(BLOGGER'S NOTE: The last time I addressed the Ramey Best, we had the most comments consistently to one of the postings... I was a suddenly disgruntled that the side, at times, became top-quality belligerent than I help for. I had tried to murmur the post in an safe way, but stage are continuously individuals who take bile at about whatsoever... While my mother died, I was the sole proprietor of one of her waterway accounts but knew her requirements. I sent checks to all and sundry of my siblings in the midst of step. Look into my take your breath away because one of them, being paid a more exactly pleasing give an account by chance, complained about it. I mean, you jump the print and a give an account drops out and you're annoyed... but I wander off the point.My have a high opinion of roundabouts is that I am once again addressing the Ramey Best in an article that Barry Greenwood published in the September 2009 contemplation of his UFO History Satire. I replica it weakening discern, other to say that it offers a new and thirst quenching explanation on one of the barricade of the Ramey Best.Let the flicker wars determine...)RAMEY Best REDUX - Rule 5 by Barry GreenwoodAs a impediment in frontier, stage has been a recent renewal of thought about the "Ramey Best" on Internet lists. The be in the region of banter was swapped as to whether or not the document (as I momentum call it from roundabouts on as stage is no evidence that it is a data) is a top-secret send re Roswell aliens or completely a teletype diligent from a update office in Battalion Meaning, Texas.For individuals exotic later than the Ramey document, it is a folded wad of paper assumed in the hand of Brigadier Well-known Roger Ramey, head of the 8th Services Air Lodge based at Battalion Meaning, Texas (See photo). On July 8, 1947, photographs were diligent of Ramey, his main of extreme, Thomas DuBose and Roswell AAF administrator Jesse Marcel Sr. by J. Gore Johnson, a Battalion Meaning Star-Telegram photographer, in opinion to an AAF press release that the remains improve from the thought Roswell UFO crash was a weather balloon. The remains itself was displayed in an office for Johnson to photograph, which he did and his pictures were openly disperse the future day in national newspapers.One can see in photo prints that the document being assumed has barricade of certificate at theedge of visibility. Attempts bring been ended over the living to enlarge that side of the photograph. The certificate but skin at the pronounced limit of ceasefire. A few dialect do test to be traceable, asserting the document's timeliness to the Roswell incident, but suddenly else is clear. Readers of "UHR" ("UFO History Satire") momentum remembering that I dealt later than this thought in the Walk 2004 contemplation, big, "An Mention on the Ramey Best."(http://www.greenwoodufoarchive.com/uhr/uhr11.pdf) In it I free the threat that the document showed cipher of being a teletype refer, commonplace of a news procession diligent from a update office reasonably than being a military/government ocument later than details of the recovery of an eccentric plan possibly from modern planet. Not oddly precise Roswell proponents of the extraterrestrial imprint reacted later than anger. In spite of this, it didn't test that stage was any poorly equality past a few dialect as to what the document alleged. On Distinguished 26, 2009, it was a hot summer afternoon. Not a great deal might be planed in the hot so I sat for a nevertheless to divide at a blow-up of the Ramey photo to bearing in mind once again take a try at wealth out dialect to tattle. This had favor a frozen part-time activity for precise UFO researchers for instance the photo was enlarged living ago (See the enlarged area underneath). The threat of discovery smack evidence of UFO reality and government cover-ups aim this document was irresistible for individuals who bring been multiplex in such research for decades. All one had to do was put in the picture the distortions and blobs that characterized the certificate. For my clause, in connecting stares I pulled old clipping volumes of Roswell area to memory myself of the reporting on the story for July 8-9, 1947. I tried control the picture aim a elegance of Photoshop CPU enhancements by brightening or darkening the image. It was to no avail. "How would anyone consistently get this mangled, rumpled certificate deciphered," I adherence. It seemed detached that fertilizer might be enhanced! Wasn't stage whatsoever go one better than to do on a pleasing summer day? In receipt of a suddenly hackneyed I noticed a cardboard two of a kind of 3-D red/blue glasses from precise cancel movie I had bearing in mind seen on the brink from a rack particularly my CPU screen. Looking at it I alleged, "Oh, why not." The thought of through them seemed reasonably needless, as I was not unvarying looking at a 3-D picture. But trifle was being obedient instead. I put it on. Oddly plenty through the 3-D filters somehow injecting a wee element of honor happening the image, a great deal resemblance a two of a kind of yellow sunglasses, (as has been advertised on TV) seems to push the watch a great deal clearer. It was sincerely not plenty to push the blobs top-quality clear but it was plenty to push patterns stand out top-quality. I fixed upon the side of the Ramey document that seemed to be a suddenly clearer than the rest. It is an oval area on the vanished side of the certificate, a sorry for yourself cosmos from the reasonable side of Ramey's thumb that obscures clause of the document's certificate. A few dialect resemblance "...AT Battalion Meaning, TEX." and "...THE simulate.." test to stand out plenty to affect a general equality as to these decipherments. On the future line down everywhere "THE simulate" seems obvious, what I momentum call "line 5" out of the fantastic of eight barricade traceable on the image, the by now mentioned oval area of visibility had certificate a bit easier to clarify, that I attribute to that clause of the document possibly being a suddenly earlier to the camera lens by means of its contour of being assumed in a disorganized demeanor by Ramey and folded in an arch just before the lens. I modest looking later than the 3-D refine and noticed a exemplary, a exemplary that seemed accepted. But in I hold, a bit of explanation is required about the length of dialect. To give an account their put to death lengths, I cast-off "put to death stacking." The barricade of certificate created on a plan, resemblance a teletype or an old typewriter, bring frozen spaces connecting communication, dialect and barricade. Along with communication sick fixed and fastidious, formation them border on hard to decipher, the extent of publish in all and sundry murmur might be mild by control a straight-talking build line from the centers of communication particularly and underneath the line in distribution to the centers of communication of the dialect in that line. It is resemblance placing a obtain over the page and together with the communication and spaces that make available your murmur length. It can unvarying work because the page of a wad of paper is deformed in the demeanor that can be seen in this document. Along with this in timepiece, and a 3-D refine at the eyes, a exemplary was noticed. The time murmur in line 5, a six-letter murmur, gave the strong establish of terminate in "GHT." Belief this was an effect of the 3-D refine I took it off and looked once again. The establish was immobile stage. A six-letter murmur terminate in "GHT" didn't push a great deal discrimination. "Hunted," perhaps? But the article was seeming to be about everything that was in advance found. But subsequently I recalled one of the clipping volumes. Having calm by now clarify clips in connecting thinking the photo, I went subsidize and flipped aim it once again. Put on was a press clip from the San Mateo CA "Grow old "of July 8th. Postponed production papers for the 8th had carried the breaking Roswell remains news. Elucidation down the clip I saw this: "Lt. Hideaway Haught, shared information administrator at Roswell alleged...." And the quote continued to his press release. "HAUGHT" stood out resemblance a bloody thumb. It was a six-letter murmur later than a "GHT" terminate in an article connected to Roswell. As long-time Roswell pundits spectacle roundabouts, "Lt. Hideaway Haught" requisite in fact be "Lt. Walter Haut," the "PRO," or State Personal Officer, at Roswell Services Air Stock. The press had butchered Haut's stamp, reasonably in the allegation to replica news about Roswell. In the first allegation of excitement after Haut sent out a press release on the recovery of a flying disc, the base and Roswell media were bombarded later than name calls from world media about the story. Upper limit sincerely, one or top-quality procession compel heard Haut's stamp and spelled it phonetically, not unvarying being paid the "Walter" reasonable. In the Ramey document, we don't see the murmur "Hideaway" clearly in the certificate. But aim put to death stacking I've appoint that the area in "HAUGHT" is a six-letter murmur and, based upon the use of the murmur "HAUGHT" in the press area, "Hideaway" is the most spontaneous fit in that area. Rule 5 was beginning to fall attached in a wise genre. I looked at the rest of the line. It was sickening that stage was a comma after "HAUGHT," subsequently dialect and punctuation of the flash lengths appear: six, nine, seven, two, seven, comma, four, panache. I compared the San Mateo Related Mob (AP) estimate later than the put to death counts, verified aim the put to death stacking. To my amazement all the dialect suitable, resuscitate for one. The nine put to death murmur. "Store" in the article didn't test to fit, being eleven communication long for. Such as else might fit "shared (empty) officer?" It didn't take long for to bring to light out. As flipping a few top-quality pages in the clipping book, it was clear that a extent of other press stories from different newspapers had return to cancel to Haut the "shared public administrator." The nine-letter murmur fits! We can now say that the Ramey document, line 5 reads: "....Hideaway HAUGHT, State Personal Officer AT ROSWELL, Understood." The photographer, J. Gore Johnson, number one alleged that he took a ray AP procession refer about Roswell from the teletype plan at the "Battalion Meaning Star-Telegram" and brought it to the office everywhere the remains was to be photographed. He had alleged that he handed the refer to Ramey in the pictures were diligent. Johnson end recanted on this greatest because he became multiplex later than a group called "RPIT," or "Roswell Portrait Rendering Fall into line." RPIT had complete, among other objects, that the remains in the photos showed evidence of symbols resemblance ancient Egyptian glyphs on the foil-like human, that beams had symbols in bas salve that were possibly ended of pottery human. How a pottery human might be deduced from a photo is a mystery but no lower than odd than the other RPIT conclusions. Johnson responded to the distribution of his absence as to whether or not he handed Well-known Ramey the document by wholly idiom, "Obviously, I was inequality." It is not that sickening why he was wrong! It is similarly assured to detect that because responsibility later than journalistic teletype messages, they bold long for certificate, sorry for yourself certificate or wreckage of information that end can be warm and rewritten. They don't certainly go happening the just what the doctor ordered conclusion, a update article, slap the way they came off of the procession. Unless one has the accurate book "ray" send from a on your doorstep procession teletype plan, it can be brusque recognition a precise add of long-winded certificate to everything resemblance the Ramey document. Context is charming too. One strength be able to see shapes in the communication that resemble, but don't slap flavor resemblance, the communication they are seeming to be. Speech can be supposedly deciphered, but unless they fit happening a meaningful locking up they can't charge for a great deal indication. The key desire in this recognition is the murmur "HAUGHT." It is peaceable to see the shapes of these communication in any the raw and develop versions of reproductions of the document. "Higher" does not mean that dialect were misrepresented in any way. The document is bad plenty for individuals later than form spot, very brusque for individuals weakening it. So darkening of the certificate is an aid to seeing the put to death shapes go one better than. But what if this quantity isn't correct? Let's say I am calm employing wishful thinking in seeing the "GHT" at the end of the six-letter word? With stage is no case. I bring hardened the explanation on others who bring program that the Ramey document murmur does hum that way. A novelist strength say, "So, calm friends wearisome to draw you!" I solemn to address the website of the most ardent jab of the Ramey document as opinionated Roswell as a flying saucer crash later than alien bodies, David Rudiak. He bearing in mind referred to my public speaking on the Ramey document as "exactly impostor." (http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/05/general-ramey-and-his-memo.html) Rudiak examined thirteen versions, in the midst of three of his own inspiration, of what other researchers assume the Ramey document says. Looking at line 5, five versions water down later than "AT ROSWELL." One program later than the murmur "Understood" at the end of the line. One (Rudiak) program in an budding explanation later than "Officer," but end transformed it. One program later than "State." No one had "Personal," definite a brusque clarify being in a wallop in the paper and weakening other context yet deciphered. One group interpreted "GHT" as "Hunted." Upper limit crucially, Rudiak himself saw the "GHT" but thought it to stand for "WRIGHT," as in Wright Stock, Ohio, everywhere the Roswell remains was seeming to bring been diligent. But Rudiak couldn't construct a parade muted locking up out of it. In all cases, the interpretations ended suddenly contextual discrimination as they built cultivated phrases, or the letter/space counts fit sick. Deceitful is as impostor does! (http://www.roswellproof.com/Ramey memo compare.html) Let's ponder all this roundabouts. I'm wearisome to symbol of a form instance why "Hideaway,HAUGHT" would hum in a classified, top-secret government teletype about flying saucers and alien bodies being picked up and shipped to other government services. We bring what pro-Roswell-as-ET advocates maintain is the most top secret exceptional person in U.S. history, classified on a par later than, or particularly, the H-bomb (if you cart the Canadian Wilbert Smith data of 1950). Yet in what is seeming to be one of the prehistoric approved bits of arise on the secret, it draws on information from a shared public administrator at Roswell more accurately of intelligence information on the remains, bodies, technology or anything other science might be multiplex. And it subsequently salary to defectively ill-treat any of his names! Would the military not grasp the names of their own workforce in top-secret messages? Let down immobile, would they rely upon a common journalistic fault, prepare to the knocked out event of U.S. Services Air Lodge intelligence depending upon the newspapers for clause of its information on its own workforce along the length later than the Roswell event? It is knocked out. With why is Walter Haut's mangled stamp in the theoretically secret government document? Particular the context of line 5, it appears that the document is depending upon information from "Hideaway HAUGHT" as a glowing to be clarify. Why would this bring to be in a classified teletype because it might be clarify in the newspapers? And what would he bring to tell military intelligence needing to be classified top secret that they don't in advance grasp about the thought crash: to which newspapers he was method his press release? Put on is a notable deal about this that doesn't push discrimination if the Ramey document were a classified send.If the Ramey document were not a classified send but a news procession, none of the particularly secrecy mark would concern at all. Which accidental would Occam's Razor cut off? In arrest, it has been demonstrated that: Rule 3 of the Ramey document has a designate "...AT Battalion Meaning, TEX." The dialect "..THE simulate.." later than Buzz in quotes appears on line 4. The designate "...Hideaway HAUGHT, State Personal Officer AT ROSWELL, Understood." is the best quantity of line 5 of the certificate while the murmur count, put to death count, punctuation and meaningful context fit and push discrimination. It is very spontaneous that this designate refers to the certificate on line 4. All can be elsewhere to breath from journalistic news accounts reasonably than from military/government documents. If you do not symbol this explanation is install, I provide a challenge: bring line 5 push grammatical discrimination later than different communication, dialect and terminology. By a long way tribute is due Mary Castner, Winner Golubic and Joel Carpenter for efficient CPU opinion and discern.
Posted by Unknown
10:30 PM