LOOK TO THE STARS http://starworksusa.com/The Florida UFO Symposium brings together leading women and men in UFO research, documentation and related information. The 2013 Florida UFO Symposium will be held at the Chateau Elan Hotel padding: 0px 0px 15px;"> ALL EXHIBITOR SPOTS FOR THE 2013 SYMPOSIUM HAVE BEEN FILLED. PRICING: EARLY-BIRD o 90 per person (before April 1, 2013) REGULAR o 125 per person (April 1 and after)Visit our Registration Page to reserve your spot. Seating is limited. HTTP://STARWORKSUSA.COM/REGISTRATION/ONLINE-REGISTRATIONEVENT HIGHLIGHTSo Movie about the Betty & Barney Hill case followed by Q&A with their niece, Kathleen Mardeno Special presentation by Hon. Paul Hellyero "Sapphire Starlight Social" with Symposium presenters, Friday evening, May 10o Presentations and panels, Saturday, May 11 purchase dinner ticket separately)o Skywatch, Saturday, May 11o UFO Marketplace and book signingsTour of Kennedy Space Center, Friday, May 10 (optional; purchase tour tickets separately)For more information: expo@StarworksUSA.com or 303-415-3900SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULEFRIDAY, MAY 10, 2013Morning (Time TBA): Optional Tour of Kennedy Space Center, NASA6:00 pm: Sapphire Starlight Social7:00 pm: Movie about the Betty & Barney Hill Case followed by Q Award Presentation to Yvonne Smith; Welcome by Race Hobbs and Royce Fitzgerald (Eyewitness Radio/Global Radio Alliance); MUFON Introduction9:30 am: "Chosen? Hypnotherapy and Contact," Yvonne Smith10:30 am: "International UFO Updates," Paola Harris11:30 am: "Rendlesham Forest Incident," Peter Robbins12:00 pm: Panel Discussion "Is Seeing believing?"LUNCH BREAK ">Morning (Time TBA): Optional Tour of Kennedy Space Center, NASA6:00 pm: Sapphire Starlight Social7:00 pm: Movie about the Betty & Barney Hill Case followed by Q padding: 0px 0px 15px;">SATURDAY, MAY 11, 20138:00 am: SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION9:00 am: Opening Guided Meditation with Karen Gresham Nickell; Award Presentation to Yvonne Smith; Welcome by Race Hobbs and Royce Fitzgerald (Eyewitness Radio/Global Radio Alliance); MUFON Introduction9:30 am: "Chosen? Hypnotherapy and Contact," Yvonne Smith10:30 am: "International UFO Updates," Paola Harris11:30 am: "Rendlesham Forest Incident," Peter Robbins12:00 pm: Panel Discussion "Is Seeing believing?"LUNCH BREAK padding: 0px 0px 15px;">2:00 pm: "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience," Kathleen Marden3:15pm: "Commonalities Among Abduction Experiencers," Denise Stoner4:30 pm: "Romanek Disclosure," Stan Romanek7:00 pm: DINNER BUFFET WITH THE SPEAKERS9:00 pm: SkywatchSUNDAY, MAY 12, 20138:00 am: Morning meeting with abductees, facilitated by Yvonne Smith9:00 am: "UFOs and Presidents," Grant Cameron10:00 am: "UFOs are as Real as Airplanes," Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defence11:00 am: "The Life of a Contactee," Karyn Dolan12:00 pm: Closing CeremonyREGISTRATION HTTP://STARWORKSUSA.COM/REGISTRATION/ONLINE-REGISTRATIONWe have a distinguished group of speakers lined up for the second annual StarworksUSA UFO Symposium. The event will be held at Chateau Elan Hotel padding: 0px 0px 15px;">"SYMPOSIUM ATTENDANCE IS LIMITED. "Reserve your spot now using your credit card or PayPal account. Symposium tickets will be available at the door, if not sold out. The price of Symposium Registration includes: * Entry to "Sapphire Starlight Social" cocktail party on Friday, May 10 * Entry to Betty & Barney Hill movie followed by Q ENTRY IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION.DINNER WITH THE SPEAKERSPurchase advance tickets to Saturday night's "Dinner with the Speakers," a dinner buffet to be held at the Chateau Elan Hotel padding: 0px 0px 15px;">To register by mail, print and mail the Registration Form with check, payable to "StarworksUSA," to: StarworksUSA, PO Box 20124, Boulder, CO 80308-3124. For questions or more information: expo@StarworksUSA.com or 303-415-3900SYMPOSIUM CANCELLATION POLICY: In the event of cancellation, Symposium registration fees will be refunded (less a 25 per person processing fee) if written notice is received by April 26, 2013 (5 PM, Mountain Time). Cancellations after April 26, 2013 (5 PM, Mountain Time) and "No Shows" are non-refundable.HOTEL RESERVATIONSVisit our Lodging page for more information about recommended area hotels.
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1:17 AM