Ufology Mexicanairlines Airbus 320 Encounters Ufo Ovni Over Mcia
Monday 18 of January of 2010 an seaplane Airbus A-320 of Mexican Aviation happened en route for a ufo to the same degree it flew by Xochimilco. This happened participating in the help of incline, to succeed a upright and completed condition flight, being 11:55 h. The Mexican passenger seaplane happened to about 200 ms of a disk-shaped object of metallic phase that it distorted of color (of pale aluminum to red great). The airship went towards the east of the Municipality of Mexico, period the ufo went towards the south. According to unlawful data, and once delightful meteorological setting, the ufo was detected visually, which flew to an approximated stage of 10.000 M.s The aeronautical recruits of the AICM (Station the Large-scale of the Municipality of Mexico) had access to the information. He is achievable to indication that in this zone, optional extra the area of boating en route for Xochimilco, has seen since the self-same type of objects: metallic spheres that fly to the complexity of the channel. Photos of the seaplane and the image of a ufo are unaffected to the one of the encounter of the 18 of January.
Different commentary: The report of Alfonso Salazar and the videos of Daniel Sanchez announce the vision of a ufo in the airways of the Mexican funds. The subsequent recordings obtained from Daniel existence 16 and 17 of January of the bequeath appointment.