About Paranormalpopculture Com

About Paranormalpopculture Com


Whether you're a true believer or a casual viewer, ParanormalPopCulture.com is your source for the latest entertainment news and features on spooky stories, ghost hunters, vampire romance, mythical monsters and good old-fashioned brain-eating zombies.

Keep checking back for more about paranormal-themed movies, TV shows, documentaries, books, blogs and video games.



It typically happens on those nights - that just so happen to be dark and stormy. There might be a vibe in the air and the hair on your neck starts to tingle like a Spidey sense. In the not-far-enough-recessed portion of your brain, you start summoning images of Regan, Emily Rose or (shudder) even Bill Cosby's Ghost Dad.

Long before movies, TV or radio shows, people told ghost stories and believed in monsters and magic men. Spawned from mythology and religion, these tales were the earliest version of paranormal popular culture. They tapped into the shared experiences of anyone who had been afraid of the dark and unknown - and even today, isn't that pretty much all of us?

Several polls conducted over the years consistently show an overwhelmingly amount of Americans have some belief in the supernatural; and many even claim to have had a personal experience or two. And those numbers are growing.

It's no surprise, then, that as more people are reporting a belief in the supernatural, entertainment media is reflecting this with an uptick of shows, films, books, etc. surrounding the paranormal. But it goes beyond the multitude of reality-TV investigators and "hunters" with nightvision cameras seeking out ghosts, monsters and UFOs. In fact, no fewer than nine scripted shows with a paranormal theme appeared on the primetime lineup in Fall 2009.

Plus, when it comes to big box office draws, you still can't do much better than a bespectacled boy wizard or a vampire who sparkles in the sun - although lately they have growing competition from zombies, werewolves, aliens, monsters, psychics, ghosts and even more vampires.

The trend in popular culture isn't just limited to movies and TV, either. Internet radio shows, books, comic books and video games are dominated by paranormal subject matter.

That is why ParanormalPopCulture.com exists.

We are dedicated to covering all forms of paranormal popular culture in mass media - and to have fun while doing it. This site isn't about proving or debunking the existence of anything beyond the entertainment factor. But rest assured, whether you're a true believer or casual viewer, you'll find something here for you.

Welcome to ParanormalPopCulture.com, where we are always exploring the entertainment of the unexplained.

-Aaron Sagers, Editor


"AARON SAGERS is a nationally syndicated pop culture columnist, entertainment journalist, and paranormal pop culture expert and historian. His weekly column examines television, movies, music, video games and comic books. He also has extensive experience writing about paranormal investigation groups, has joined numerous groups on cases and is a sucker for the para-mysteries of the world. His work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune", "Philadelphia Inquirer", "The Miami Herald", "Frommer's Budget Travel", and MSNBC.com along with many other outlets. He is the editor of ParanormalPopCulture.com. You can also find him on Twitter under "aaronsagers" if you want to increase his sad number of followers.

"AMY KATES says it all started for her at T.J. Maxx. Armed with a fabulous steal - a Michael Kors trench for 130! - Amy rolled her eyes at a copy of Twilight" she spied on a bargain table. Having lost her patience with twidiots, she scoffed to her shopping partner that she would "die" before she read it. Her friend bet her the trench that she wouldn't be able to put it down. Eight days later, feverish, bleary-eyed and strung out on Starbucks, she finished book four, and a passion for the paraworld was born. The only thing she loves more than vampires is the Philadelphia Phillies. A writer who dabbles in pop culture, entertainment, fashion, law, design and sports, you can read her in "Philadelphia Style", "Delaware Today", "Texas Monthly" and "The New York Times Magazine", among others. Catch her on Twitter, "akosmosmariner."

DAVID ROSENBERG, born David Bluebottle Clancy Sean Seamus Juan Carlos Wombat Gavin Chips Ahoy Fozzie Spambo Gumby Spike Rosenberg, came into the world on Feb. 13, April 6 and finally June 20, in and around the year 1977. His mother Mo'reen was former roller derby champion "Shinsplints Murphy" and his father Ira was the model for Weeble Wobble brand toys. His artistic talent appeared early in life - though calling him a mere "artist" would be like calling Mozart a "jingle writer." He's more. So much, much more. But you'll never know, now will you? Should have thought of that before you said those things. Besides his mind altering, "slap-yo-mamma, eat-your-own-face-off" works of art, he likes to date within his own species, was employed as a cotton candy spinner/balloon animal twister/fire eater at Coney Island, owns two lobsters named Zephyr and Zig-Zag, can whistle really loud, rides a pogo stick to save on gasoline, enjoys the subtle nuances of public bathroom wall poetry and is a notorious liar. (Editor's note: David is our resident artist. He designed our logo and background images, and we let him write his own bio. Big mistake.)

Posted by Unknown | at 5:45 AM