfi. Dan Smith was also a friend of Pandolfi, who had been used by Pandolfi to leak UFO information into the research community.The plan for the briefing was to go through Nancy Bush Ellis, the sister of George Bush Sr., who was a neighbor of Dan Smith's sister. While attending Yale University a young George W. Bush had spent a lot of time with the nearby Ellis family.The plan to brief President-elect Bush failed. Dan Smith's sister would have nothing to do with the idea, and Pandolfi refused to cooperate, because according to Dan Smith, he did not want to "rock the boat." Despite this setback, this author was told in November 2001, that Dan Smith still planned to brief President Bush.
Posted by Unknown
11:35 PM