Date: July 2010 ?Time: 2:00 or 3:00 p.m.I draw your discontent to this post "", in look up to this part: Assorted bite I had was last month, formerly I was walking material goods, it was a flushed light, objective sitting communicate in the sky. I kept back watching it and a few proceedings far along the light objective dimmed down and I lost sight of it.I saw the awfully thing about 3 months ago and I saw it hanging in the sky static. I saw it from the Rasp Direction Rutherglen vantage strive for, hard by in the sighting supercilious it objective dimmed out, the colour was a bad-tempered relating a boring red and a boring infrequent. I any had distinct odd bite round about the awfully time as. I walk my dog in Overtoun Park Rutherglen and I was sitting in the domain as a result of the top of the hill on a shelve smoking a cigarette. I glanced at the top of the hill as a result of the shore of the domain and saw an object, I sensitivity to myself that it looked fully odd. I turned my hold departure and along with I looked at the object once more, I supposed to myself, that looks hard by a flying saucer type UFO and along with sensitivity, no it can't most likely be. It necessity be some type of trampoline or an giant inflate toy, along with I looked once more and it had honorable moved out and all in a very sans space of time, the sighting lasted about 2 proceedings, if partaker had hard at it it departure I would emphatically stand seen it being hard at it departure. It was sitting on the vegetation and out of true, it was white similar to a black line generally the rim of it and it resembled a spiraling top. I couldn't tell you the lion's share of it, but in the function of it wasn't wide I would not say it was underdeveloped either, credibly at all better than your demonstrative car. Grant any seemed to be what looked hard by a goalpost type point coupled to it. The time of the sighting was about 2 or 3 in the afternoon and the domain was reasonably without a friend in the world. I can guarantee you of my truthfulness and in the function of I don't understand in no matter which about UFOs, I understand communicate is no matter which to the phenomenon.Directly.If you stand seen what on earth hard by this in the awfully area temptation be bond adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "" similar to the details of your sighting. "ALL Personal Intelligence IS Shy Classified." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"
Posted by Unknown
8:25 PM