By far the most publicized UFO landing in recent years occurred during the 1974 Labour Day weekend on a rapeseed farm outside Langenburg, Saskatchewan, close to the Manitoba border. As a calling card, the five dome-shaped UFOs that landed on Edwin Fuhr's farm left five of the most distinctive nest-like depressions ever seen. The case also demonstrates the interest UFOs appear to have in studying our cultivation efforts.The scene unfolds on Sunday morning, September 1, 1974. At about 10:45 AM Edwin Fuhr was out swathing the rape when suddenly he came upon a dome-shaped object fifty feet in front of him. Thinking it was a joke perpetrated by his neighbour, Fuhr jumped off his tractor and walked within fifteen feet of the object. His curiosity quickly turned to shock when he realized that the thing before him, now visibly revolving, was hovering about a foot above the ground.Bewildered by the sight, he slowly backed away, making sure not to turn his back to the craft. As he mounted his swather, he became even more alarmed; there were four more identical objects nearby, all visibly revolving in unison, in a clockwise direction!In an interview with UFO researcher Ted Phillips, Edwin Fuhr described what had happened:They were all revolving, all four of them. I sat there like I was frozen, I couldn't move nothing....I sat there for, it could have been fifteen or twenty minutes, I don't know. From one of them, something was probing around the grass....It was like, oh, I would say, the size of a fifty-cent piece, it looked like a probe, and the grass was all twisted and you could see marks like something had jumped here and there, all over. Then, they all went up, straight up, to I would say about two hundred feet and they stopped at that distance. When they hit the two hundred foot mark, they stopped spinning and a vapour floated out, an exhaust. The exhaust was only about six feet long, like a vapour, it was two ports at the bottom of it.You could see they were about twelve-inch diameter ports and they were all like that. They were in a step-like formation, the lower was the last to go up... And after that, I would say only a second, there was a downward wind, a pressure that flattened the rape that was standing and I thought, "Oh, here goes my crop." It just took seconds to get to that height (two hundred feet) and then they were just standing and after that, into the clouds and they were gone.Fuhr went on to describe the craft in detail:The color of the machine was like a brushed stainless steel. It was rough and you could see while it was revolving that it was sort of grooved all around; you could see kind of grooves, they were darker grey....a dark it had been hot at one time, like steel that gets hot and cools off.^2Recovering from shock, Fuhr inspected the area where the craft had landed. There were five perfectly round rings of flattened rapeseed which had been swirled in a clockwise direction. After hearing of the incident, Fuhr's brother-in-law contacted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They arrived the following morning and in a report, the investigating officer, Constable Ron Morier stated:I went to the scene...where we spoke with Edwin Fuhr and examined the circular patterns left by the saucers. There were five distinct circles, caused by something exerting what had to be heavy air or exhaust pressure over high grass.In an interview with Ted Phillips, Constable Morier stated:There is no way that this is a hoax...I think that there is no way that anything was wheeled in and out of that field because there had to be some trace...whatever was in there, it came out of the air and departed the same way, as far as I could tell. - UFO, sightings, landings, and abductions: The documented evidenceVideo - Edwin Fuhr - UFO Close Encounter- Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada FARMER EDWIN FUHR'S STRANGE SIGHTING IN HIS FIELDSSome residents of Langenburg a farming community about 70 kilometers southeast of Yorkton, believe they can create a tourist attraction based on an eerie event that occurred in a farmer's field near the town in 1974.On Sept. 1 1974, the skies were grey and threatening, but Edwin Fuhr was on his swather in a field of rapeseed (now called canola).Moving up a small incline, he glanced up to make sure he would skirt a grassy, dried out slough just ahead when he spied something made of metal in the grass.His first thought was that someone was playing a joke on him or had dumped junk in the old slough.As the swather moved up the incline, the slough came into full view. The metallic "something" was one of five machines rotating rapidly and hovering just above the grass.Fuhr, startled, stopped his swather, climbed down and took a few steps toward the hovering machines. Then, overcome with fear, he stopped and began slowly to ease back to his idling swather.The machines continued to hover and spin, then slowly lifted. About 100 feet above ground, they manoeuvred into an echelon formation and rose at a much greater speed. Each vented a brief puff of smoke and in seconds. Disappeared over the horizon.At the controls of his swather, Fuhr was almost paralyzed with fright and barely able to put the machine into gear. At lunch, he was unable to eat.When he inspected the site where the strange visitors had been, he saw five circular depressions.Most of the tall grass was pressed down, and, in places, was twisted as it would be by a spinning object. The circles were exactly 11 feet (3.3 meters) in diameter and there was unflattened grass in the centre.The shaken farmer reported the incident to the RCMP. In a few days, a newspaper story brought hordes of curiosity seekers to the farm, all expecting to see the landing site. Fuhr could not allow that because the estimated 3,000 people who arrived would have pulverized his crop.Fuhr said the mystery machines were made of what looked like stainless steel, but had a "brushed" finish. Each was about five feet (1.5 metres) high at the peak of its dome-like structure. There were no windows or portholes, no antennae or other projecting parts except something resembling a short exhaust pipe, the source of the vapour the objects emitted as they rose through the overcast.The Centre for UFO Studies in Illinois sent a specialist to the farm and he found no reason to dispute Fuhr's report.Cpl. Ron Morier of the RCMP concluded that the five circles were caused by "something exerting what had to be heavy exhaust or air pressure. Whatever was in there came out of the air and departed the same way, as far as I could tell."Edwin Fuhr still lives in Langenburg where he's regarded as a dependable, quiet spoken citizen not given to inventing tall tales. As one businessman said at the time of the incident, "If that's what Edwin says he saw, that's what Edwin saw."Today, portions of the rings made by the strange machines are still visible on his land.About three years ago, there was a report of two UFO's that hovered briefly over Langenburg.In another incident, four people, who were not identified, said they saw "a silver, saucer-shaped object" hovering above a highway in the Prince Albert area.The sighting was in 1955 and was not reported until 1973 because those involved feared being ridiculed.It's likely that numerous other events have gone unreported for the same reason. - "Saskatoon Star Phoenix - June 13, 1992"
SHINEY DOMED-SHAPED OBJECTS LEAVE 'CROP CIRCLES'Farmer Edwin Fuhr, 36, was harvesting his rape crop at about 11:00 a.m., when he noticed a metallic-appearing dome-shaped object about 50 feet away in a grassy area. Stopping to investigate, he left his swather and walked to within 15 feet of the object. Noting that the object was spinning and swirling the grass beneath it, he became frightened and backed away. Climbing back on the swather, he looked around and saw four more domes arranged in a rough semi-circle, all identical and all spinning, hovering about a foot above the ground.Suddenly one object took off, quickly followed by the other four, ascending in a step formation. At about 200 feet they stopped, each emitting a puff of gray vapour from exhaust-like extensions at the base. The vapour extended about six feet, followed by a downward gust of wind which flattened the rape in the immediate area. The objects then formed a straight line, hovered for a minute or two, then abruptly ascended into the low cloud cover and disappeared.Later Fuhr learned that cattle in a nearby field had bellowed and broken through a fence about the time of the sighting. Going to inspect the landing area, he found five rings of depressed grass swirled in a clockwise fashion. There was no evidence of heat or burning. Some additional circles were found in the area later that month.Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Ron Morier, quoted by Canadian Press, said: "Something was there and I doubt it was a hoax. There's no indication anything had been wheeled in or out and Mr. Fuhr seemed genuinely scared." - "Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada, September 1, 1974"
(DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE TELEGRAM)M.NRC REED OTTPRIORITY LANGENBURG SEP2 UNCLASNATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL - METEOR CENTER OTTAWAINFOF DIVISION REGYORKTON S/DIVLANG1, RE SIGHTING G OF UFO 6 MILES NORTH AND HALF A MILE WEST OFLANGENBURG SASK(A) DATE AND TIME OF SIGHTING 1-9-74 1030AM CST(B) CONDITION OF SKY - CLOUDY WITH LIGHT RAIN(C) IDENTITY OF OBSERVER - EDWIN FUHR B28-4-38 FARMER(D) LOCATION - SWATHING GRAIN. TURNED CORNER IN FIELD AND CAMEON OBJECTS 50' AWAY AND WALKED UP WITHIN 25'(E) OTHER TO SEE UFO - NIL(F) DESCRIPTION - FIVE SAUCER SHAPED OBJECTS 10/12' IN DIAMETERAPPEARED TO BE ROTATING. HIGHLY POLISHED STEELLIP NEAR BOTTOM DARKER IN COLOUR POSSIBLYGREY. HOVERED 2/3' ABOVE THE GROUND AND THENWENT STRAIGHT UP AND DISAPPEARED IN THE CLOUDS(G) DURATION OF SIGHTING - 20 MINUTES(H) MARKS - LEFT CIRCULAR MARKS ON GROUND WHICH ARE STILL VISIBLELANGENBURG DETNRC REED OTTM.NRC REED OTTV Royal Canadian Mounted PoliceDETACHMENT OCCURRENCE REPORTLANGENBURG, SASK.9:00 P.M. 1 SEP 74 461 Mr. Karl ZORN Langenburg, SK. Field, 6 mi. North, 1 mi East of Langenburg Cst. R. L. Morier Cst. R.L. Morier UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS1. Mr. ZORN telephoned this Office wandering whether or notour Office had received any calls reporting sightings of unidenti-fied flying objects. I advised Mr. ZORN that no such reports hadbeen received. Mr. ZORN then reported that he had just spoken tohis brother-in-law Edwin FUHR (B: 28 APR 38) on the telephone andhe related to him how around 10:30 A.M. today he came upon five(5) 'saucer shaped' objects while swathing rape at the above lo-cation. He apparently froze with fear and watched the 'Saucers'for approx. 15 min. as they hovered a foot off the ground.Finally he got off the Tractor and walked towards the 'Saucers'coming to within 20 ft. of them before they propelled straight updisappearing into the clouds. Mr. ZORN of course was skeptical aswas I of the above story, however he advised that his brother-in-law is a responsible person and not prone to making up stories.Mr. ZORN also spoke to his father-in-law who returned to the scen the sittings, and he confirmed that there were five definitecircular patterns left in the swamp grass.2. As it was dark at this time there was no point in partollin,to the scene. Arrangements were made to accompany Mr. ZORN to thescene first thing tomorrow morning.S.U.I. (G.A.G.) Cpl. (R.L. Morier) Cst.3. 2 SEP, I went to the scene with Mr. ZORN where we spokewith Edwin FUHR and examined the circular patterns left by the'Saucers". There were five different distinct circles, caused bysomething exerting what had to be heavy air or exhaust pressureover the high grass. The grass was flattened in a clockwise circlewith the flattened portion being approx. 18 in. The total diameterof two of the circles was 12 ft., with the other three being approx.10 1/2 ft. in diameter. The grass in the centre portion of the ringwas standing, and appeared untouched. Photographs were taken of therings. FUHR stated that he was so involved with swathing in the rape, which was a good 3 1/2 ft. tall, that he didn't notice one of the'Saucers' located in the sunken dried slough in the field until he was about 50 ft. away from them. He described the 'Saucers' asbeing about 4 or 5 ft. in height. The body was a highly polishedHIGHLY POLISHED... steel, with the bottom lip being a duller steelshade. He didn't notice any windows on the 'Saucers' because theywere revolving at too great a speed. He didn't hear any noise co-ming from the machine over the noise of his Tractor. FUHR statedthat as the 'Saucers' gained altitude he noticed exhaust come fromunderneath them. Other than the five rings, there was no otherphysical evidence in the area.4. The witness FUHR has been known by a member of this Detach-ment for a period of four years., and during this time he has not beenknown to materialize any such stories. He is a responsible person,and his information is considered reliable.5. Telex LAN 81 has been dispatched in compliance with OP MANCC MOR para. 6. Copy of this Report being forwarded to theUpper Atmosphere Research Section, Astrophysics Branch, NationalResearch Council, Ottawa, Ont.Concluded Here:(R.L. Morier) Cst. 3 SEP 74 (G.A.G.) Cpl. i/c Det.UFO, sightings, landings, and abductions: The documented evidenceThe Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases RevealedThe UFO Files: The Canadian Connection Exposed"
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9:27 PM