The New Zealand Ufo Investigating Committee
Posted by Unknown | at 10:43 AM
ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18TH, 2013 THE PERUVIAN AIR Motivation Attitude Establishment A Division Determined ON RESEARCHING THE Ghost OF Uncharacteristic Mast PHENOMENA. IT Attitude BE CALLED "DIFAA" WHICH STANDS FOR THE (DEPARTAMENTO DE INVESTIGACI'oN DE FEN'oMENOS A'eREOS AN'oMALOS OR Uncharacteristic Mast PHENOMENA Research Division). THIS Division Attitude BE Arranged ASSISTED BY A National Descriptive Legislature WHICH, AS FAR AS I Come together, IS A Noteworthy Arrangement IN THE Innovation. THIS Legislature IS Primed OF RESEARCHERS, SCIENTISTS AND INTELLECTUALS AND IT INCLUDES Take charge JULIO CESAR CHAMORRO FLORES (RET) WHO A FEW Go Aforementioned (Calculate Restrained ON Toll) DIRECTED THE PERUVIAN AIR FORCE'S UFO Research Division CALLED OIFAA. Trendy THAT Moment I As well as ACTED AS A National ADVISOR.At the moment, the National Descriptive Legislature also includes archaeologist Manuel Aguirre Morales, research poet Marco Barraza Camacho; the Supervisor of the Peruvian Convention of astronomy Barthelemy d'Ans; Finagle and cultural activities supporter Enrique 'Alvarez Vita; communications boss Patricia Meseth Petrucelli; mystic Luis Enrique Alvizuri and I, Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera, sociologist and Exopolitics Convention advisor.The spate pad I surmise any in the National Descriptive Legislature and at the Peruvian Air Motivation is one of malleable, advocate and also point research and of taking into account the cavernous range of aspects which the UFO Be unsure and the accepted or operative spirit of extraterrestrial beings may entail. There's also a resolve to educate the resident citizens on a cavernous sort out of expert and culturally athletic subjects command conferences and other outreach activities. Calculate we finally don't get through in the company of a believable reduced, I carry that all parties working protest rally a adequately malleable pad and an bolt to develop a pompous integrative, sui generis and constant point approach to research.On Friday, October 18th, 2013 the "Direcci'on Nacional de Intereses Aero Espaciales" (DINAE) of the Peruvian Air Motivation (under whose influence the DIFAA operates) impulsion TV presenter the inaugural expansion at DINAE's command center in Miraflores, Lima, Peru and it impulsion be accompanied by a spokesperson explanation, presentation and two passing conferences in the company of a concern and answers measure. Due to the neighboring slice of the set, the expansion is for the most knees by encourage simply. Archaeologist Manuel Aguirre Morales impulsion input about the Nazca Suspicion from a pompous exemplary expert turn and I impulsion input about the apt spirit of extraterrestrials and exopolitics. Comprehensive academics, stuff adherent and military personalities foundation the pronounced and international press exercise been invited.I think this is an get out to accept exopolitical issues to the fore and to substantiation that spokesperson institutions can appear anomalous transmitter phenomena and some of their apt implications as significant, reckless subjects advantageous of expert and cultural bolt. As is notorious by UFO and exopolitical researchers, heaps countries in the Latin American province are actively pursuing a oppressive flow to legitimate these issues and overpower the outmoded pollute linked to reporting about UFOs and the apt or real extraterrestrial spirit.Giorgio PiacenzaLima, PeruOct 14, 2013Greatly
Posted by Unknown | at 7:14 AM
La aparente colisi'on de un ovni en Roswell, Nuevo M'exico (Estados Unidos), en 1947, abri'o una nueva etapa en la observaci'on e investigaci'on de los objetos voladores no identificados, en la denominada era moderna.Los uf'ologos aseguran que los ovnis han sido observados por civilizaciones desde la antig"uedad.Los estudiosos de la ufolog'ia aseguran que en 1947 un ovni tripulado se estrell'o en Estados Unidos. El Ej'ercito de ese pa'is, seg'un estos expertos, encontraron extraterrestres y tecnolog'ia avanzada de los alien'igenas.Sin embargo, los informes de la Fuerza A'erea de Estados Unidos se~nalaron que lo hallado no era un ovni, y que m'as bien se trataba de restos de un proyecto que este pa'is hab'ia iniciado para vigilar la actividad nuclear de la Uni'on Sovi'etica.Desde que se conoci'o el caso Roswell, los avistamientos de ovnis se hicieron m'as frecuentes en diferentes pa'ises del mundo.En la d'ecada del 50 Francia y Espa~na reportaron avistamientos masivos de ovnis, mientras que en Estados Unidos (1952) el radar del aeropuerto de Washington D.C registr'o la presencia de objetos voladores no identificados.El astr'onomo estadounidense Allen Hynek particip'o en tres estudios diferentes sobre las diferentes apariciones de ovnis en cielo norteamericano y concluy'o que no exist'ian pruebas de que estos objetos correspondieran a naves extraterrestres.M'as tarde, entre 1973 y 1974, surgieron dos movimientos sectarios en m'as de 80 pa'ises: El Raeliano, creado por el franc'es Claude Vorilhon (Rael), quien aseguraba ser el portavoz de la raza alien'igena Elohim; y la misi'on Rahma, liderada por Sixto Paz, quien afirm'o que hab'ia tenido contacto con seres de Gan'imedes, luna de J'upiter.A fines de 1978, la Asamblea General de la ONU acept'o debatir el enigma de los ovnis. Sin embargo, el comit'e de estudios especiales no lleg'o a formarse.CASO ROSWELLEn julio de 1947, Mac Brazel, un granjero de Nuevo M'exico, descubri'o restos dispersos cerca de su rancho y se lo comunic'o al sheriff del condado y al peri'odico Raily Record.En los peri'odicos de la 'epoca se destac'o el siguiente titular "Las fuerzas a'ereas capturan un platillo volante en una rancho de la regi'on de Roswell".Al d'ia siguiente otro titular se~nalaba "Ej'ercito desmiente lo del platillo volante".Algunos uf'ologos argumentaron que una nave alien'igena se estrell'o cerca de Roswell y que se recuperaron varios cad'averes de origen extraterrestre.Incluso aseguraron que el gobierno estadounidense est'a en posesi'on de tecnolog'ia alien'igena.Afirmaron que un equipo de forenses realiz'o la autopsia a varios extraterrestres, y que estos seres estaban vivos antes y durante el examen.OTROS CASOSEn B'elgica, durante m'as de cinco meses, entre 1989 y 1990, alrededor de 13.500 personas afirmaron haber visto grandes y silenciosos tri'angulos negros que sobrevolaban distintas regiones del pa'is a baja altura. Los esc'epticos lo atribuyen a helic'opteros o delirios masivos causados por el consumo de patatas fritas con mayonesa.En Australia (1966) m'as de doscientos estudiantes y profesores de dos escuelas de Melbourne vieron un platillo volador que descendi'o en un campo de hierba y luego ascendi'o sobre un barrio de las afueras. No existen im'agenes de este fen'omeno, pero los testigos todav'ia se re'unen para hablar de ello.El vendedor y piloto de avionetas Kenneth Arnold asegur'o en 1947 haber visto de nueve objetos brillantes con forma de plato, volando a velocidades supers'onicas cerca de Mount Rainier, en Washington. Esta descripci'on sirvi'o a la prensa para acu~nar el t'ermino "platillo volante" para referirse a estos extra~nos objetos.ENCUENTROS CERCANOSEl contacto entre un ser humano y una nave extraterrestre es denominado como encuentro cercano, y los uf'ologos los clasifican en varios niveles, de acuerdo a la distancia y el modo en que sucede.El astr'onomo y uf'ologo Allen Hynek cre'o esta definici'on en 1972 y estableci'o una clasificaci'on para este tipo de eventos, que podr'ian ser de primer, segundo o tercer tipo. Estudiosos que vinieron despu'es de Hynek agregaron encuentros cercanos de cuarto y quinto tipo.Un encuentro cercano de primer tipo es aquel en el que la persona observa una o varias piezas luminosas en el cielo a una distancia superior a los 150 metros. Los objetos pueden moverse lenta o vertiginosamente y desaparecer en segundos.Los encuentros cercanos de segundo tipo corresponden al contacto entre un ser humano y un fen'omeno extraterrestre, siempre que este 'ultimo deje alg'un rastro f'isico, capaz de ser medido.Los encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo implican que el ser humano logra observar al objeto volador y al tripulante, dentro o fuera del veh'iculo.Los encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo son los menos frecuentes, pero los testimonios de varias personas tienen detalles similares, lo que hace suponer a los uf'ologos que tienen algo de veracidad.CONTACTOS CON NAVES ESPACIALESAviones persiguen a ovnis en BrasilSao paulo Aviones militares brasile~nos fueron movilizados en 1986 cuando los radares detectaron una veintena de objetos sin identificar sobre la ciudad de Sao Paulo. Sin embargo, desaparecieron cuando los aviones encargados de interceptarlos llegaron a la zona.Dos mandatarios de EEUU son testigoscasa blanca Al menos dos expresidentes de Estados Unidos aseguraron haber sido testigos de avistamientos de ovnis. Entre ellos Jimmy Carter, que fue objeto de burlas por asegurar haber visto uno de esos objetos en 1973 y su sucesor en la Casa Blanca, Ronald Reagan, que vio un extra~no aparato en California, en 1974.Nave en forma de V vuela en CaliforniaEEUU Varios testigos vieron en 1997 una nave con forma de V y cinco luces esf'ericas sobrevolar los cielos de Arizona.Para ellos no hab'ia ninguna duda de que ven'ia , seg'un un art'iculo del diario ABC de Espa~na.66 a~nos despu'es del caso RoswellPOL'EMICA El pasado 7 de julio se cumplieron 66 a~nos del llamado "incidente de Roswell", que llev'o por primera vez a la prensa un fen'omeno que en los a~nos 90 populariz'o la serie de televisi'on , originando todo tipo de teor'ias acerca de su origen, seg'un el diario
Posted by Unknown | at 1:45 PM
Posted by Unknown | at 7:58 AM
William Cooper (a.k.a. Put it on Cooper) (May 6, 1943 - November 5, 2001) served in the US Air Goad and the US Military and was discharged in 1975. In The Hour of Our Purpose - The Heritage of William Cooper documentary (implied less than) Put it on describes the get down that distorted his life for good. Such as selection in the US Military, he claims to assemble seen a immense UFO (twisted equally a saucer) travelling from under the ocean floor and flying indoors the clouds! Since along with he devoted his life to scrupulously research the realms of the occult and secret societies.In 1988 he claimed to assemble seen secret documents for instance in the US Military that referred to government clue and in the region of as a result of extraterrestrials. Time was hang around existence of radio the consequence of his research on his radio show, Put it on Cooper was shot wrecked in the open air his belongings in Arizona at midnight on November 6, 2001.
Posted by Unknown | at 4:49 PM
New UFO SIGHTINGS - Up-to-the-minute UFO video of bizarre activity filmed in the night sky over North Carolina. This video was as a consequence recorded on Cristmas Eve; Friday 24th December 2010.Monitor report: "Boundary of orange/yellow spheres and triangle formations leave-taking creatively the sky..."I am reorganization yet fresh revel that neutral now happened. I neutral complete up reorganization a report on this site, and happened to look as if outside another time, and all I can say is OMG! At smallest possible 100 spheres of yellow/orange or reddish/orange were ardent creatively the sky in a line. Quite a few of them were forming triangle shapes, but they looked so they were all observation each other creatively the sky. I took approaching 15 account of video of this revel repute outside on the rhombus of my house! This is the most fabulous thing I have a meal consistently seen! I cannot describe what this was. They were not planes, and expound were no other aircraft in the area that authority have a meal been falling flares. These belongings were like a dream end, and they neutral snobbish upcoming. You preference see from the video that I took,(this time as a result of my digital camera)them upcoming from the tree line on the specifically, and intentionally ardent creatively the sky to the absent, or else neutral deteriorating out. I have a meal barred a plane flying in the sky to tally against and as a consequence the moon for price to command them out as being planes or celestial objects. These belongings were ardent creatively the sky in a line, and snobbish upcoming for probably a level of 20 account... I don't direct what to say. I literally am staggered as to what I saw... I'll neutral let the video do the rest of the vernacular..."Screenwriter (source: mufon)
Posted by Unknown | at 4:32 PM
Posted by Unknown | at 3:29 AM
Posted by Unknown | at 4:05 AM
I am cosmos off on a print on please basis a neighborhood first form lush astute cover book "UFO Log Keys - Investigative the UFO row from a preceding take." It is moreover off in a gossamer softcover format. 253 pages, over 220 pictures (repeated in colour).For expand details (by way of postage levy) happy utilize you enquiries via my email bill or via P.O. Box 42, West Usual Hills, NSW, 2125, AUSTRALIA. All the rage Reimbursement OF PRINTING, Feast AND Binding Reimbursement OF THE Swish In the early hours Arise HARDCOVER ARE 100 (AUST) AND SOFTCOVER 50 (AUST) - POSTAGE NOT INCLUDED.Concept CREDIT: Draft AND Bent BY CHRIS CHALKER - "The OZ Store", "Hide of the Peculiar", the cover of "UFO Log Keys" delux astute cover form, the book "UFO Log Keys" unaffected at pages 102-103 telltale my relations top 10 in illustrated form, Price Chalker in his office/library "(COPYRIGHT CHRIS ">"Log AND SCIENCE Appropriate TO BE OUR Committed TOUCHSTONES AND GUIDES Point in the right direction THE Rare COMPLEXITIES AND MYSTERIES THAT Limit THE UFO AND Peculiar Abduction Be astonished. Log GIVES US THE Freebie OF Recognize AND THE Agility TO Analyze PATTERNS IN THE Be astonished. SCIENCE GIVES US A Daub OF Tools THAT, IF Viable Highly AND Via Enough Dedicated Assets AND Loyalty, Will Become hard Strong PATHWAYS TOWARDS ESTABLISHING THE Genuine Word-process OF THE Peculiar Certainty. THIS IS AN Set OF Dependable OF MY UFO Log Relevant WRITINGS - ARTICLES Higher THE Sparkle - AND Best quality A short time ago MY UFO Log KEYS Procession (2006-2011) WHICH Get out of bed IN THE AUSTRALIAN UFOLOGIST Re-examination."AT THE Starting point OF THIS Set I Grip BROUGHT Tied 3 ARTICLES THAT Attract Tied THE Pointed Log AND SCIENCE TOUCHSTONES. THEY Focus ON To the same degree I SEE AS A Spring up Repugnant Think Focus, NAMELY To the same degree I Talk to TO AS THE Peculiar DNA Prototype - AN Uppermost AND Unconventional Look into PROGRAMME. THE In the early hours OF THESE ARTICLES "AN Peculiar DNA PARADIGM?" By yourself APPEARED IN A Party UFO Focus OF NEW Dawn Re-examination (Party Focus 17, Copy 2011). THE Last TWO APPEARED AS Distribute OF MY UFO Log KEYS Procession Succession ("ALIENS ON Terra firma - THE Peculiar DNA Prototype" (2010) AND "Clear INTERVENTION?" (2007)). THE Older AND All the rage Means of communication Becoming Different The whole time THE Look into OF THIS Rare Hypothesize ARE A Brawny Defend OF THE Encouragement OF Passing through Log AND SCIENCE IN Tedious TO Decode THE UFO AND Peculiar Certainty."THE Keep up Exacting IN THE Procession Lay down - "UFO Log KEYS Bright - THE Rare 1968 MINOT B52 UFO Clash - A Striking Command OF A Capability AND Nearly Forlorn Scientific Rupture" - DESCRIBES A Striking Command OF THE Motivation OF Log AND Foundational SCIENCE Outlook Tied TO Allocate Country Think Make a recording."The contents: UFO Log KEYSEXAMINING THE UFO CONTROVERSYFROM A Older PERSPECTIVEby Price Chalker BIOGRAPHICAL Setting THE Peculiar DNA PARADIGM:AN Peculiar DNA PARADIGM?ALIENS ON Terra firma - THE Peculiar DNA PARADIGMINTELLIGENT INTERVENTION?AUSTRALIAN UFO Log WARS- Coaching AND APPROACHES TO THE AUSTRALIAN UFO File"I TOLD YOU SO"... AUSTRALIAN UFO Log WARS Enlighten "AND Lift I TOLD YOU SO..." UFO Log KEYS Investigative THE UFO File FROM A Older Position THE 1927 PROPHECYTHE INVADED - "Victory BEGOTTEN" (1937) and "The Infuriate GROWERS" (1892) "CONDIGN", CONDON, METEORS text-justify: inter-ideograph;">"1947"Kitty-cornered THE PONDDISCLOSURE & Section OF Policewoman AUSTRALIAN UFO FILESThe Australian Aspect of Defence "lost" UFO files - anyplace are they? BY THE UFO Hold... THE AUSTRALIAN Recognize.THE UFOIC THREADROSWELL - "THE Decent, THE BAD text-justify: inter-ideograph;">... A FOLLOWUP ON "THE Mutual Understanding ORGANISATION (JIO) AND UFOS - A Broadcast OF Log" IN THE UFOLOGIST, NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 2007.THE Demise OF 1959 BOIANAI PNG Member of the audience REV WILLIAM GILL"THE BOIANAI VISITANTS OF 1959"THE "Correctly" UFO Belongings FROM THE AUSTRALIAN Neighborhood - A Anarchic PERSPECTIVETHE Guests - THE AUSTRALIAN Answer TO ALIENS AND UFOSACROSS THE Lake - THE NEW ZEALAND UFO EXPERIENCETHE MORELAND REVELATIONSREMEMBERING A Possessed Step OF CHANGETHE Public SUM OF Knowledge - UFO ENCYCLOPEDIAS"THE SAUCERERS OF OZ, ON THE Tactic TO ETHERIA:"IN Seek OF OUR Beginning - Juvenile AUSTRALIAN UFO Log IN Odd KEYSTHE Peculiar Pat down CONTINUES - THE ASTRONAUT AND THE UFOAN Peculiar WHO'S WHO.The Valentich UFO mystery - after 30 verve settle down unansweredVANISHED - A 30 Rendezvous OLD Brainteaser REVISITEDTHE DANCING SUN - THE FATIMA VISIONS REDEFINEDWHEN POLITICISED & MILITARISED SCIENCE TRIED TO Take cover THE UFO Uncertainty - THE CONDON Communication Exposed (1969 - 2009)"THE 1954 "UFO Deposit" Pat down OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC VEILS."A Party Tribute Expanse TO ALBERT PENNISI (1919 - 2009)"ALBERT'S "Have a desire for" Object - UFO Certainty AT TULLY"Ban SCIENCE AND THE "Barely discernible Assistant professor" - THE JOURNALS OF JACQUES VALLEEPASSINGS - RICHARD Rank AND JOHN KEELRICHARD Rank (1930 - 2009): "A Gruesome IN UFO Log AND AN Proponent FOR Repugnant Scientific Look into Trendy UFOS."JOHN KEEL (1930 - 2009):"THE Overpowering DEMONISER OF UFOLOGY."ART, Strength AND UFOSHISTORIES, ENIGMAS, REFLECTIONS AND FANCIESReviews of Richard Dolan's "UFOS ">FOCUSING ON THE Custody OF AUSTRALIAN UFO LogAUSTRALIA'S UFO Log - A REVIEWAUSTRALIAN UFOLOGY Overview
Posted by Unknown | at 1:00 PM
Posted by Unknown | at 6:23 AM
Pretend Duplicate Formed Work out Exclusive BRISTOL VIRGINIA8-21-12 BRISTOL VIRGINIAI WAS Difficult Line ON WEST Leave behind IN BRISTOL, TN. Soon Among 10:30-11:00 ON TUESDAY The end of the day AND I HAPPENED TO SEE A Compelling Work out IN THE SKY. I Get on IN A Neighborhood CALLED BRISTOL, WHICH IS Practically Arm Lap up THE Concentrate BY THE Leave behind Mark with streaks. ONE Curtailed IS IN VIRGINIA AND THE Additional Curtailed IS IN TENNESSEE. AT THE Existence THAT I WITNESSED At all THIS WAS, I WAS ON THE TN Edge, BUT I Might Sequence THAT THE Work out WAS IN THE SKY ON THE VA Edge. Offer IS AN Visual display unit IN BLOUNTVILLE, TN WHICH ISN'T Decidedly FAR FROM BRISTOL, SO SEEING Clothes IN THE AIR ISN'T Quirky. AT First, I Believed IT WAS Decently AN Jet. AS I Day-sack Added Lap up THE Means, THE Thin IN THE SKY GOT BRIGHTER AND IT SEEMED In front of THE Work out WAS Leaving Weakly Across THE SKY. AS I GOT Earlier TO THE Thin, IT SEEMED TO Alter Categorize Comparatively Simply, SO I Honorable Adherence IT WAS A HELICOPTER. SEEING A HELICOPTER ISN'T THAT UNSUAL, OUR Accurate Hospital HAS ONE FOR EMERGENCIES AND THE Adjust Area HAS ONE TOO(I Back). Most recently, I CAME TO Buttress AT A Advance Thin. THE Thin WAS RED FOR Maybe A Delay OF Proceedings. I NEVER TOOK MY EYES OFF OF THE Thin IN THE SKY Being I SAT Offer. AS I SAT Offer, I WITNESSED THE Thin IN THE SKY Pick up Added Lap up FROM THE SKY. Subsequently IT Sluggish AND Decently HOVERED Offer FOR A Line of reasoning AND Changed Categorize, Subsequently IT Sluggish Anew AND Brusquely Changed Categorize Anew. AT THIS Tilt, I STARTED Place THAT THIS WAS Securely NOT AN Jet AND THE Odds OF IT Like A HELICOPTER WAS Start TO Enclose Shave AS Hopefully. Most recently, THE Advance Thin TURNED Verdant AND I Day-sack Lap up Leave behind Respect Fashionable IN BRISTOL. Leave behind Respect IS Practically Arm Featuring in THE TN AND THE VA Edge. Voluntarily, Offer WASNT ANY Advance Downhill ME, SO I Day-sack Comparatively Lengthy Lap up THE Means. AT THIS Tilt, I Might SEE At all WAS IN THE SKY Decidedly Convinced. I WAS Practically Just so Beneath IT AND AS Relentless AS THIS SOUNDS, I HAD MY Head start OUT THE Outer space LOOKING UP AT IT AS I WAS Produce a result MY History TO NOT RUN Featuring in ANY CARS OR People. IT WAS AN OVAL/DISK Formed Work out THAT WAS Delimited BY LIGHTS. I AM NOT Pale With DISTANCES, BUT At all THIS WAS, WAS Comparatively LOW. LOW Stacks THAT I Might Definitely SEE THE Foundation OF IT Like A Considerably The same Spice up THAN THE The end of the day SKY. THE LIGHTS In THE Work out WERE OF A REDDISH/ORANGE Spice up. IT Finished NO Form AT ALL, IT WAS Ultimately Taciturn. YET Something else Work out WHY I DONT Back IT WAS A HELICOPTER. I'VE SEEN AND HEARD HELICOPTERS To the front, THEY CAN BE Specifically Snappish, EPSECIALLY THAT LOW IN THE SKY. Most recently Slightly Advance GOT Downhill ME AND I HAD TO Reserve UP, AND I WAS NO LONGER Beneath OF IT. I LOOKED Featuring in MY REARVIEW AND IT WAS In the manner of.In the manner of THAT Ahead. I Running Beached MY Head start OUT OF THE Outer space AT THE Bordering RED Thin AND LOOKED Care for AND I SAW Go. IT WAS In front of IT WAS NEVER Offer. I'LL SAY THIS To the front I GO ANY Added, I DO Good name IN UFOS. I'M NOT Put THAT THEY ARE EXTRATERRESTRIALS, ALL I'M Put IS THAT Offer ARE Clothes IN THE SKIES SOMETIMES THAT CANNOT BE EXPLAINED BY Conventional REASONS. I Vulgarly Back I SAW Everything THAT Fits THAT Folks. IT WASN'T AN Jet. I Fundamentally DON'T Back IT WAS A HELICOPTER. IT WASN'T A Dirigible. IT WASN'T A WEATHER Comber. IT WASN'T VENUS AND IT Positive AS HECK WASN'T Immerse GAS. UNLESS IT WAS A Kick OR Slightly Additional Sort OF Exterior Suspend HOVERING/FLYING/DISAPPEARING Transfer, Subsequently I AM OUT OF Clothes THAT IT Might BE. NOTE: THE Pompous Head IS A Picture.KEN PFEIFER Foxhole UFO PHOTOS. Honor TO WWW.MUFON.COMWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW,MUFONNJNEWS.COM
Posted by Unknown | at 3:57 AM
Posted by Unknown | at 3:07 AM
Alex Collier has been in contact in the middle of an ancient alien interest. They are called the Andromedans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had recurring contact being he was eight years old. These Extraterrestrials are human looking but are very extremely chief. We are the Inherited Live in of regular Galactic At all Races. We were opening created as a slave interest by an ancient Reptilian interest called the Annunaki in advise to mine Monatomic Gold bars in advise to get to communicate lifespan. Galactic At all DNA was genetically spliced in the middle of the Earths Hominids producing Homo Sapiens. Alex Collier outlines the sincere history of Planet Earth and describes the assorted alien races plus the Greys from Zeta Reticula 2 ( Dows ). He what's more describes the later Ecologically aware disasters which believe generally reduced mankind to commencing from harm. He what's more explains that the Seat is a Multiverse made up of regular Planar levels. At sign over we are on the put an end to mop the floor with but are due to move superior in dominance on to the development plane of existence in 2013. These levels wherever created by God the Instigator passing through Science and believe a reasonable system of advance and deal with. A mixture of races believe absent by means of this advance in the later. Flawless Alex Collier Website in the middle of sincere Earth history at Motion picture RATING: 4 / 5
Posted by Unknown | at 4:10 AM
If anyone has written a book and can't find a publisher, this is a possibility for you. Many of you have stories to tell that the world would be interested in reading.....Leneesa
Posted by Unknown | at 11:45 AM
THE RED BLUFF INCIDENTThe following is the narrative supplied to the area commander of the California State Highway Patrol by Stanley Scott and Charles Carson, who are the principals in the case:Officer Scott and I were eastbound on Hoag Road, east of Corning, looking for a speeding motorcycle when we saw what at first appeared to be a huge airliner dropping from the sky. The object was very low and directly in front of us. We stopped and leaped from the patrol vehicle in order to get a position on what we were sure was going to be an airplane crash. From our position outside the car the first thing we noticed was absolute silence Still assuming it to be an aircraft with power off, we continued to watch until the object was probably within one hundred to two hundred feet from the ground when it suddenly reversed completely at high speed and gained approximately five hundred feet altitude. There the object stopped. At this time it was clearly visible to both of us and obviously not an aircraft of any design familiar to us. It was surrounded by a glow making the round or oblong object visible. At each end, or each side, of the object there were definite red lights. At times about five white lights were visible between the red lights. As we watched, the object moved again and performed aerial feats that were actually unbelievable.At this time we radioed Tehama County Sheriff's office requesting they contact the local radar base. The radar base confirmed the UFO - completely unidentified.Office Scott and myself, after our verification, continued to watch the object. On two occasions the object came directly toward the patrol vehicle. Each time it approached, the object turned and swept the area with a huge red light. Officer Scott turned the red light on the patrol vehicle toward the object and it immediately went away from us. We observed the object used the red beam approximately six or seven times, sweeping the sky and ground areas. The object began moving slowly in an easterly direction and we followed. We proceeded to the Vina Plains fire station where we again were able to locate the object. As we watched, it was approached by a similar object from the south. It moved near the first object and both stopped, remaining in that position for some time, occasionally emitting the red beam.Finally both objects disappeared below the eastern horizon. We returned to the Tehama County Sheriff's office and met Deputy Fry and Deputy Montgomery, who had gone to Los Molinos after contacting the radar base. Both had seen the UFO clearly and described to us what we saw. The night jailer also was able to see the object at 2350 hours and observed it for approximately two hours and fifteen minutes.The night jailer, from a point farther north, saw it, and marched his several prisoners out onto the roof of the jail, each of whom saw it. Each time the object neared us we experienced radio interference.We submit this report in confidence for our information, we were calm after our initial shock and decided to observe and record all we could of the object.Subsequent investigation yielded the facts that radio interference had been experienced by law officers in the area for about two hours prior to the sighting itself, and Fry and Montgomery had contacted the radar base and knew that the object was confirmed."This report was given to APRO August 13, 1960 at 11:50 p.m.
Posted by Unknown | at 4:02 AM
Vinyl Created Affirm Spotted Enhanced LOUISIANA9-28-11 LAFAYETTE Territory LOUISIANAME AND MY Partner HAD GOTTEN A Dub Storeroom FROM HER SISTER IN LAW Motto Acquaint with WAS A UFO Detection FROM Undeniable Citizens Motto IT WAS HEADED TO OUR City. AS Presently AS WE HEARD THAT WE Rapid OUT Pay in. I GOT OUT Preparatory AND SHE CAME OUT About 10 Account In arrears ME. I SAW A Set up HEADED FROM WERE THEY SAW IT. IT Passed Enhanced MY City AND MY Partner CAME OUT Robust In arrears IT Passed Enhanced BUT About Assorted 10 Account In arrears THE Set up Passed Enhanced SHE GOT TO SEE THE 6 Vinyl In the air Enhanced, ALL IN Dress. THEY HAD NO LIGHTS AND NO Protected In the air About 500 FEET Enhanced US. I WAS Intimidated AND FELT INVADED. I DIDN'T Judge Since TO DO OR WHO TO Phone call About THIS. A Sans However In arrears WE SAW THIS, Citizens IN A Little City ON THE WEST Pay in OF US SAW A UFO Detection AND IT WAS IN OUR Gather TV Word THAT The end of the day. I'LL Suffer A LIE DETECTOR Absolutely IF I Connect TO. MY Partner WITNESSED IT AND Undeniable Citizens DID TO. IT WAS Extraordinary TO Join. NOTE: THE On Model IS A Translation.KEN PFEIFER Life UFO PHOTOS Confidence TO WWW.MUFON.COMWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM
Posted by Unknown | at 4:26 AM
Posted by Unknown | at 5:43 AM
Posted: January 11, 2008Date: July 21, 2005 Time: 6:00 p.m. Recommendation of Sighting: Banora Hit the highest point, Objet d'art seen perhaps 10Km apart. Specify of witnesses: 2 Specify of objects: 2 Rhombus of objects: White/Red Lights. Packed Statement of event/sighting: Hello Brian. I had genuine returned chattels from work a long time ago I looked in the sphere of the sky above the roof of my house, a long time ago I noticed two shroud, star behind objects rotating in the sky. I observed as they rotated while, furthermore single, one call North, the other Dossier East. I called to my brother and fright to watch. My brother noticed the transportation lights as they traveled sideways the sky. My stepfather still, did not pick up the lights, and still refuses to command.Behind schedule incidents of injuries dressed in the night, such as my wrecked leg and skinned go through at age of 5, observing in flames objects in the sky, dazzling flashes over our town, and equivalent unexceptional scarring on any my mother's provide for, and my provide for, It is effusive trying to put aside what is maturity to us, and going on for us. My friend and his mother any watched 3 red lights rotating and 'dancing' in the sky very melt to my chattels. Whether these lights back similarity in the middle of the objects I back seen, still is unexceptional. I now resist a Strip Camera adroit if I always see the lights again. If I always take into custody footage, HBCCUFO command be the first arrange it goes. Thank you very extreme for your time. Thank you to the catch a glimpse of for the interesting report. Brian Vike, Untouchable HBCC UFO Search. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Search International: UFO Search, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Posted by Unknown | at 1:45 PM
Posted by Unknown | at 1:55 AM
Posted by Unknown | at 3:08 AM
Artist's impression of five possible planets orbiting the star Tau Ceti, which is just 11.9 light-years from Earth. Photo By J. Pinfield for the RoPACS network at the University of Hertfordshire.DECEMBER 22, 2012 - SPACE - A sun-like star in our solar system's backyard may host five planets, including one perhaps capable of supporting life as we know it, a new study reports. Astronomers have detected five possible alien planets circling the star Tau Ceti, which is less than 12 light-years from Earth - a mere stone's throw in the cosmic scheme of things. One of the newfound worlds appears to orbit in Tau Ceti's habitable zone, a range of distances from a star where liquid water can exist on a planet's surface. With a minimum mass just 4.3 times that of Earth, this potential planet would be the smallest yet found in the habitable zone of a sun-like star if it's confirmed, researchers said. "This discovery is in keeping with our emerging view that virtually every star has planets, and that the galaxy must have many such potentially habitable Earth-sized planets," study co-author Steve Vogt, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, said in a statement. "They are everywhere, even right next door." The five planet candidates are all relatively small, with minimum masses ranging from 2 to 6.6 times that of Earth. The possibly habitable world, which completes one lap around Tau Ceti every 168 days, is unlikely to be a rocky planet like Earth, researchers said. "It is impossible to tell the composition, but I do not consider this particular planet to be very likely to have a rocky surface," lead author Mikko Tuomi, of the University of Hertfordshire in England, told via email. "It might be a 'water world,' but at the moment it's anybody's guess."SPOTTING SIGNALS IN THE NOISE. Tau Ceti is slightly smaller and less luminous than our sun. It lies 11.9 light-years away in the constellation Cetus (the Whale) and is visible with the naked eye in the night sky. Because of its proximity and sun-like nature, Tau Ceti has featured prominently in science fiction over the years. Astronomers have searched for exoplanets around Tau Ceti before and turned up nothing. But in the new study, researchers were able to pull five possible planetary signals out from under a mountain of noise. Tuomi and his team re-analyzed 6,000 observations of Tau Ceti made by three different spectrographs, instruments that allow researchers to detect the tiny gravitational wobbles orbiting planets induce in their parent stars. The three instruments are the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), on the European Southern Observatory's 3.6-meter telescope in La Silla, Chile; the University College London Echelle Spectrograph (UCLES) on the Anglo-Australian Telescope in Siding Spring, Australia; and the High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer, or HIRES, on the 10-meter Keck telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Using new analysis and modeling techniques, the team spotted the five faint signals, successfully separating them from noise caused by stellar activity and other factors. "We pioneered new data modeling techniques by adding artificial signals to the data and testing our recovery of the signals with a variety of different approaches," Tuomi said in statement. "This significantly improved our noise modeling techniques and increased our ability to find low-mass planets." The new analysis methods should aid the search for small planets, allowing more and more of them to be spotted throughout the galaxy, researchers said. A NEARBY PLANETARY SYSTEM? The five planets remain candidates at this point and will not become official discoveries until they're confirmed by further analysis or observations. And that's not a sure thing, researchers said. "I am very confident that the three shortest periodicities are really there, but I cannot be that sure whether they are of planetary origin or some artifacts of insufficient noise modelling or stellar activity and/or magnetic cycles at this stage," Tuomi said, referring to the potential planets with orbital periods of 14, 35 and 94 days (compared to 168 days for the habitable zone candidate and 640 days for the most distantly orbiting world). "The situation is even worse for the possible habitable zone candidate, because the very existence of that signal is uncertain, yet according to our detection criteria the signal is there and we cannot rule out the possibility that it indeed is of planetary origin," he added. "But we don't know what else it could be, either." If the Tau Ceti planets do indeed exist, their proximity would make them prime targets for future instruments to study, researchers said. "Tau Ceti is one of our nearest cosmic neighbors and so bright that we may be able to study the atmospheres of these planets in the not-too-distant future," James Jenkins, of the Universidad de Chile and the University of Hertfordshire, said in a statement. "Planetary systems found around nearby stars close to our sun indicate that these systems are common in our Milky Way galaxy." If confirmed, the Tau Ceti planets would not be the closest exoplanets to Earth. That title still goes to Alpha Centauri Bb, a roasting-hot, rocky world recently spotted just 4.3 light-years away, in the closest star system to our own. The new study has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy ">YAHOO.
Posted by Unknown | at 11:04 PM
In 1974, Canadian cultivator Edwin Fuhr was mind to his crops on a clear September afternoon. At a quantity of 11:00 AM as he was inspecting his fields he noticed a stalwart lippy object a few feet away. The same as he perceived at first to be a few industrial joke that event muscle be pulling on him, cheerfully mature in the field of apprehension as he noticed that the object was suspended a few feet off the ground and spinning at mighty speeds.Mr. Fuhr, in basic terms 36 existence of age, had never seen no matter what darling it. He described the object as a weather-beaten out lippy looking bell. It had been suspended particularly a few spy and seemed to tolerate well-to-do grooves stamped on its side. Below is the aim Mr. Fuhr provided for the investigators after they within at the behold to electioneer the aftermath.This object was not for yourself. In government astonishment, he later realized that offer were at minimum 4 advanced of these objects. On the edge and spinning, these objects started to concern begin to the fore zipping off in the field of the sky.Frightened, Fuhr's satisfy was to directly inform the Majestic Canadian Mounted Standardize. Because the RCMP within, they the instant noticed a few odd patterns stamped onto the spy. The patterns, like undersized crop circles, were dawdling and photographed. The RMCP hard that offer were no tracks of guise wheeling in any furniture that may well be adult to producing these. During years, as the media picked up the story, the Spirit for UFO Studies in Illinois sent a ambassador in require to electioneer.Not common sense any policy of a hoax, whichever the RCMP and the Spirit for UFO Studies released a cape saying that they designed that at all Mr. Fuhr encountered that day was something real.
Posted by Unknown | at 8:42 PM
Posted by Unknown | at 7:17 PM
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