Thousands Of Airline Pilots Witness Ufos
By Shar Adams
Epoch Times5-5-13
WASHINGTON-Airline pilots see unidentified flying objects but very few report it because of ridicule.
According to the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, (NARCAP) there have been over 3,500 documented sightings of "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" by military, commercial, and civilian pilots. But Captain Jim Courant, a commercial pilot for over 31 years, says there are many more sightings that are just not reported.
"It is almost astounding how many people are in the know on this subject," he said, speaking before the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on May 3.
Courant has been researching and studying the phenomena of UFOs for years. He has collected over 3,000 books on UFOs and extraterrestrials, and hosted a television series on the issue titled "New Perspectives" which ran for three years.
He still flies for a commercial airline and because of his exposure on television has became known as an authority on UFO's and extraterrestrial encounters.He has been contacted, and still is, by many commercial airline and military pilots who are happy to discuss their UFO's encounters privately but do not want to talk publicly, fearing ridicule and in some cases retaliation.
"They are afraid," not so much about their status or their retirement benefits, but "they are more afraid for their families," he said....
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