Ufodata Electronic Bookstore
From Philip Mantel
The UFO subject is one of the most controversial subjects you could imagine, it is just as controversial here in Leeds as it is in Outer Mongolia or the North Pole.
The greatest three pronged question is asked the world over.
'Who are we? What are we? and Where are we from?'
Scientists and scholars the world over have pondered those three little questions for a millennia, some claim to have answers but like many others before them it seems to be personal opinion and not proven facts that are relied upon for answers.
Scientific papers, peer reviewed articles and publication into the orthodox world costs thousands of pounds worth of funding with no guarantees of reward at the end of what can be sometimes a lifetimes work.
Such is the world of publishing.
To get a book published you have to have an agent and to get an agent you need to have had a book published or so it must seem to hundreds of researchers and writers who have manuscripts that deserve publication, information that deserves an outlet and hundreds of hours of research and results that are stuck on a shelf not getting the exposure they deserve.
Well UFODATA has an answer for all of you that have your work caught up in the 'looking for an agent' trap.
We here at UFODATA have been involved around the publishing game for some time now and we know the difficulties that face first time and even accomplished authors to get their hard work into print.
Here's where we can help.
We have online our own e-book & CD-book publishing department.
An ever growing selection of titles are being made available to us for electronic download or direct purchase on CD-Rom by way of a simple but effective publishing agreement between publisher and writer.
In the publishing world, even when you have your title in print publishers and agents can make it seem like forever before the writer sees any financial reward for their (now out of their control) hard work.
Sometimes first pay cheques are not received until 12 months after the launch of the title, you might get a small advance (first time writers rarely do) but of course all that has to be clawed back before any other royalties end up in the authors bank account, that's the way it is and has been for many years.
Not now.
All you need to do is forward your work, electronically to us at UFODATA. We will layout the pages and place all images etc in e-book format, we can create a cover if this has not already been done and display the title with any reviews and a synopsis, along with a short sample of the text in our electronic book store.
If a reader wishes to purchase the title they can either buy an electronic download or order a CD-Rom version for delivery to their home.
The site is fully secure and downloads can't be made until payment is made.
Every month we will furnish the author with a statement of sales of their particular title and arrange electronic transfer of their earnings into their account.
It is as simple as that.
Of course there is an agreement to sign between the two parties, nothing too scary but in essence it is a release cover for any images that might be used and also covers the responsibility and liability of the author and his work.
We also promise to inform via our own literary agency publishers of how our e-titles are selling and look into getting a publishing deal for our clients.
Any arrangements between UFO DATA and an author can be terminated by giving six months notice or by mutual agreement between parties.
UFODATA reserve the right to remove any libellous, illegal or unsuitable material from their system without notice or compensation to the author.
So down to business.
If you are in possession of any manuscripts or working on any titles UFO and Alien related and are interested in our offer please contact me Russel Callaghan russ@ufodata.co.uk
In writing at
PO BOX 280
LS26 1AN
All submissions can be accepted in the following electronic formats.
Plain text, Rich text, MS Word.
Remember we need to be able to format and page set your work.
We also ask that any images are referenced i.e. to the author or place of origin and inform you that we will need permission from the owner if required to publish their image in your book.
There are lots of great titles stuck in drawers around the world awaiting discovery.
UFODATA can help you the author realise your dreams.
Our catalogue will be sent out to ever growing mailing lists and our bookstore will be linked to some prestigious website and advertised in the worlds UFO and related press.
We will also feature interviews with our authors on our web based radio station 'Talk UFO'
All you have to do submit your work.
Our pricing structure means that e-books and cd-books are very affordable and collectable.
And by you the author sharing your work with our experience and technical environment we hope to reward you for your hard work.
E-books will be priced from as little as lb2.99 and a 30% commission is paid directly to the author.
Remember we update your account every month and all we ask is that you set up a PayPal account so we can transfer your commission quickly and professionally.
The bookstore will be open for business from 1st Sept 2005
British UFO researcher Philip Mantle will be making a presentation at this years 3rd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference Friday, November 4th - Sunday, November 6th, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. To coincide with the 10th anniversary of this highly controversial but nonetheless sensational film Mantle's presentation, entitled 'Alien Autopsy Film: A Decade Later' will deliver the truth rather than fiction concerning Ray Santilli and this most remarkable film.
Philip Mantle has spent over 10 years researching the so-called Alien Autopsy Film. His research has taken him around the world in search of the truth behind the images. This research has involved contacting members of the medical profession, film and photographic experts, T and movie special effects artists, professionals in cryptography as well a UFO researchers around the globe. Much of Mantle's presentation at the Las Vegas conference will concentrate of first hand testimony from eyewitnesses who claim to have seen the alien autopsy film many years before its television broadcast in l997. These include both civilian and military witnesses in both the USA and the UK. Much of this information has never been disseminated in public before.
The full unedited version of this controversial and some might say sensational footage will be aired in full and Mantle states that once and for all it will be truth versus fiction as far as the alien autopsy film is concerned. Too often the truth has been distorted where this film is concerned and Mantle aims to correct this in Las Vegas.
Mantle will be also detailing some of his other research into the film which has currently been published for the first time as an e-book by Filament Books Inc in the USA (www.filamentbooks.com). Mantle is also in discussion with an American TV production company who are preparing a major TV special on the alien autopsy film with a US TV network and a US DVD distributor also.
Philip Mantle will be joined at this Las Vegas conference by a prestigious line up of speakers and should anyone require further information regarding this remarkable event the full details are avail via the web site at: http://www.ufoconference.com/index.html
Should anyone wish to contact Philip Mantle direct they can via e-mail at: philip@mantle8353.fsworld.co.uk