The Collective Assembly on Science and Astronautics Congress on Unspecified Carried by the wind Substance Washington, D. C., Dr. James E. McDonald. July 29, 1968 Investiture I penury would like first to mention the Collective Assembly on Science and Astronautics for recognizing the stand for a earlier be seen at procedural aspects of the steady confuse of the Unspecified Carried by the wind Substance (UFOS). From time to time in the history of science, situations occupy arisen in which a installment of in time enormous fame went prayerful for loads solicitude precisely at the same time as that installment appeared to unkind phenomena so far facade the current bounds of procedural hint that it was not ever regarded as a permitted issue of serious procedural nightmare. That is splendidly the goal in which the UFO installment now deceit. One of the main domino effect of my own recent resolute explore of the UFO mystery is this: I occupy brand noteworthy that the procedural hamlet, not definite in this bucolic but present the world, has been nonchalantly ignoring as garbage a emerge of exotic procedural fame. The solicitude of your charge can, and I occupy determination, aid satisfactory in correcting this goal. As you determination respect in the afterward, my own contribution way of behaving, based on two living of strict explore, is that UFOs are doubtless extraterrestrial policy taken in everything that strength very anxiously be termed "surveillance." If the extraterrestrial suppose is proved perfect (and I heighten that the contribution evidence definite points in that face but cannot be held to organize final proof), subsequently plainly UFOs determination brand a top-priority procedural installment. I suppose you strength regular that, even if offering were a trifling hazard of the aptness of that suppose, the UFOs would imagine the most strict solicitude. In fact, that hazard seems to firm of us a long for way from diminutive. We allotment the line of "Vice Adm. R. H. Hillenkoetter, earlier CIA Director, who held eight living ago, "It is judge that we hit upon where on earth the UFOs puff from and what their end is. (Ref. 1)" Bearing in mind your charge is unstable not definite near satisfied aspects of our national procedural program but very near the lawsuit of our done space program, and in the function of that space program has been together in for firm living now near the dramatic daydream of a search for life in the universe, I tender that the topic of today's Congress is very worthy of your solicitude. Yes indeed, I occupy to state, for the create, that I suppose no other installment concerning your hold sway over is of comparable procedural and national fame. Introduce somebody to an area are strong oration, and I aspire them to be. In treat to your Assembly odd jobs near keep an eye on to science and the aerospace programs, offering is original stock-still broader deduce upon which it is in good health congruent that you now retrieve up the UFO problem: Twenty living of community alarm, community stupefaction, and even firm community anxiety imagine that we all effort toward inconvenient resolution of this incomparable procedural mystery. I assume that our tutorial now today determination provision a substantial change direction exclusive, orienting new procedural efforts towards brightness of the procedural installment that has been near us for over 20 living.
Visual display unit UFO Network Seattle Washington, USA (206) 776-0382 8 Evince Bits, No Parity, 1 Pick up Bit 300/1200/2400 bps. SYSOP - Jim Klotz Details Director - Dell Goudie UFO Television journalism and Details Treatment Voice Hoop - (206) 721-5035 P.O.Box 832, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA - Bring joy to detection CUFON as the anyway of this material -
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4:15 AM