It was sin for an unidentified flying object so it was trucked corner to corner muscle on its way to Patuxent Issue Nautical Air Status, and ended its way something like the world in a viral Internet video. Now the first X-47B aircraft is being weathered at Patuxent Issue and may be seen in packed skies. The St. Mary's District commissioners and officials from Patuxent Issue met Tuesday and got an update on the testing for the unmanned swordfight plane. "At the same time as you see this flying something like, it's not a UFO," held Courier Todd Morgan (R). The aircraft is being weathered at the catapult knock at one of Pax River's runways. It flies something like the brink of the base and out over the Chesapeake Bay, held Capt. Jaime Engdahl, project superintendent. So the general rule see it from the Gov. Thomas Johnson Remembrance Bridge over the Patuxent Issue, or from Picture Look after Assert Position. The aircraft has no tail, no cockpit, no engine falter and no afterburner, Engdahl held. Different other jets weathered at Patuxent Issue, the X-47B makes very undersized signal. "So we're not expecting any signal complaints," he held. The Subdivision of Defense nowadays relies on F-18s as its swordfight fighter. It impulse in the end be replaced by the F-35 Intensive Avow Soldier, which is prior to being weathered. The X-47B impulse in the end move the F-35, held Capt. Ted Mills, athletic bureaucrat of Patuxent Issue Nautical Air Status. "Quite or later, [F-35 is] goodbye to time out," Mills held. "The neighboring one is this." Together with no pilot central, "this is a marvelous showing weigh down," he held. "This thing has to go fight in dogfights." Engdahl held 106 work popular at Pax Issue once the first aircraft. Atypical X-47B is on its way. The goal is to land the X-47B in parallel on an aircraft holder by 2013, Engdahl held. By 2014, it want be able to get refueled in midair in parallel. Lockheed Martin won a 636 million contract for the project in 2007. via
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12:13 PM