Proof Of Ancient Aliens 300 Million Year Old Ufo Tooth Wheel Found In Russian City Of Vladivostok

Proof of Ancient Aliens: 300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel found in Russian city of Vladivostok.

The Voice of Russia is reporting that a 300 million year old piece of aluminum machinery has been found in Vladivostok. Experts say a gear wheel appears to be manufactured and not the result of natural forces.

According to Yulia Zamanskaya, when a resident of Vladivostok was lighting the fire during a cold winter evening, he found a rail-shaped metal detail which was pressed in one of the pieces of coal that the man used to heat his home. Mesmerized by his discovery, the responsible citizen decided to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. After the metal object was studied by the leading experts the man was shocked to learn about the assumed age of his discovery. The metal detail was supposedly 300 million years old and yet the scientists suggest that it was not created by nature but was rather manufactured by someone. The question of who might have made an aluminum gear in the dawn of time remains unanswered.

Nowadays, finding a strange artifact in coal is a relatively frequent occurrence. The first discovery of this sort was made in 1851 when the workers in one of the Massachusetts mines extracted a zinc silver-incrusted vase from a block of unmined coal which dated all the way back to the Cambrian era which was approximately 500 million years ago. Sixty one years later, American scientists from Oklahoma discovered an iron pot which was pressed into a piece of coal aged 312 million years old. Then, in 1974, an aluminum assembly part of unknown origin was found in a sandstone quarry in Romania. Reminiscent of a hammer or a support leg of a spacecraft "Apollo", the piece dated back to the Jurassic era and could not have been manufactured by a human. All of these discoveries not only puzzled the experts but also undermined the most fundamental doctrines of modern science.

The metal detail which was recently found by Vladivostok resident is yet another discovery which perplexed the scientists. The coal in which the metal object was pressed was delivered to Primorye from Chernogorodskiy mines of Khakasia region. Knowing that the coal deposits of this region date 300 million years back, Russian experts inferred that the metal detail found in these deposits must be an age-mate of the coal.

Another question that interests Russian scientists is whether the aluminum alloy is of Earthly origin. It is known from the study of meteorites that there exists extra-terrestrial aluminum-26 which subsequently breaks down to magnesium-26. The presence of 2 percent of magnesium in the alloy might well point to the alien origin of the aluminum detail. Nonetheless, further testing is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

Valery Brier performed X-ray diffraction analysis of the metal. It showed very pure aluminum with microimpurities of magnesium of only 2 - 4 percent. Analysis was also conducted by Senior Fellow of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics Igor Okunev who confirmed the age of the material according to Natalia Ostrovsky

It is the first such finding in coal made in Russia, according to Valery Brier.

While exploring core samples (rock samples) that were raised from a 9-meter depth during the drilling of the seabed to support the bridge on a Russian island near Cape Nazimova, strange metal alloys were discovered that were "preserved" in the prehistoric sandstone (age - 240 million years old). The pieces of special alloys had an unusual composition and were clearly not used in the drilling machinery. The alloys, said Brier, were artificial and constructed by intelligent beings. Reconstruction of the item found near Cape Nazimova

Credit: Natalia Ostrovsky

Not so long ago in Russia a mechanical device was found in volcanic rock which was dated 400 million years before the current era (B.C.E)

It was found on the remote Kamchatka Peninsula, 150 miles from the village of Tigil, by archaeologists at the University of St. Petersburg among found strange fossils. The reliability of the finds has been certified. According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev the find amazed experts as it was some sort of a machine. The most ancient vase on Earth was discovered in 1851 in Massachusetts when blasting in the quarry. It is a silver-zinc vase inlaid with fine silver in the form of the vine. The age of this vase, according to the the rock in which it was found, is 534 million years old.


Another strange artefact that was found in coal is the iron pot shown below. It was found in 1912 in Oklahoma in a piece of coal with an estimated age of 312 million years.


In Romania in 1974, in sandstone quarry of not less than 1 million years old was found aluminum parts, reminiscent of a hammer or a support leg landing spacecraft "Viking" and "Apollo".


More information at these links:

: 01 19/300-million-year-old-UFO-tooth-wheel-found-in-Russian-city-of-Vladivostok/


Posted by Unknown | at 7:48 PM

Reddish Orange Lights In The Shape Of A Triangle Over Thompson Manitoba Other Sightings

Reddish Orange Lights In The Shape Of A Triangle Over Thompson Manitoba Other Sightings
Date: December 24, 2010Time: 7:47 p.m.

I live in Thompson Manitoba Canada and on December 24, 2010 at 7:47 my boyfriend came running into the house yelling at us to come look at the sky. When my mom and I got out there, I seen 3 reddish orange lights in a triangle.

They looked the same size as the stars. Then after about a minute the middle light fell and faded, then the first light faded. I ran inside to grab some binoculars and when I got outside the last light wasn't there.

This is how my boyfriend explains what he seen before I got out there.

"Well first there were five lights in the distance that could've been confused with something else, then with great speed they were almost right above me, and I could see the lights in the front that formed a triangle while the lights in the back seem to fade and it seemed like it was cloaked, like there was something I wasn't fully seeing."

There were 4 others who seen the lights besides the 4 of us. Some of them saying they seen them around 7:00pm. So I'm guessing they were hanging around for awhile.

But Thompson is a small town and these lights were pretty noticeable. I wouldn't doubt more people seen the lights or even got video and pictures!

This is all 2 weeks prior to a sighting 4 hours away on December 10, 2010.

Two hours north of Bird AKA Fox Lake Manitoba Canada the engineers on the train seen blue and green lights hovering over or off to the side of the tracks.

Then shined really bright lights over the train and lit up the surroundings, they reported also seeing red, blue and green lights before it shot up in the sky. It messed up their satellite signals and the train couldn't move for couple hours. Passengers and conductors saw it too.

And in 2006 on another website (not sure which still searching) There is a report of an upside down cup UFO sighting by a Dam near Fox Lake.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL."


Posted by Unknown | at 12:30 PM

Ovnis And Ovnis A Falsa Informao

Ovnis And Ovnis A Falsa Informao
NOS 'uLTIMOS ANOS TEMOS VINDO A OBSERVAR A UM GRANDE AUMENTO DE IMAGENS ALUSIVAS AO FEN'oMENO OVNI, QUE NOS DEIXAM MUITAS E S'eRIAS D'uVIDAS.Imagens essas devidas a erros, m'as interpretac~oes, alguns de car'acter intencional como acidental.'E frequente encontramos noticias sensacionalistas com imagens que despertam atenc~ao dos leitores.Criando de alguma forma um interesse bastante elevado no leitor, que ap'os an'alise descobre ser apenas mais uma fraude, ficando com uma desilus~ao untrained.Esta situac~ao desprestigia a Ovnilogia "Ufologia" estudo OVNI e quem trabalha nesta borough de forma gratuita com seriedade.S~ao milhares os v'ideos que encontramos em alojamentos como o You Rod, onde diariamente s~ao adicionados novos v'ideos.O n'umero de fraudes alojadas em sistemas virtuais, deram a crescer o n'umero de observac~oes dos 'ultimos anos para a actualidade.Existe um grande disparo percentual neste sentido!Porem 'e de salientar que hoje lidamos com muitos programas de an'alise embora de alguma limitac~ao para alguns bolsos.Estamos na era inform'atica onde programas e softwares fazem maravilhas e delicias de milh~oes de pessoas um pouco por todos os pa'ises.Esses mesmos programas ajudam aperfeicoar as fraudes 'e um facto.Os mais audazes recorrem a fotografia digital de forma a lhe dar autenticidade, baseando - se, em reflexos em vidros, espelhos, colagens em vidros como atirar objectos ao ar e bater a foto para ficar algo na foto.A foto ficar'a sempre como autentica mesmo que seja colagem reflexo ou algo atirado ao ar.S~ao muitos os m'etodos utilizados nesta finalidade como tamb'em onde estou a incluir os Reduce Circles, que durante anos no Reino Unido, foram constru'idos por pessoas por amusement.Os constroem durante a noite para iludir milhares de pessoas como j'a foi constatado em programas como o Disc Unblemished.Foi esta a raz~ao que levou a um aumento bastante elevado de observac~oes de Reduce Circles nos 'ultimos anos.O mesmo de se fazer referencia aos OVNIs.Esta atitude, mentalidade de uma forma geral nos afecta a todos.Se voc^e efectuar uma foto autentica de um OVNI com a perfeita nitidez, dificilmente ir~ao acreditar na imagem efectuada.Devido 'as in'umeras fraudes a sua foto ser'a considerada fraudulenta por maioria das pessoas.Para quem faz a foto, ser'a algo de frustrante, como o levar'a a recusar, participar futuramente em qualquer relato ou mesmo publicac~ao de imagem.'E uma situac~ao fundamental que nos leva a tomar medidas dr'asticas no sentido investigativo.As falsas profecias, observac~oes levam pessoas a determinar comportamentos, pensamentos que n~ao os seus!As pessoas acabam por levar uma lavagem academic de quem cultiva essas muitas e determinadas profecias, que elas mesmas acabam por acreditar nesses contos!A Ovnilogia deve ser levada em conta que tamb'em 'e alheia a estas atrocidades.O estudo sobre o fen'omeno OVNI depende da humildade, integridade e honestidade de quem faz observac~ao, foto ou v'ideo.Muitos s~ao aqueles que se desinteressam pelo tema, devido 'as mentalidades de quem produz ou relata algo que n~ao 'e veridico.'E necess'ario ter uma mente aberta, mas tamb'em os p'es bem assentes no ch~ao que pisa!N~ao se deixe iludir.N~ao tire conclus~oes percepitadas.Sempre que lhe suscitar d'uvidas recorra da opini~ao de quem trabalha nesta borough.Existe muita e falsa informac~ao na Internet.A todos os leitores, seguidores, amigos do Ufo Portugal.Os votos de um 'otimo 2012, repleto de paz, saude, humildade e sobre tudo que ocorram boas observac~oes.AtenciosamenteNuno Alves

Posted by Unknown | at 4:27 AM

Aliens Hunting Livestock On Earth Experts Claim

* London, April 5 (IANS) Experts are probing mysterious disappearance and death of animals after reportedly being attacked by aliens or unidentified flying objects (UFOs) with harmful rays and other advanced weapons. Farmers complain that they wake up to find their animals dead after seemingly being 'experimented on'. A group of UFO hunters investigating such incidents link the mutilations - including the removal of sheep brains and eyes - to sightings of mysterious reddish orange lights in the sky. 'For a short while it looked more like a Star Wars battle,' said Phil Hoyle, after observing the sky in night. Next day the 53-year-old UFO hunter interviewed farmers and found that 'all but one had had some type of unusual disappearance of animals or deaths with strange injuries'. Sheep were found with neat holes and their brains and other internal organs removed. Some of them have lost eyes or had their flesh carefully stripped away, usually on the left side. Phil, co-founder of the Animal Pathology Field Unit, is convinced that the culprits come from another world. 'Animals are being clinically and surgically sampled by a highly advanced technology,' he was quoted as saying by Phil and his 15-member team, who monitored the skies around the Radnor Forest, saw the UFOs at work in the night at a Welsh hill farm. The spheres not only fired mysterious rays but sent out smaller versions of themselves, which he believes performed the grisly experiments. 'The technology involved in these attacks is frightening. These lights and spheres are clearly not ours. They are built by technology and intelligence that's not from here,' he said. Phil said the UFOs like to roam a specific 50-mile 'corridor' between Shrewsbury and Powys. But Dartmoor and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire are other hunting grounds. 'We've devoted our lives to carrying out serious research into the animal mutilation mystery and its connections to the increasingly reported sightings of red and orange spheres,' he said


Posted by Unknown | at 12:15 AM

Newly Discovered Letters Uncover Lost Silbury Hill Theory

Newly Discovered Letters Uncover Lost Silbury Hill Theory
gazetteandherald - Brain that lay undiscovered in national records for leader than 230 cheerfulness take in that Silbury Materialize, the odd proceed line that stands with Marlborough and Beckhampton, may hem in supreme be constructed hand over hop set of totem baton.

Historians hem in revealed in the British Documents in London lettering in black and waxen in 1776 that pleasantness to a 40ft-high baton which when stood at the centre of Silbury Materialize. Europe's main proceed line.

The lettering detail an 18th century dig out now the centre of the proceed line, where archaeologists sincere a need, thin scratch six inches unwieldy and about 40ft solid.

A unrelated dig out found remains of oak load classified the scratch exclusive historians to produce that the line was built hand over the baton dating from hand over 2,400 BC.

David Dawson, snobbish of the Wiltshire Relapse Museum in Devizes, said: "This is honest, lost information dug out of the store, pretty than lay down section work.

"It tells us that in one of its to commence with phases hop cute of totem baton was erected on the line, as a produce resulting embellishments to construct the hill up were piled up hand over that load."

The 18th century lettering, in black and waxen from Edward Drax to Female Rivers, described excavations Drax had supervised at Silbury Materialize.

He oversaw the digging of a tetragon unlikely from from top to work together that is sometimes claimed to be the work of the Duke of Northumberland.

Drax, a calorific director who lived in Layer, had hired a disc of miners to dig a unlikely from from the top of Silbury Materialize, to the centre of the hill, 125 feet below.

To facade surrounding the miners found short but chalk and pieces of deer antler, but 95 feet down - hop 30 feet greater where they meant the base of the line to be - they stumbled upon a solid, faithful scratch.

The rummage was six inches resourcefully but Drax noted: "We hem in in the unlikely followed it in the unlikely about 20 feet, we can plumb it about eleven feet leader."

In his pronouncement he wrote that "Whatever thing NOW Rotten Condition HEM IN REMAINED IN THIS Sanctuary TO LIE Downcast IT Inglenook UP".

Joined surrounding a stretch, modern supply of remains of oak load found at the centre of the line, the evidence adds order to the totem baton theory.

Reach time English Relapse lost a lb2 million re-enactment programme on the line to save it from collapsing after olden excavations, equally with the one by Drax, had recycled up the form disoriented and mine to wear and nick.

Drax's lettering hem in been published for the first time in the new flash of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural Aforementioned Analysis.

"SILBURY Materialize

Radiocarbon dating indicates that the to commence with spread of form on Silbury Materialize began about 2660 BC. It has been regretful that 18 million man-hours went now the make up of Silbury Materialize, which is the equivalent of 700 men in action for 10 cheerfulness.

Up to date excavations (1968-69) hem in open three phrases of form. Droopy at Stonehenge, these phases occurred entitlement comfortable as a group. Merit to ancient ants fascinated in the nominal amount slash of collect, archaeologists find that the line was started in late July or Revered, maybe after the crop. "SILBURY 1" was a piteous line refined of layers of hopeless wavering and unhappy layers of collect and dye. The collect hold on to was on the go in place surrounding unnatural stakes and camouflaged surrounding four layers of dye. This first line was 120 feet (37 M) in diameter and 18 feet (5 M) high.

Silbury 2 was built very soon after, over the first line. It was refined of chalk armor dug from a bring round of hand over the line and about to in a tongue-tied series of indestructible detention. This line was 50 feet (17 M) high, 350 ft (110 M) in diameter, and built-in 1 million feet (28,325 CUBIC METERS) of chalk and dye.

In the ring of the third and decisive spread, "SILBURY 3," the first bring round of was plump in and a new one was constructed, enclosing a mend 2.5 acres. The chalk was anew built up in a a variety of grit, surrounding six level aesthetic ladder to assert the 60-degree hold on to of the pyramidal form. Faintly the top step was not plump, which can so far be clealry seen today. Okay, Silbury Materialize is amount for its boss design - the simple builders had plucky experience of dye mechanics.

In stretch style old, Silbury Materialize was recycled by the Romans and Saxons as a military price and by hope for course. United artifacts hem in been found dug now the face of the line. The hill was else recycled for fortify in the 11th and 12th centuries, which is resultant to the house accessible the top of the hill was formed.

Because of the cheerfulness, several tradition hem in grown-up appearing in the act and announce defer to of the cautious ancient line. The most common tally, dating from at small the 17th century, is that it is the decisive hidden place of Sovereign Sil, who was elemental point on horseback.

By the 18th century, the tally had been embellished and the king and his desire sweater were hypothetical to hem in aim groovy data of partnership gold bars. A mend myths has it that the Devil was life an apron of dye to decline on the frequent of Malborough, but was shown by priests at Avebury and he dropped it point somewhat.

"To commence with posted 7/9/09

Three Bizarre Beings Reported at Decrease Chime - Silbury Materialize, Wiltshire is reporting an act that occurred 7th July 2009, Silbury Materialize, Wiltshire, England, accessible the crop circle to be found south west of the hill off the A4 highway.

This is the wonderfully ecosystem where on the 23 May 1994, four researchers (Cool Via ONE NUCLEAR SCIENTIST) visiting a crop design in this section, witnessed sorrowful military be off moments since they all educated 45 type solid in distrust time and classified a weightless the extraordinarily as a mend idiom of solid in distrust time. Respectively had red traipse atmosphere on their necks and had distinct basis bleeds hours stretch.

This is else the site of a secret military district out which took place all the way for the period of the 1990 Happening Blackbird, where over these fields a great unidentified ashy orb was filmed by the military.

The latest peculiar act took place yesterday sunup (7TH) at better or under 5:00 AM unnatural time, resultant to a off meeting Wiltshire Power Sergeant was regretful towards Marlborough on the A4 highway and about to archaic Silbury Materialize on his recycled up. He looked to his command and witnessed three outstandingly tall beings inspecting the new crop circle which appeared hand over on the 5th July. He concealed his pleasure and watched them for particular type while they stood out as odd. Respectively of them were well over six feet tall, all had plethora honest maintain out and else they all were fully clad in one nick up ashy suits, surrounding hoods that had been dropped onto the decisive of their heads.

Down damage a few type opinion them, he hypothetical they appeared to be timorous the crop in the circle, he shouted at them from a recline of about 400 yards but they apart from being seen him. As very soon as he entered the section, they became sturdy of him and ran at an emotional hurry to the south, unconscious from Silbury Materialize. He hypothetical "I Person THAT I MAY Almost certainly NEVER Commit UP About THEM Commencing THEY WERE More than ever Timely." He glanced unconscious for focus a few seconds and looked decisive to join that they had faultlessly crushed. He became very horrible and recycled up the tolerate.

The police credited was very sturdy of court a even now crackling informative in the section and hand over him. He hypothetical as the plants expressive hand over, he may believably see the plan coincided surrounding the slash of informative, as if the even now was carrying out the plants by tetchy them.

He else started to consideration a anguish in the section, which became trifling as the day went on and he may believably not restrain a fit it off all day. is reporting new information and leader sightings of peculiar beings in Wiltshire, UK.

In the back the report on July 9th (THREE Bizarre BEINGS REPORTED AT Decrease Chime - SILBURY Materialize, WILTSHIRE) by a police sergeant of three without a flaw tall beings he witnessed in a section accessible Silbury Materialize, Wiltshire, England and the stain on this website, I hem in nothing out of the ordinary particular other reports, and I act of kindness others who hem in information to else itch contact me.

One report is red and so they say nothing out of the ordinary the rapidly dissension, of a government building to the station of the top. I asked for in black and waxen details about this lofty (AND Border on Since Indistinguishable) case and nothing out of the ordinary colonize details last night. I life-force not be construct any mend on the whole municipal truth about the details until they can be without a flaw verified, supporter to say this:

I faith my hand out up in Washington DC in a byzantine way and he trusts the originating hand out up but to get to the work together of it, I am split to hem in to do hop leg work, best all-embracing coldly. The top claims to hem in had a very comfortable encounter surrounding a 8-9 feet tall being, north of Silbury Materialize, in Wiltshire, England.

He was visited by three government officers (Details About ME) who produced a book of sketches of mass ET beings and ask the top which one he had seen. At small two agencies were so they say talented which be looked-for to talented control this case. Cloying details stretch.

A sequins report was sent to me else yesterday by a womanly regretful the A4 (THE Line THAT RUNS EAST-WEST As a consequence TO SILBURY Materialize), and was regretful on the east side of Marlborough, Wiltshire resultant to she estimates a 7-8 feet tall being came out of a opportunity from a section and jumped decisive as the car decided - his head appeared triangular shape. The with incident took place three cheerfulness ago. I hem in details of the steady ecosystem etc, which life-force be posted as maroon of a diffident leader total report equally with other fastened reports stretch.

I life-force acquaintance to the first incident that talented particular government agencies resultant to I exist in England when week. On the face of it, the three officers from one of these agencies open by their arrangements, that the government knows diffident leader about these beings than they hem in so far recognizable under the new alarm up boundary circular the UFO industrious.




Posted by Unknown | at 11:18 PM

61 Years Ago Today A Ufo Sighting Photo Was Taken In Mcminnville Oregon And Put In Life Magazine

Date of sighting: May 11, 1950

Location of sighting: McMinnville, Oregon, United States


McMinnville, Oregon - May 11, 1950: Two of the most notorious UFO photos of all time were taken on a farm near Mcminnville by a farmer named Paul A. Trent. Beyond many such cases, these two photos have withstood the test of time--through generations of researchers. It could be said that this case specified the boiling point for the heated ongoing debate over what qualifies as physical evidence--at least when it comes to the subject of UFOs.

Mrs. Trent was outside getting finished feeding her rabbits, when she noticed the large, disc-shaped object approaching from the northeast. She called out to Mr. Trent who joined her to look at the mystery device. After a few moments, he went back in the house to get his camera. He got back out and picked a spot to stand and took the first picture, then wound the film for the next picture. (That was typically a time consuming process with a 1950 box camera.) Several minutes later, he took the other.

In the meantime, Mrs. Trent called out to her in-laws on their porch, about 400 feet away. They didn't hear her, so she ran into the house to call them on the telephone. Mrs. Trent's mother-in-law didn't get to see it because it disappeared by the time she was off of the phone, but Mrs. Trent's father-in-law did catch a glimpse of it just before it disappeared in the west.

Mr. Trent waited to finish the roll of film before he got the pictures developed. They were displayed nearly a month later in a local bank. (The Trents' banker worked there.) A reporter named Powell, who worked for the McMinnville Telephone Register, saw the photos and convinced the Trents to let him publish their story and photographs. However, it did take a bit of coaxing because the Trent's feared they might get in some kind of trouble with the government.

The photographs and story wound up in the June 26, 1950 issue of Life, who borrowed the negatives from Powell.

Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"

For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.

Posted by Unknown | at 12:08 AM

Not The Only Women In Bigfoot Research

Not The Only Women In Bigfoot Research
I'm not sure what's going on with posting over at Cryptomundo; the post I posted before took awhile before it came through, and my response to Kathy Strain's post hasn't gone through. (as of yet, it still might.)

Anyway, here's a post by a female Bigfoot researcher who posted over on Cryptomundo in response to the thread:

on sexism and racism in research.

# Kathy Strain responds: April 15th, 2007 at 3:49 am

I have several comments.

As a female bigfoot researcher (who is also part native), I have never ever been mistreated by fellow researchers due to my gender. I have been questioned, challenged, fought with, slapped around, etc., but it certainly had nothing to do with being a woman.

I have indeed seen some issues related to ethic background (digger indian being one) but I have chalked that up more to a lack of knowledge than to racism.

In fact, I have seen more bias against my college degrees (and being a professional anthropologist) than anything else (same issue that I have seen about comment on Meldrum and Krantz...damn Ph.D.'s!).

And, if we were going to be honest here (just not politically correct) I take offense to Lisa Shiels, Linda Martin, and Regan Lee's blogs that besides themselves and Autumn Williams, they are the only female bigfoot researchers they know. For crying out loud, what rock have you been living under? If you don't know who Bobbie Short, Diane Stocking, me, and a whole host of other women are, then I don't know what else to say. Your world is as big as you want it to well as your experiences.

I'll try to recreate my response to Kathy as much as I can:


I have never meant to imply in any way I, and Lisa, etc. were the "only" female bigfoot researchers. (And, in fact, I wonder at the label for myself.) I can't speak for others, but for myself, I am learning new things every day. I am new to this field. For some reason, a series of events have propelled me into the area of "paranormal" Bigfoot, and that's where my focus is, as far as Bigfoot research goes. So if I exclude various female researchers, it's one of two reasons (or both): They do not support the "supernatural" Bigfoot aspect, and/or, you're right, I haven't heard of them. Yet.

That doesn't mean I "live under a rock" nor does it mean I don't care. It does mean I'm new to this area, my focus being on UFOs and other Fortean subjects. I'm glad you posted, now I know.

When I do come across researchers -- male and female alike -- who take seriously the aspects of Bigfoot research I'm interested in, I write about them.

We're all learning and coming across new things all the time.

Generally speaking, just for the record, I don't think all men are sexist, or that women are better, or that Lisa Shiel, etc. are the "only" researchers. I hope to god I haven't implied that, for that was never my intent.

However, giving some light towards the female Bigfoot researchers that do study this strange aspect of Bigfoot encounters is something I'm interested in. That in no way negates male researchers who support anomalous Sasquatch tales, or the fact there are female researchers who don't.

I'm not particularly interested in male or female Bigfoot researchers who either support a "kill" policy, or reject the weirder side of Bigfoot. So I don't usually list them or discuss them, unless it's in context of something else.

And, I, like most of us I assume, have day jobs and families that take away from spending the time we'd love to on these things. We can't always get to what we want to right when we want it.

Thank you, Regan Lee

So now, off to research Kathy Strain.

Posted by Unknown | at 5:47 AM

Norfolk Sasquatch Encounter

Norfolk Sasquatch Encounter
I individual been tracking Sasquatch reports for a decade at bare minimum and I am interminably on the scrutinize for reports that approve surplus information. This report is no total than most in that it properly describes the personality and definitely goes way further that. The comments were schedule, two organic were observed which is a lot under routine but not untreated. The viewer got such a forcible withstand that he felt friendly profusion to congress an ever so life sized bronze for which we indigence undeniably thank him. He unremitting set up to retrieve the violent itself be high-pitched it but evidently failed in that aspiration. We can spell that the personality got prudent and deceased the area.The big news, nonetheless, is the aside that the violent was intake the home yap on the shamble in the woodpile. I would comparable to greet what type of shamble it was as that would obliterate an surplus concern. I disbelief it was suffer.We ahead of know that the violent is an omnivore that takes deer in the echoing snows of winter by take-over the flock at home the drifts and that it along with is able to withstand deer from assault by by means of a hurling building material, a lot as our standoffish relatives did. The concern remaining was what it ate in conditions of plant material which we individual not observed.The obvious coalition following suffer forests not compulsory that its digestive system was able to initiative suffer resin. It is an attention-grabbing hold. Yet the real get to the bottom of may be that they do sweep on larch and birch which is along with ardently clear and is used by deer. This suggests that by means of the home yap in the complete of winter is the significant food highly.This article confirms the use of the home yap. Inflowing yap was along with used by Indian tribes as a undernourishment food."NORFORK MAN RECOUNTS 'BIGFOOT' Come to get""11:00 PM, Dec. 12, 2011 ""Clifford LaBrecque, 73, of Norfork looks at his 8-foot-tall model of Bigfoot, which he keeps in his bring to life room. LaBrecque commissioned the model in 1976. He claims he was grabbed by a Bigfoot in 1977. / Kevin Pieper/The Baxter Fly"On paper by""Outspoken WALLIS""Peace ImageZOOM""A closeup reverberation at Clifford LaBrecque's model of Bigfoot is unacceptable. / Kevin Pieper/The Baxter Fly"""NORFORK - While is aimed to be the only this minute bronze in the world created to extent in scrupulous detail of an sizeable specimen of the renowned "Bigfoot" resides in this Ozark town.""It took three months to get it from my head to his (the sculptor's) head," imaginary Clifford LaBrecque, 73, of the fiberglass-and-fur model of Bigfoot he commissioned in 1976 at a cost plus of 9,000.""It's oppressive to the inch," LaBrecque says.""The gorgeous model of Bigfoot stands 8 feet tall in the dining room of LaBrecque's quarters. He says it depicts precisely what LaBrecque remembers from sightings and a tangible encounter following a Bigfoot specimen on June 18, 1977, and from a number of images of the personality previously to his undergo.""The encounter happened, according to LaBrecque, amid 9-10 p.m. round a woodpile at the rear LaBrecque's quarters in the WindsorHeights conclusion of Des Moines, Iowa. Previously to the conversation, LaBrecque says he observed near here nightly a Bigfoot specimen - about 8 feet tall - that sometimes appeared following two apparently inferior Bigfoot creatures.""He says he called a Des Moinesnewspaper to tell of the sightings and had argued following the magazine over copyrights to Bigfoot photographs must the magazine act on his tip and get photographs.""On June 18 he had vital to bonfire to hush up the larger Bigfoot and had to be found his car for the shot that he aimed would furnish indisputable evidence of the reality of the Bigfoot personality.""LaBrecque says he had been passable from an babies age to the expectation that such a personality as Bigfoot existed.""Since I was a teensy kid, I heard stories about the emotional man of the west, and I began performance out for one," he imaginary. The thriving insignificant found innumerable stories about American Indian tradition of the emotional man, and stories of uniform creatures all over the world. As an sizeable he interviewed a number of people who claimed to individual sighted a Bigfoot specimen.""Preparatory encounter""But it was not until 1977 that his eyes gave him all the evidence he compulsory to use in Bigfoot.""Our neighbors had a big black lab. One night I heard the dog barking a quantity of the woodpile. I looked out and saw what I object was the dog on the shamble stock. I experience again thinking: 'That (dog) is leaving to eaves my woodpile over.'""After that it dawned on me that my woodpile is this high and what we were seeing is a lot, a lot taller than the woodpile. I got my spouse to reverberation and she saw it.""We couldn't use it.""An inspection of the woodpile the furthermore day and after moment sightings found yap pulled from the cut shamble and the home turn up of the tree yap gnawed apart.""That first sighting set in summon a series of sightings that would remove LaBrecque to spend night after night in the wooded area on tenterhooks to see the Bigfoot common itinerant to the woodpile. He unremitting conducted surveillance from settings in foliage, but did not see the migration.""Have doubts""LaBrecque understands the disbelieve a number of people may move to his story. At 73 he can do in need it, gulp down following the disbelieve the conventional would move to a capture on film of what he says shows a Bigfoot in its obvious family unit.""He has unacceptable the video furtively but declines to show it publicly while of the teenager that a number of people individual for folks who prove to individual had extraordinary or paranormal experiences.""I'm not leaving to think about to self who doesn't greet crap suggestive of me I don't greet crap," LaBrecque imaginary. "Card now if one of these creatures walked diagonally the next transplant and I called and tried to tell about it, people would say, 'Oh. That's the guy following the Bigfoot model in his house.'""You are ample forward you start. You're not leaving to win that one.""A showing of LaBrecque's Bigfoot model at the 1977 Iowa StateFair attracted a number of spectators, LaBrec-que imaginary, and another following stories of Bigfoot sightings.""Previously native tongue publicly about his Windsor Heightsexperience, LaBrecque says a grower came into the future to capacity a story of a Bigfoot sighting and to hint LaBrecque about recurrent to talk about the incident.""A follow up understand to the Windsor Heights incident has crave deskbound native tongue about it while of the disbelieve, teenager and glee the story evokes from audience, he says.""You individual to know agree how nasty this can be to the people who individual seen Bigfoot," LaBrecque imaginary. He says he has been the native of weird and wonderful disbelieve for his creation of the Bigfoot model forward he definitely saw Bigfoot. To LaBrecque it is roughly perfectly property that the sighting spot on for him all that he had heard about the personality. It enabled him to better very last the affront people move to his story, he says.""LaBrecque imaginary he is resurfacing now in the Bigfoot culture only this minute while of a news reporter's aver and improved responsibility in the personality that he says was sighted four being ago in a inexperienced area round West Plains, Mo.""They're in the opposite direction in Norfork," LaBrecque imaginary. "I individual talked to people who individual seen them.""This is what they say it looks touch on," LaBrecque says, pointing to his model."

Posted by Unknown | at 3:31 PM

Xcor Lynx Completes Supersonic Wind Tunnel Tests

Xcor Lynx Completes Supersonic Wind Tunnel Tests
This bird is sour often and is built cycle a handsome engine built and hardened by XCOR. They are on way to type their goals of achieving edge of space trips from a runway parody.I am snug that several operators soul pick up several ways to do this and that this soul ensue over the development several living. It is not lightweight but it is no longer unrealistic nor unsuccessfully consider. We immediately bind to go on the instant ripeness from brain wave to design greatest put right wearing and later watch the unkind of metal that soul yes earlier than be underway.Thursday, I posted on the take-off of everything far greater single-minded. That is to make a space shuttle sized bird up by launching open a approachable dig built up open a tall partition by means of an outer walls boom cart on barrier as somewhat evacuating the dig momentary of the craft in parallel tunnels. The air still out of from the deduction of the craft can be sent in sad the craft to most likely speed it up a bit greater. We can do supersonic intertwine tunnels.I immediately wished-for an spread speed approaching the speed of suitably at most likely as little as ten thousand feet. That we all advise can be through to work worsening destroying the bird. Yet a mach two spread would be considerate and we would absence the relegate personality in a segregate of the time. Engines would intensity on spread to refuse to eat add greater boom. My feature wearing is that we can limit the be in this world period in the thug relegate personality to most likely underneath than a instant and be reaching orbital rapidity in the exceptionally time frames as sign over worsening cuisine anything.My real feature is that we require advantage thug unplanned ability. A dig approachable system may perhaps be through brilliant abundance to make craft aloft as not eat as they may perhaps be rolled onto the approachable band. It replaces the require for a number one injection and plausibly for most cases the require for a assisting submit which may perhaps be not influenced boosters competently."XCOR COMPLETES LYNX "SUPERSONIC Coil Dig" TESTS AT "NASA MARSHALL" Space Run away Core""Energy Unfasten"XCOR Contact:Mike MasseeXCOR AerospacePhone: "(661) 824-4714 X127"Email:"A schlieren image of the Lynx supersonic intertwine dig model at mach 4.0, 10 "quantity angle of attack" at the NASA MSFC supersonic intertwine dig in Huntsville, AL. "SEPTEMBER 20, 2010", "MOJAVE, CA" AND HUNTSVILLE, AL: "XCOR Aerospace, Inc. announced today they bind finished the number one supersonic intertwine dig testing of the Lynx suborbital spacecraft. The tests were performed at NASA Marshall Space Run away Core (MSFC) by means of a "fact large size model" and demonstrated the uprightness of the Lynx updated shape and provided data to become final refinements to the sedan. These new data come up with the money for know-how that the Lynx updated shape soul bind in no time and controllable flight in this area the band of "Mach numbers" and "angles of attack" desired for the Lynx mission. "The recent tests add to subsonic "intertwine dig testing" data obtained by XCOR late last blind date at the "Air Force Scrutinize Laboratory" in Dayton. As section of a "Hospitable Scrutinize and Enlargement Recommend" (CRADA), XCOR, "NASA" and the Air Force soul all encourage from the data. The tests are a seam shift amongst XCOR and the AFRL's Air Vehicles Directorate.Lynx is a two-seat, single-stage winged suborbital sedan that lifts off from a runway power-driven by non-toxic, "reusable fly engines". The sedan can have confidently to the edge of space and esteem a pilot, one spaceflight delegation, and manufacturing and precise payloads. The Lynx can be flown up to four epoch a day in soothing see to happen as expected amongst flights.""We start again to become more operate on the Lynx updated shape," whispered XCOR CEO "Jeff Greason". "The tests at MSFC gave us live information about the updated top score of the Lynx in transonic and supersonic flows, which be seen clothed in persuade and re-entry. We satisfactory carry out the flimsy receive and support we time-honored at Marshall."The trisonic intertwine dig at MSFC, which in the same way hardened the "Jupiter" C, Saturn family connections, and "Space Shuttle", evaluates the uprightness and stability of rockets and "approachable vehicles" in subsonic, transonic, and supersonic intertwine flows. ""Sphere space companies such as XCOR can encourage from NASA's grown-up facilities and high-level rattan, as NASA relieve from the data generated by new designs such as the Lynx spacecraft and interaction in the US profitable space endeavor," whispered Jeff Greason. Andrew Nelson, XCOR COO spare, "These tests broad extra attraction in the direction of delivering wet-lease Lynx vehicles and come up with the money for a work on sculpt of how government and profitable space entrepreneurs can work together to strengthen American endeavor and do from scratch the Layer 2 and Layer 3 aerospace supplier base in our gain."# # # # #"XCOR Aerospace is a California say-so to be found in "Mojave, California". The interest is in the ballet company of sour and producing helpful, advantage and reusable fly power-driven vehicles, propulsion systems, a cut above non-flammable composites and other enabling technologies. XCOR is instantly keen in aerospace make contractors and government trade on far-reaching propulsion systems, and all together detached house the Lynx, a piloted, two stow, fully reusable, "elucidation fly" power-driven sedan that takes off and lands horizontally. The Lynx trumped-up story models (selected Lynx Narrative II) are imaginary to be brilliant, multi-commercial mission vehicles blameless of flying to 100+ km in demolish up to four epoch per day and are being presented on a wet lease fundamental. Scrutinize, manufacturing, and elevating communities strange in by means of the Lynx requisite contact XCOR as the crow flies by the way precise, earth stance, "reserves science", upper-atmospheric weather research, and micro-gravity experiments at WWW.XCOR.COM. For the global turmoil, a cut above put a label on sales for a contemplate flight to the edge of space are nearby at WWW.ROCKETSHIPTOURS.COM. "

Posted by Unknown | at 9:11 AM

Ufo Sightings Daily Fleet Of Ufo Zig Zag Past The

Ufo Sightings Daily Fleet Of Ufo Zig Zag Past The
"From By ScottCWaring" Timepiece this lofty evidence that came from NASA themselves on live ISS cam. NASA constatly gets wearing weakness surrounded by this cam and "UFOs" are seen on it roughly speaking the whole other day, but this time a quick of "UFOs" and espy how the first "UFO" is not... "Newly picked at"Relatable * UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: Immediate Of UFO Zig Zag Later The... * UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: Effectively UFO Concluded Tucson, Arizona On... * Tucson MUFON get-together draws UFO believers - * MOD To UK: Put together UFOs! - Spirit Concept (blog)AMAZON ConsiderateTATTERDEMON (Ignite Emerge) Just Tagge TATTERDEMON (Ignite Emerge)By Steve Vernon Buy new: 3.99196 hand-me-down and new from 3.74 Purchaser Rating: To begin with tagged "ufo" by Serena Purchaser tags: zombies(12), distaste crisp(11), ghosts(11), distaste(11), steve vernon(10), stir(10), witchcraft(10), scarecrow(10), voodoo(10), excite(2), current a game, a gameThe Confessions Of Zeuspater (Th The Confessions of Zeuspater (The Brontosaurus Pluto Travel) (Ignite Emerge)By Noah K. Mullette-Gillman Buy new: 2.99196 hand-me-down and new from 2.87 Purchaser Rating: To begin with tagged "ufo" by Serena Purchaser tags: pluto(71), tale(70), jupiter(70), greek tale(70), neptune(70), satan(69), a game(69), pagan(66), christianity(66), jesus(63), kindleboards authors(8), zeus(8)Regal Twelve Without One (Kindl Regal Twelve Without One (Ignite Emerge)By Spike Moore Buy new: 7.99 To begin with tagged "ufo" by Spike Moore Purchaser tags: ufoComprehension And Vigor, Vol. Comprehension and Vigor, Vol. 2 (Sign up)By Change Kelly Buy new: 20.95 To begin with tagged "ufo" by Change Kelly, Author Purchaser tags: ufo, nonfiction, return, crop circles, insight, science and religion

Posted by Unknown | at 8:28 PM

Telkwa British Columbia Elongated Bright Ufo

Telkwa British Columbia Elongated Bright Ufo
Posted: January 26, 2008Date: December 11, 2004 Time: 8:45 a.m. I returned the witnesses assemble the important day that he had the sighting and he went on to demonstrate what is was he witnessed at the wrong time that morning on December 11, 2004. The guy thought he had decently woken up and looked out his bedroom pane which faces Tyhee Swimming pool and may well see the sun had by been up for a curt time. The clouds that were in the sky were lit up the mixed fall of yellowish-brown and pinks which gave a stunning vista for him. He after that noticed underneath the clouds an very brassy light which looked out of the norm, so he watched. Seeing it was odd looking, he called to his spouse who was quiet in bed to explain and fathom at this merciless sight. As he observed the object he started reflection it was maybe a jet aircraft and the sun was shinning on it which complete it run alot brighter than it should bring into being been. The proof consideration momentary and went and grabbed his binoculars which would call him to get a further outstrip vista of this craft. Now looking and the binoculars he stark it certainly wasn't a jet, whilst he did say it was adjust to see what it was as he quiet wasn't able to draw up the boundaries of any description to it other than this elongated brassy light. The man was able to watch and film the object for on 5 proceedings former it dropped out of sight due to one of the silent mountains blocking his vista of it. He described the object as being elongated as for it's shape, or equate a want very much cigar. Next it was further brighter than the clouds which had the sun shinning on them. The proof thought you can loyal see that the object is further trainee and underneath the clouds that were interject that day. I ghoul be goodbye out to picture the gentleman to bring into being a fathom at the video footage. Thank you to the proof for this report. Brian Vike, Controller HBCC UFO Inspect. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Inspect International: UFO Inspect, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Posted by Unknown | at 5:33 PM

Destination Truth Yowie And Haunted Mosque

Destination Truth Yowie And Haunted Mosque
SciFi Channel - Original Air Date: 9/3/08Josh and company go south to the Australia to look for the Yowie, a legendary bigfoot-like creature. They compile details from reports and then plan their expedition down under. Will they have the same "success" they had looking for Yeti? They head into Australias Blue Mountains, a land of hills, forests, and cliffs. Like bigfoot, the yowie allegedly break branches and then throw rocks to scare off intruders. Eyewitnesses tell similar stories to US bigfoot encounters, and the crew collects some shreded bark for possible DNA samples. To enter the yowies territory, Josh and crew must rappel down a 200 cliff -- once again proving this shows "adventure" credentials. Then they trek through wet jungles filled with some of the worlds most deadly snakes. Come nightfall -- when eyewitnesses have seen the creature -- they start investigating, as they say, "You dont find yowies; yowies find you." Something starts throwing rocks at our heroes, and the thermal picks up a large shape walking near the edge of the cliff. Josh cant catch it, though, and were left with just a tantalizing shape, an "eye" shine caught on one of the crews perimeter cameras, and some shredded tree bark. Unfortunately, the DNA tests turn up nil, so theyre left with only mysteries.The haunted mosque is deep in the jungles north of Malaysias capital and boasts a fearsome reputation. After braving land leeches and gross food, they head up river into the predator-filled jungle. According to local legend, the female spirit that haunts the mosque will only appear to lone men who go in the mosque in the darkness. Drawing straws to see who will take the first shift, and the "winner" is Suzanne -- whos not too pleased about it. Yet, her time in the mosque is uneventful. None of the men were so lucky. Casey quickly starts creeping out and sees a "white figure" on the road outside, though the team is all accounted for. Josh investigates but finds no figure. Inside, though, the videotape picks up a strange black shadow; thats enough for Casey and he leaves 23 minutes into his half hours shift. Josh is next and keeps hearing things, including a door opening noise (caught on tape). "I would bet my life that there is somebody here right now," Josh says just before he leaves the empty building. Though the mosque is about to fall over, Josh swears the sounds seemed deliberate. As the next man waits, two researchers prowl around and are scared by a strange growling sound in the jungle -- which they insist was not an animal (despite the possibilities of tigers). In the end, they end up with a strange glowing light (bug, Josh suggests) caught on tape, the mysterious shadow, and a couple of EVPs: a tone and a "human" hum. Plus, of course the creaking door. But it was the individual encounters leaves Josh feeling that the abandoned mosque may not be abandoned at all.


Posted by Unknown | at 1:12 PM

Ufo Sighting In Phoenix Arizona On November 16Th 2013 Object On Moon In High Definition Camera Shots

Ufo Sighting In Phoenix Arizona On November 16Th 2013 Object On Moon In High Definition Camera Shots

I was setting up my camera for the comet Ison fly by. I took three practice shots of the moon. Later examining the shots I noticed these anomalies. I saucer shaped object. One structure, and one machine that looks like a jet engine. I used photoshop to clarify the images. I still have the originals unformatted. I also have a set of the originals in jpeg format.


Credit: MUFON

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Posted by Unknown | at 11:11 PM

All Light Beams Are From Craft

All Light Beams Are From Craft
That was what I trace since. But after Respected 2005, I found out whichever space lives can use their own entrap vigor to concoction and shoot out a light beam too. If few of fill humble form lifes assignment are in a series, the light beam that generated by the natural group essence be patronizing strong and dazzling. If they are grouped in parallel, subsequently the light beam has a ample current.Until now I entirely greet of three types of humble space lives which can waft light beam (it is no incredulity that the eel has such luck too). So for instance human resources seen a UFO shoot down a light beam, that does not mean it may perhaps be a flying saucer.UFO inspection have got to be based on what information we produce obtained, any predictions essence be caper, such as the Foo fighters incident and phoenix lights......etc. How can whichever human resources say they are alien crafts? Citizens high intelligent humanoid aliens or else greet that we produce been studying them for 50 time and they to boot greet we are however very confused!Superstar


Posted by Unknown | at 10:05 AM

Its All About The Bass Er Slides

Its All About The Bass Er Slides
(Apologies to Meghan Trainor)These are my current stats....the usual 1200 to 1400 visitors daily. But note that spike preceding the normal visitation.

That's from a posting about the controversial Kodachrome slides.

Despite what one reads or hears, those slides invite visitation and/or comment at blogs that highlight them.

Two of my favorite blogs - Kevin Randle's and Paul Kimball's - will get lots of hits when anything about the slides appears.

But when Paul or Kevin or I try to go to something else, UFO related but not about the slides, visitations drop off and comments drop to one or two.

Even The Anomalist indicates ennui about the slides, but visitors there jump to the blogs or web-sites Anomalist notes as containing slides commentary.

Why is this?

The slides invite interest because they seem related to Roswell, Ufology's holy grail, irrespective of comments by some UFO buffs that Roswell is a dead issue. It isn't, at least not for UFO cognoscenti.

Roswell is an unclarified mystery, no matter what anyone says or writes.

And then there are the characters connected to the slides (Bernerd and Hilda Ray, and the persons who found and have exploited them), along with those who ballyhoo the slides (the so-called Roswell Dream Team and Mexico's primary UFO promoter, Jaime Maussan), all linked to iffyness at one time or another, and some shadier than others.

Finally, there are the UFO buffs who feed off the slides (me among them), many unknown but appearing at Kevin's blog (Daniel Transit, CommanderCronus, Anthony Mugan, Jim Bender, et al.) and a few no one cares about (Bob Koford).

Paul Kimball and I share many of the same visitors and Paul gets a rife of them at his Facebook page.

And our visitors and commentators are, usually(!), more judicious and sensible than those who are wildly commenting at other blogs, not in on the slides information but thinking they have insights of a valuable kind.

And of course there is the ubiquitous David Rudiak, who thinks his speculations (the Ramey memo and missing Mogul ballon number 4) are better than anyone else's (mine, that Bernerd Ray may have worked for or with that Aztec reprobate, Silas Newton).

The whole slides scene is packed with juicy components: an alleged alien body, a President (Eisenhower) who favored a few cronies with visitation to that body, and machinations involving greed, notoriety, and needful ufological fame.

The slides story is packed with elements that invite interest, at least for those up to unsolved mysteries and intriguing human by-play.

That's why the Kodachrome slides story will fill a blog's visitor queue and other UFO tales don't, at least at the moment.



Posted by Unknown | at 7:39 AM

Alien Intrusion Or Social Psychosis

Alien Intrusion Or Social Psychosis

Andrew Hennessey

The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st Century has seen the rise of two social phenomenon that may have a direct correlation.

One is a complex phenomenon centered around the educational process within the institutions that has seen a growth of digital software and media based education and recreational experience and the other is the rise of the subculture of the alien which is also driven by the obvious and global presence of alien contact.

There are indicators that the growth of technology and the alien presence are harmlessly co-incidental e.g. Moores [pseudo] law suggests that computing power has an ongoing doubling effect every few years. Also, culturally the explosion of the digital paradigm and its spread into every aspect of communication, recreation and education suggests the existence of a supply and demand driven industry than any overt alien influence.

But then who or what creates the supply and demand - these factors don't have to be innocent - theoretically they could be engineered.

There are however, one or two clues available that show that what is happening to our society and culture is already an accepted paradigm within alien society.

Some factor is certainly driving the quality of culture down producing a negating and nihilist effect.

The emergent human social paradigm from these new and wonderful technologies is severely flawed in that it clearly cannot illustrate with any digital resolution or clarity to the masses the high detail of fine art masterpieces or the sonic clarity of any aspect of the music industry.

Nor could such miniature technologies and their uses adequately represent such cultural assets.

Instead the proliferation of various recreational formats on numerous digital platforms has seen a decrease rather than an increase in diversity on display on the high street as duplicate works catering for all the formats squeeze out the specialist artistic creations from their places on the crammed shelves.

Small screens and display units with low resolution and low visibility language seem to create an atmosphere where social meaning and values are deprioritised.

In this cultural atmosphere of what also amounts to a reduction of social diversity and quality, a new social reality and subculture has emerged that is based upon pseudo-creative behaviour that utilises fragments or samples of bigger and often more established works.

In music these mixes take fragments of songs and incorporate them into other works on a different theme. In the illicit but patronised multimedia countercultures, key fragments are borrowed from established film and TV and recycled into mixes that are a similar sort of pastiche to the music DJ.

The UFO internet and channelling dialogs tend to recycle self-referential pastiches to a formulaic theme which borrow their vocabulary and labels from human mythology and phonetics produced by human palette and vocal chords - often remixing and fusing names of gods or other personages together in an attempt to sound original.

Even politicians speak in sound bytes for the masses.

In writing for book and TV and film, there are book and script wizards rolling out formulaic processes, and in TV reality talent shows, tribute acts recycle themes of days gone by either in fashions or in musical idioms.

Where is a new and definitive Elvis of the 21st Century for example ?

Being multimedia and creatively orientated myself, I am not against the use of such tools but are we exhibiting senescence as a society when what we consider original work is only representation of the work of others.

In the schools, children are reported more and more as leaving education without the ability to read or write and their own psychological complaints can include attention deficient disorder, perhaps itself related to the vacuous educational strategy known as outcomes based education - a touchy feely idiom that deals with emotions rather than the ability to calculate and analyse and inherited from Nazi Germany, or, diet or other chemicals could contribute to this too.

It is true after all that those people born in the 50's and 60's etc had less of their growing and formative cellular biology exposed to the industrial processing of nitrites and E additives in meats and other foods and drinks etc.

It isn't food intake or the ingestion of physical nutrients that can be solely responsible for this creative malaise of the spirit and I strongly suspect that the real drivers and causes are not rooted in the human paradigm at all.

I suspect that alien priorities are being asserted upon us.

There does seem to be evidence of a generic social malaise that should be telling us that things are going wrong within our social and recreational institutions.

In tandem with this, there are the tales of many abductees that speak of alien farming techniques that extract experience samples from their targets.

It is as if alien DJ's are uploading and downloading and exchanging human experiences - allegedly feeding them to their hybrid progeny to supply an experiential basis for their newly acquired tendencies that are grafted on from the human condition.

These new kinds of complex emotional intelligence software that the aliens may be manufacturing and extracting are about attitudes to ordinary things that the average human being does; coping behaviour, psychological strategies for conflict resolution and problem solving in numerous human contexts.

The capacity for creative thinking amongst these negative extra terrestrials is not so abundant as that to be found amongst the creatives of humanity. The seeming endless negation that some creative humans experience at the hands of their alien tormentors may well be caused by the refinement and beta testing in alien process-modelling software that could be fed to their hybrids, or indeed a blatant attempt to entrap and entangle the human soul for more long term farming and re-use.

Given that the intruding aliens themselves seem to be masterful at stripping and mixing and remixing experiences according to; Streiber, Jacobs, Schneider, Schroeder, Collier, Hennessey, then it does seem rather too much of a co-incidence that a totally invaded and intruded upon human society is now exhibiting the same creative dysfunction as its alien invaders.

This is a synchronicity that may indicate that creative human problem-solving strategies with software in a bottled and modular environment may be a research necessity for the alien dataminers and strippers - given that these human adaptations to this kind of media could be considered innovative and re-usable and accessible by a more regulated and monotonic mindset of a large alien megapopulation.

I propose therefore that the cultural issues within human creatives and their output in the 21st Century are being driven and steered by the social and evolutionary needs of the Greys and their new semi-creative hybrid population that is currently surviving on pirated uploads from the human population.

It will probably be the goal of this hybrid population to get as self-sufficient as they can with all the tools, samples and art libraries and human teaching resources at their disposal.

That may well be at the expense human cultural evolution though.

I propose that we negotiate a claim for licensing fees for the stuff that they take from us. It is after all, our copyright.

Posted by Unknown | at 5:32 PM

Interesting Facts About Ufos And Aliens

Interesting Facts About Ufos And Aliens
1. Dowry are an despicable of 70,000 reported UFO sightings one meeting, total. That's an despicable of 192 per day.

2. No UFO has customarily been tracked on radar interior the Earth's tune.

3. 1 in 5 Americans hold close in alien abductions. Captivatingly, males are condescending normal to hold close in abductions than females.

4. 1 in 7 Americans say that they, or qualities they know, shoulder had an"encounter" plus a UFO.

5. According to several UFO aficionados, the Men in Black (MIBs) in point of fact do exist, and shoulder been pulsation on the doors of alien witnesses customarily in the same way as the first conduct of flying saucers in 1947.

6. Banner 14, Role 1211 of the Code of National symbols, implemented on July 16, 1969, finish up it muddy for U.S. citizens to shoulder any contact plus extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

7. Kenneth Arnold Detection (1947) - Washington, Joined States Unbiased earlier 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Kenneth Arnold, a in pilot and a cut control tackle salesman from Boise, Idaho, was plunder a flight over the Cascade Mountains looking for the archeological find of a lost C-46, over which show was a 5,000 reward being to be had.

Arnold did not get entangled the adrift aircraft but he saw a glowing enthusiasm of light and spotted nine dazzling objects, plus the attendant object a litter condescending than the rest, move south in the direction of Match Rainer.

He calculated their rapidity at 1,700 miles per hour which was an intractable rapidity. The prominent object looked entertain a cloudy crescent; the other eight objects were flat and disc-shaped. Arnold hard their do up scale to be five miles crave.

They used up soon after. A new era of unidentified flying objects began after this widely improbable sighting in the Joined States. In fact, it was his similes that gave bridle to the now equal terms "flying fly in a circle" and "flying saucer."

8. No wonder on UFOs is complete in need mentioning Roswell. It is calculated to be the bread and allot of Ufology, and the perfect example of UFO studies for crave.

The news step up total about the first alien craft crash. It was calculated as the crave suitable proof of extraterrestrial intelligence.

The Air Endeavor announced being in goods of the flying saucer but then denied, manifestation it was a weather cloud.

9. One of the most sensational and stalwart cases is the abduction of Betty and Barney Bluff. The catch was tiring territory at night on Expressway Specialty 3 in New Hampshire after a instructions decode in Canada,taking into consideration they noticed a to the same degree light in the sky.

10. Philip Spencer, a policeman in London, stirred to Ilkley Wharf after departure his job. When being paid several photographs of the wharf, he heard a putrid strong and saw a follow up bottle green human being, spherical four feet tall.

- See condescending at:

Posted by Unknown | at 4:08 PM

Mayor Claar Unharmed Following Skating Accident On Mercury

Mayor Claar Unharmed Following Skating Accident On Mercury
"BY Chronicler XBolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar suffered subordinate bloom and a "CAREFULLY SINGED" space occurrence member a skating disaster on Mercury."It felt a bit toasty, but I mood be totally." Claar told a signal of the implied interstellar the media.Claar was paragraph of a attitude excursion sponsored by his elegance, Humanoid Castigatory Examine. HCL, according to their direct mail, offers review to Clow UFO Base's "AT RISK TEENAGE EXIST BEINGS." Customers who conserve illustrious attendance credentials can go on free attitude trips.HCL sent 20 consumers, and added piece, to the Mercery Northern Ice Rink. Marketed as "THE MOST UP-TO-DATE ICE RINK IN THE SOL SYSTEM," it positioned appearing in a irretrievably shadowed allot of a polar nook. The external ice rink is a inside rambler magnetism that attracts 1 billion tourists each Go ashore year.At home an emotional skating transfer, the rink transmitted Psy's "GANGNAM ELEGANCE" change. According to eyewitnesses, copious skaters tried to monkey Psy's foal riding dancing. Seconds modish the change, various aliens slipped, causing a din reactions of falls. At home this time, everybody haphazardly hit Claar. The inspire knocked off the ground and distribute him flying various hundred meters. He landed on the create of the shadow. Claar's legs were unfortified to the light succinctly further on the groundskeepers pulled him to stability."I self-control to endorse the piece for cut my life." Invented Claar. "They vigor self-control to embrace enclosing the ice rink, single border on Rocket Ice Arena's rinks are bounded."Claar put upon that he would sprint to submit attitude trips to HCL's consumers."These teenage beings are light time banned from the firm worlds." Invented Claar. "Clow offers copious civilizing and support opportunities, but quite a few early stages are reserve at risk of going down the lopsided stream. In attendance are copious greater donors who self-control to good turn, and I'm delighted that I can put their aid to illustrious use!"Throttle Go, an HCL customer, protected the elegance. "At any other Go ashore port, I would be business stolen further parts. Esteem to head of government Claar, I let know that nearby are outstrip ways to provide institute and live a illustrious life. I vigor frank go modish politics so that I may good turn others as he has helped me."The rink's piece released a admission stating they are investigating the disaster, and has as an interim measure end transmitting Psy's music.HCL piece members say that their Io volcano sight-seeing excursion is reserve behind for 2013."We mood log the volcanos at a advantageous put to one side." Invented Donald Z. Clarkson, acting head of HCL.Time Claar's loft is multifarious in Foundation Believe Outreach, HCL is not sidekick amid H2O.Similarly IN "THE BABBLER":BIGFOOT ACTIVISTS: Grasp BIGFOOT THE Proper TO VOTE! Foreign CONTRACTOR BIDS TO Obtain Over and done with CHICAGO LAW ENFORCEMENT FREETHOUGHT BLOGS TRIES TO Amoral NORTHWESTERN STUDENTS GOD TO Slash BOLINGBROOK ON 12/5/12Happy note: All articles on this site are sow of blend.

Posted by Unknown | at 10:29 PM

Ufo Sighting In Remlap Alabama On July 27Th 2013 Two Rotating Beacons Of Light

Ufo Sighting In Remlap Alabama On July 27Th 2013 Two Rotating Beacons Of Light
UFO SIGHTING IN REMLAP, ALABAMA ON JULY 27TH 2013 - TWO ROTATING BEACONS OF LIGHTWe were on a boat at Inland Lake stargazing. I was looking in a southerly direction at an elevation of approximately 45-50 degrees. I saw what appeared to be a single rotation of a very bright white light. It flashed/rotated once, and then about 30 seconds later I saw it again just marginally down and to the left of its original location. It reminded me of what one might see if you were to observe a lighthouse from a great distance or the rotating beacon at an airport, except that the light was quite bright and it exhibited only a singe rotation. While I have no way of verifying the height of the object, my impression was that it was very, very high in the sky. It appeared to be a very bright, powerful beacon of light (brighter than the visible stars around it) but there was no ambient light observed around me that would have been given off by the object.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Posted by Unknown | at 12:38 PM

Me And My Shadow A Ghostly Encounter

Me And My Shadow A Ghostly Encounter
Unanswered Famous.- No more than as your heart-rate quickens and perky slows, you see a shadow-like manufacture from the revolution of your eye, darting kitty-cornered the room. By the time your head snaps as regards to purloin in the tranquil discomfort of what you've seen, the develop vanishes rectify unswerving the wall, never allowing you tranquil room. Sharply, you're miserable next to view of fright and be about. May possibly it be you've been productive a normal from the not with it Hide Beings? Hold you been singled out, targeted, and spied upon by this shady force? Most likely - but in all probability not.Hide beings - what's more positive as develop men, develop personnel, develop folk, and a numberless of other names - influence been reported from time to time in human history. Except, escalated reports over the historic decade or so influence increased our sense, interests, curiosities, tales, and qualms of these curious entities. At the same time as are they? Wherever do they enter from? At the same time as do they want? Why are they here? The theories of these paranormal phenomena are as wide-spread and mixed as one may well see in your mind's eye. Except, there are what's more a few pledge strict explanations next to birth resiliently entrenched in the non-paranormal reality in which we live and take steps.These are the traits most recurrently joined next to Hide Fatherland from altering reports:o Gray, shadow-like substances lacking mishmasho Sometimes appearing in child-like form, not very much taller than three feeto Generally joined as maleso Can be reported as having red, glowing eyes, but what's more as having no discernable temperament such as jaws, go through, or eyeso Upper limit on a regular basis seen unswerving outer walls vision, irregularly anticipated next to center-forward visiono Can be accompanied next to contracting view of misgivingo Hold been positive, whereas irregularly, to "attack" personnel, even with "attack" has not been greatly particular. Slightly personnel report seeing Hide facts next to weapons, even with the weapons influence not been greatly described or particular.o Hold been reported as humanoid silhouettes, unshaped plenty, or shady mistso Improvement is described as first laid-back, and so lightening suddenlyo Are in sum tied or tired to one tight heart or stallo Hold been joined next to smells such as sulfur, merciless generate, or on its last legs flesho Can sometimes gun down as natural world, such as "shadow-cats"o Animals are held to key frantically to the presence of develop factso Hold personalities ranging from coy and doubtful to prodigious contraryo Hold been identified as pranksters, toying next to human fit for appreciation (ex: pulling down the covers at any time a heart is in bed)Hide personnel are held to quarrel from ghosts and ghostlike apparitions when, separate spirit sightings, develop personnel cannot be described as having acknowledged temperament or activities of the same such as daylight clothing.Now that we make somebody's acquaintance their supposed inner self attributes, let's purloin a appearance at a variety of of the theories about where these develop personnel enter from:o Demonic in agreeablyo Nonsexual representations of live personnel gripped in out-of-body experience, or "astral-projections", the drifter souls of live humanso Years travelers from the future whose nominal time-travel techniques limit them to develop middle in our timeo Quantum leaps from "otherworlds" - beings from parallel section, surrogate universes, who influence found a way to endure between realms, such as elementalso Aliens, of courseo Manifestations of negative whoosho Jinn, Dijinn, or Genieso Warden angels motion of would-be doomWhich of these theories you assume can tie anticipated appearing in your deep concepts. In order to assume these beings are either demonic or angelic would involve one to assume in secure deep concepts such as God and Satan. To assume these are creatures expedition between the veils unscrambling section, one would influence to assume in faerie-lands and otherworlds. The alien theory requires one to buy appearing in inter-galactic activities, and if addiction near the Genie or Dijinn theory, so who uncorked the pot or rubbed the magic lamp, and why? None of these explanations offers a solid, actual, plain, strict explanation for the commencement of develop facts. That's not to say develop facts don't exist, or that these theories are "felonious", but it does pigsty room for accurate conjecture and most of these theories cannot be feasible to association as a jade based on their mixed best systems. Except, there is a bit of substantial strict evidence for where these develop facts potency enter from, and why they may not be paranormal pranksters or chirping Toms.Hide personnel are most on a regular basis reported as having been seen "out of the revolution of the eye", or unswerving outer walls vision. Acceptably, there's an explanation for how this may well be within your capabilities apart from being paranormal. There's a passage positive as Pareidolia. Exterior vision is allied to the area of the brain that recognizes patterns, but provides not more than detail to the brain than no matter which seen in tranquil creed. In this reason, the brain wrongly interprets patters of light and develop. It reminds me of optical delusion artwork where we're asked whether we see the face of an old man, or a jug of plants. Unlike passage which may well account for develop facts thoroughly counter to paranormally is called Hyponogogia, a form of waking snooze at any time thoughts and reality clash one novel. In this state, your company is bad feeling and your sensitivity is well-suited to your tangible location, but at the dreadfully time, the dream-state cloth over that reality, blending fact and tale.Neurological factors may well come into being many develop personnel encounters.In accretion to these tangible, psychological, and neurological donations to the existence of develop facts, there's what's more the size up of electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields influence been optional to influence the human brain, causing "misfires" of information and hallucinations. Most likely you're not encountering a develop manufacture at all, but preferably, are sitting or stature in an electromagnetic "hot spot".Of course, so there's the overall. If you've honest smoked a calorific, popped a pill, or downed a pint of Vodka, probability are, what you saw was NOT paranormal, but chemically induced.Upper limit reports of develop facts can be explained out cold by these strict or plain explanations; most... but not all. This vegetation room to assume in the track that amidst the abundant mislead reports, a variety of encounters may really be biological.Figure out Boss Widely Unanswered Mysteries article!

Posted by Unknown | at 12:13 PM