Top Ufo Documentaries The Greatest Story Ever Denied

Top Ufo Documentaries The Greatest Story Ever Denied
One of the best UFO documentaries ever made? At least the greatest story ever denied.

This documentary received wide praise. Creating excitement from its trailers, expectation was high and fortunately, the hype did not take the shine off the quality. Looking at some of the most intriguing UFO sightings since the notorious Roswell incident of 1946, the documentary really gets to grips with some of the frightening reality that is pretty much ignored by the general public.

Events covered by the military and denied by governments are examined and, as the title suggests, the impression is that UFOs are very much a reality that is being covered up by certain individuals who, for whatever reason, do not want their existence to be known. This documentary uses superb footage and evidence to deliver a very constructive argument that presents a case for the existence of extraterrestrial life and why it is being denied. The hype is only the start for this film and you must see it.


Posted by Unknown | at 9:21 AM