"Confessions in Search of the Sorcerer's Apprentice" - Who, or what, is the DARK TRACKER? (STARstream Research) - I thought I'd share a "Jedi Journalism" espionage TIP with our readers from one of our previous STARstream Research investigations.A TIP, or TRANSIENT INTERPERSONAL PHENOMENON, refers to the anomalous sharing of information by two or more persons, popularly called group-mind, telepathy or remote viewing. In general, a TIP may be any of a number of information sharing sources and methods outside the standard framework of person-to-person communication.Back in 2009, I was reviewing handwritten notes attached to emails from 2006 for the next installment of the "Knowing the Future" series. Some of the notes had originated with a TIP.During the file review I discovered that on April 30, 2006, I had emailed our investigative contributing writer Caryn Anscomb a personal TIP - Caryn and a friend viewed during a quasi-dream-state, standing near a vast graveyard.I sent Caryn a picture of Arlington Cemetery to illustrate the vision.Later, Caryn related her reaction to my TIP."I remember that! - I was taken aback. [My friend] and I had indeed spent a couple of hours walking through Arlington Cemetery."Another note in the files concerned DARK TRACKER.What, exactly, I wondered, was DARK TRACKER? Was this a person, working behind the scenes? Was it a reference to a clandestine Internet monitoring scheme? Was this a reference to the alleged use by CIA's Ron Pandolfi of a network trace on persons interested in UFO technologies? And what about the AQUARIUM, allegedly a group of like-minded individuals both in and out of the intelligence community who had met shortly before and after 9/11?Recent revelations by former senior NSA official Thomas Andrews Drake and his British associate, precognitive psychic spy Christopher Robinson of psychic intelligence shared at the highest levels of the U.S. government reinforced the mystery.I reviewed files from June 2006 - about the same time that presidential great-granddaughter Laura Eisenhower alleged she was recruited by Richard Dell Jr. into a deep black paranormal intelligence program."Mother synchronicity appears to be on schedule, as usual. In the face of this I am left wondering about recent offers of new, deep background sources. I understand that the rules of the game have changed in this modern world of Internet and phone monitoring, and that Richard might have some input on how to deal with that aspect of this investigation. One must be careful with deep cover sources as to not allow them to spin the direction of an investigation, thus typically one seeks to confirm from other independent multiple sources. On the other hand, some of the players in this 'spooky' game may not be prepared to deal with alternative 'sources' such as Richard's patrons. I am open to redirection, as I agree with Richard that the birds [members of the UFO group called the AVIARY] are not going to be of much assistance."And then, almost as an afterthought:"By the way, in my notes - DARK TRACKER next to Kit's name. Any idea?"Sources and methods were in play, and the clock was ticking. I was reminded by my associate that a deadline was looming."Remember boys, I have a timeline - that runs out November. If I don't go the right course I'll be heading back to the deep blue sea, taking the message with me. The clock is ticking and still no Rainbow Path in sight."My associate's direction to that point had, apparently, been partly orchestrated by CATFISH and SUNFISH, a couple of slippery characters from the AQUARIUM that you know better as CIA official Ron Pandolfi and his civilian proxy Dan Throop Smith. Our instructions had been forwarded, for the most part, by the CAT via the SUN, but it was a TIGER that seemed to attract the most attention."While that cat's away... my DEEP THOUGHT source... sounds like ground rules are going to be imposed shortly. More later, as I deem appropriate. I have to contemplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything."We were breaking ranks with our handlers and prepared to play both sides in a gambit to divide and conquer.My associate replied:"Our merry band is coming to a crunch situation. Although I don't advocate disclosing confidentialities, as a rule, there are times when the bull has to be taken by the horns and given a neck twist... It seems to me that we are little more than unpaid agents."Yet, we felt we were closer to the alleged insiders than ever before."I need to know everything that you know... you are in the best position to move things along. That is my present opinion, based upon sketchy available information; mostly inferred from a few communications recently sent my way. I cannot violate deep background without losing a potential high value asset. Another possibility is interception of the messages regarding reciprocity. That may be a coincidence? What happens next may hinge on your confirmation of 'deep background' as an additional source. Should you choose to write about this then there is Dan and yourself, the minimum number of sources traditionally required to confirm."I had been contacted by a new source I called DEEP THOUGHT, with a tantalizing offer of new information, but only on "deep background" with absolutely no attribution. And I had confirmed DEEP THOUGHT's identity and relationship to the U.S. Intelligence Community in official government records.READ MORE... STORY CONTINUES AT STARpod.USCopyright (c) 2012 STARstream Research / STARpod.org / PsycheLeaks.org / STARpod.us -- All rights reserved.
It's been an interesting year over at STARpod.us, the new STARstream Research website. Migrating the older Microsoft-based website to a new Wordpress content management based site has been time consuming but the new site promises to be a more efficient way for us to provide you with the latest news from the strange world of weird science, psychic intelligence and perhaps, extraterrestrial alien contact. Check it out here.
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2:36 AM