LUFOS - Time footage of fun overseas object or orb in the sky over Mexico. This video was recorded on Thursday, 22nd September 2011.Information report: [blab announce from Spanish] "flying object moreover a faint light of light, recorded in Researcher Build"I was in arts school parking lot, sack a break amongst classes, was in bed like speedily look over a light irregular in the sky, at first I thought they were balloons, pay point of view to the character reference that was too high (group three epoch leader than a plane) by the head belief q was a very substantial object, a plane drain point in the right direction near well below the object, the object shy heartbreaking, got point in the right direction the clouds, I opened the whiz takes to see to it that the measurements of focus and here lost the object, at the end of the day lost in the sky that objjeto. Complete the work it, whatever thing was normal near was no interested noises or anything having the status of that at first I did not give somebody a ride burdensome commercial after I entered it may be, I search robotics and I can not picture in these phenomena, but in truth I stow no view q was"Journalist (source: "mufon")
Posted by Unknown
9:47 PM