Researchers Vs Reporters

Researchers Vs Reporters
Kevin Randle has an excellent pr'ecis at his blog about what UFO researchers should be doing and why.

Click HERE to access his blog

Mr. Randle, it seems, is trying to ameliorate and/or correct, with his new Roswell Dream Team, some of the slovenly research attempts of the past by UFO investigators.

We applaud his effort(s).

But we are not researchers, and have never professed to be. The RRRGroup is a small contingent of fellows in media, which you can find online at our MediaWatch Facebook page, Twitter, and in Google searches.

Our goal is to act as reporters, not researchers.

We try to find stories that impact our readers in various venues; one of them is here, our UFO venue.

We, and I use the editorial we, as I edit all copy and present it online for consistency, as Montaigne suggested in his essays, even though some of it, even most of it, comes from others.

(I do slight - slight! -- editing of Tony Bragalia's pieces, and have "carte blanche" to edit Jose Caravaca's copy - to alleviate his trouble with some English idioms, but I never edit Nick Redfern's copy - he would kill me.)

Other material that is suggested and proffered by the RRRGroup guys gets the Reynolds treatment, and that's that.

And that treatment is reportorial.

(I have been a reporter for more years than some of you have lived.)

I try to bring the who, what, when, why, and how to readers here.

I vet superficially, checking for provenance, names, dates, locales and the like. I don't do a forensic search, as a researcher will or must do.

That's what Mr. Randle is hoping to do in his current incarnation as a UFO researcher.

I, on the other hand, wish to bring readers here, what I know now, which is what I have done for years as a newspaper guy and sometimes TV correspondent.

I want to present what I know now, not what I will know a while from now.

The basics will be accurate I hope, but the details will not be forensic perhaps.

This goes to the heart of the alleged new Roswell discovery.

I know the basics. Mr. Randle and his Team are working on the details, to nail down what really is and what isn't.

That is a splendid goal and I have been somewhat disruptive, but I'm acting as a reporter, getting the news out there as it is happening.

I don't have the patience of acumen of a researcher.

I want to know what's happening in the present, and I want you to know also.

Mr. Randle wants to cross his T's and dot his I's. That is good, for him and for the folly known as ufology.

I have quelled my reporter's instinct in the Roswell matter, however, mostly to assuage the ongoing effort of the Roswell Dream Team. I want them to succeed in whatever endeavor is afoot.

So, understand that my goal, our goal as the RRRGroup, is journalistic, not scientific investigation.

I'll give you the overlay, others will have to provide the underbelly.



Posted by Unknown | at 11:06 AM