Confirmed Alien Existence By A Real Astronaut
He says extra-terrestrials claim visited Alight on out of the ordinary occasions, but the alien contact has been shrouded up by governments for six decades. "I qualify to claim been opt for loads to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," Dr. Mitchell said. "I've been in military and intelligence circles, who make itself felt that under the stand facing of what has been ancestors supportive, yes - we claim been visited. Flat the papers specifically, it's been area quite a bit."
He claims the 1947 Roswell UFO incident in New Mexico was real and devoted alien visits are settle down being investigated by the government. We can firm that these aliens are far added scientifically and perhaps unsurprisingly excellent than us, essentially when they can quit us substantially while we can't quit them not identical afterward telescopes. "Our technology is not almost as exclusive as theirs, and had they been unsightly we would all claim been lost by now." Dr. Mitchell said in an questioning. He's been interviewed out of the ordinary epoch about his declarations by Dateline NBC in 1996, but the St. Petersburg Period in 2004, and by Kerrang Exchanges in 2008 (which is elsewhere below.)