An Artist Shares His Personal Stories
Marc Brinkerhoff is a self taught artist who has been obsessed with drawing and painting since he was a toddler. As well, Marc claims that he has been seeing UFOs and has been been in contact with extraterrestrials and higher dimensional beings as far back as he can remember. He says that he is a messenger from a benevolent group of extraterrestrials that exist on much finer frequencies than ours and are interested in our spiritual as well as physical evolution. They want all of us to realize that the frequency of our planet is changing and so must we.
Marc also says that since 1976, he has been able to "call in" UFOs to be photographed. His early photography and encounters were thoroughly investigated by the SBI, Scientific Bureau of Investigation headed by Pete Mazzola.
Marc is the author of the book "Marc Brinkerhoff ~ Animal & Fantasy Art" and can be seen in the award winning film by James Carman, "The Hidden Hand". Much of his early inspiration came from studying Michelangelo, Buonarroti, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci along with horse and animal artists like George Stubbs, Edwin Landseer, Sam Savitt, Ralph Thompson, Wesley Dennis, Rein Poortvielt and C. W. Anderson. I am inspired by the contemporary greats such as Greg Beecham, Guy Coheleach and Robert Bateman.
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