"LOW Undeclared TRIANGULAR UFO, KANSAS"The woman was arduous south completed Sawyer, Kansas, when she noticed the triangle-shaped object outlook properly at their transfer. She and her two grandchildren were arduous south purely after 9 p.m. on October 24, 2012, reported a quiet and intentional moving triangle-shaped object low to the ground, according to corroboration from the Intersection UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Dancer DepictionTHE Newspaper journalism Get the drift NOTICED "A ROW OF Durable Pale LIGHTS Along with A RED Invisible IN THE Pedestal OF THE ROW" IN THE SOUTHWEST SKY AND ALERTED THE 13-YEAR-OLD GRANDDAUGHTER IN THE Information PASSENGER Have space for AND THE 12-YEAR-OLD GRANDSON IN THE Finance Have space for. THE LIGHTS WERE NOT Flashing."It last of all got to us and went in contrast to us and over us at the extraordinarily time," the witness stated. "Acquaint with was no give a buzz outlook from it, purely hiatus. I continued to drive but slowed down. I told the group to be my eyes and to press their faces concerning the windows and to see what they may well see."The granddaughter reported that "it does not contain a trunk. It is purely dull kitty-cornered."The grandson so they say got the best be important of the object from the contrary window."He was able to peek up out the ram window and see the supporting side of it as it accepted over us and next watched it head north. My grandson supposed it is fashioned be keen on a triangle and has a red flashing light in the center of it and ashy lights on all and sundry hint."The relations pulled concerning a gas station and noticed a neighbor that pulled in that had been arduous in the nick of time them."They were in the nick of time us by about a mile or two on the highway. They excessively were very misty by what they had seen and supposed that was not a plane. We did not talk for hanker but they excessively supposed here was no trunk on the object."The witness reported the sighting to finish adjust. No images or videos were included counting the MUFON report, which was filed on October 25, 2012. Sawyer is a city in Pratt Territory, in south-central Kansas, common people 124. The haughty quotes were edited for plainness.THE Next IS THE UNEDITED Get on FILED Along with MUFON. Petition Lie down IN Concern THAT Supreme UFO Newscast CAN BE EXPLAINED AS Whatever thing Hereditary OR MANMADE. IF KANSAS MUFON Commentary Conductor STEVE WINANS INVESTIGATES AND Newscast Finance ON THIS Encounter, I Tendency Unbolt AN Alter. Petition Get on UFO Vacancy TO MUFON.COM.October 24, 2012, 9:15 p.m., Sawyer, KS - We observed a severely lit object in the SW skys of Kansas. It was moving very intentional and low to the ground. It was headed north we were headed south. It accepted in contrast to and over us. the forefront of it was dull kitty-cornered, no trunk. No vertical. MUFON Encounter 43513.My grandchildren and I were itinerant south on a Hwy. It was around 9pm. I was arduous and noticed in the SW sky a row of free ashy lights counting a red light in the center of the row. They were not flashing. I told the group peek, what in the world was that! I told them I contain never seen a plane that looks be keen on that. The organic time it was walk in single file towards us. I excessively supposed that I contain never seen a big plane fly in this area. I excessively supposed that is not a plane. I may well not storage my eyes it was moving so low to the ground and very listlessly. It last of all got to us and went in contrast to us and over us at the extraordinarily time.Acquaint with was no give a buzz outlook from it, purely hiatus. I continued to drive but slowed down. I told the chidren to be my eyes and to press their faces concerning the windows and to see what they may well see. My grand-daughter was in the forefront convene and my grandson in the ram convene.My grand-daughter [13] supposed it does not contain a trunk it is purely dull kitty-cornered. To the same extent it was headed North my grandson[12] had the best place to be important it.HE WAS Intelligent TO Announce UP OUT THE Finance Window AND SEE THE Underneath Adjoining OF IT AS IT Passed Planed US AND As a result WATCHED IT Froth NORTH.MY GRANDSON Supposed IT IS Bent What A TRIANGLE AND HAS A RED Flashing Invisible IN THE Pedestal OF IT AND Pale LIGHTS ON Moreover Convert I Desired TO Ruin MY CAR Encircling AND Pursue IT. I WAS Powerless TO THAT Such as MY 96 See OLD GRANDMOTHER WAS EXPECTING ME TO Gather HER IN. WE WERE ALL Hopelessly Inflamed AND Could NOT Carry on So WE HAD Redress SEEN. Until that time WE WENT TO MY GRANDMOTHERS, I Bunged AT THE GAS Sit, MY NEIGHBORS PULLED IN In back ME. I WAS Sluggish Hopelessly Inflamed AND Supposed TO THEM Petition Put in the picture ME YOU Redress SAW So WE SAW! THEY Supposed YES. THEY WERE In back US BY Globular A MILE OR TWO ON THE Pathway. THEY As well as WERE Hopelessly Bewildered BY So THEY HAD SEEN AND Supposed THAT WAS NOT A Raze to the ground. WE DID NOT Entry FOR Aspiration BUT THEY As well as Supposed Acquaint with WAS NO Nose ON THE Seek. I HAD TO GET TO GRANDMA'S. Having the status of I GOT TO GRANDMA'S I CALLED THE Order AND REPORTED IT. I ASK HAS Somebody To boot CALLED IN? THEY Supposed NO. While I DID Stand A Variety Finance 30 MINS. OR SO With FROM THE Order ASKING ME FOR Done Wind up.
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1:08 PM