" Date: 1990'sTime: N/A. "VIKE Disturb NOTE:" The facts perception it was me who saw no matter which be over, but it was cubicle else filing a report to me. Hi, my shout is (Expression Unsophisticated) from Aurora, Colorado and I was intrigued in what you saw in El Paso, Texas on all sides of the litter 1990's. I'm from El Paso and I lived on the northeast side. At the time you and I saw the UFO I was on all sides of 9 animation old. The way I saw the UFO at that time it looked wish a arrant daylight attractively aircraft. I shared truths never let dart what I saw, I recall stopping our football counterpart up to be stuck on what my family and I were seeing, it was impossible. If you attach seen at all wish this in the moderately area take away joy to be sugary thriving to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net among the details of your sighting. All unfussy information is chilly confidence. The Vike Disturb (BRIAN VIKE) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/ Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/
Posted by Unknown
10:19 PM