Classification Of Close Encounters With Ufos And Aliens

Classification Of Close Encounters With Ufos And Aliens
A complete encounter is an point somewhere a faction witnesses the manifestation of an Unspecified On high Be reluctant (UFO ) and conceivably its occupants held. This language and cataloguing system that underlies it were designed by the astronomer and ufologist JOSEF ALLEN HYNEK (1910-1986), and first appeared in a book on paper by him in 1972 (The UFO experience: A precise inquiry).The resulting are the types of encounters, as well as nation that were particularly due to casuistry after the particular classification:MEETING THE 1ST Humanitarian

is the compute unmodified to a UFO sighting arrived 200 meters.

Encounter 2ND Humanitarian

is 2nd UFO type if the land-marking or scarring your outsider.

3RD Game OF THE Humanitarian

Is being you see the UFO before an alien person.

4TH Game Humanitarian

is called so being the faction is kidnapped or abducted voguish the UFO.

5TH Game Humanitarian

A congregate of the 5th type means that a log before an alien person show the way or expansively scenery (telepathy, radio signals, etc..)

6TH Game TYPEInvolves cases in which the outsider is injured or dies when of UFO encounter.

A complete encounter is an point somewhere a faction witnesses the manifestation of an unidentified flying object (UFO) and conceivably its occupants held. This language and cataloguing system that underlies it were designed by the astronomer and ufologist Josef Allen Hynek (1910-1986), and first appeared in a book on paper by him in 1972 (The UFO experience: A precise inquiry).

The resulting are the types of encounters, as well as nation due to casuistry particularly after the particular classification:

1st Encounter rate was so called the Sighting OF A UFO arrived 200 meters. 2nd Encounter 2nd type is type IF THE UFO Grass Hunt down or scars on the ground to his outsider. Game of the 3rd grasp is being YOU SEE THE UFO As well as AN Alien Peculiar. 4th Game of type is called so being THE Quality IS KIDNAPPED OR ABDUCTED voguish the UFO. 5th Game of the 5th congregate of type A type means thatESTABLISHES A Phone call show the way or expansively before an alien person (telepathy, radio signals, etc.). 6th Game of type involves cases in which THE Passerby IS Upset OR DIES DUE TO Make sure UFO.


Posted by Unknown | at 8:37 PM