On The Trail Of The Saucer Spies Book

On The Trail Of The Saucer Spies Book
On the Trail of the Saucer Spies reveals that Government, Military and Intelligence agencies have been secretly spying on UFO researchers, writers, investigators, and witnesses for decades -- and for countless reasons. In this book Nick Redfern also recounts his own experience of being spied upon by the British Ministry of Defense for his interest in UFOs. It isn't paranoia if you think "they" are watching you: they really are!

In 1992 in a privately published paper titled "Have You Checked

Your File Lately?
" Robert Durant, a UFO researcher and pilot,

discussed the theme of an all-encompassing, Government-

sanctioned-and-controlled operation designed to covertly monitor

the activities of the public UFO research community:

"You, the reader, are among the approximately 4,000 Americans

who subscribe to ufological journals or newsletters, buy UFO books

through the mail, attend conferences, or spend time with others who

engage in such activities. Not a large group. We are only 3 percent of

the total number of citizens the government admits to watching with

intense care. A very easy group to track. Building your file is so much

easier than compiling one on a Russian spy or a Mafioso. There is

a file on you at the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security

Administration, the driver's license bureau of the state in which you

are licensed, the commercial credit card companies that do business

with your bank and your lenders, your doctor's office, and so forth

and so on. Is it really unreasonable to suspect that a UFO file would

be created?"

The answer to Durant's question is: it is not at all unreasonable

to suspect that such a scenario exists. Indeed, as On the Trail of the

Saucer Spies demonstrates, such a scenario most assuredly does exist.

This book does not attempt to answer in detail the complex questions

of what UFOs are, where they are from, or why there are here-there are countless titles available that focus upon these controversial issues.

Rather, it resolves the seldom-addressed questions of precisely why

and how the official world is keeping a close watch on those

individuals who engage in UFO research, or who are witnesses to

UFO activity.

The truth-is-weirder-than-fiction examples recounted in these pages

span more than half a century, and include all of the staple

ingredients of the most controversial aspects of the UFO puzzle:

crashed flying saucers, alien bodies held in cryogenic storage, black

helicopters, crop circles, alien abductions (by alleged aliens and by

elements of the military
), underground bases, animal mutilations,

Government-sponsored disinformation campaigns, and even the

exploits of the nefarious Men in Black.

As will become apparent, however, the full story also incorporates

issues and organizations that-at first glance, at least-would appear

to be totally unrelated to the UFO mystery. Ultra-fascist political

organizations, the Irish Republican Army, communist-based

groups, animal rights activists, computer hackers, Chinese Military

Intelligence, and the North Korean Government ultimately prove

to be pivotal to both understanding and unravelling the full picture

of why a number of Governments take such a deep interest in the

activities of those who look skyward. Caveat lector: keep a close

watch over your shoulder. "They" may be watching you, too.


Available at Amazon.

Posted by Unknown | at 5:27 AM