Many believe that Disclosure is on its way. I believe if anything, disclosure is already happening regardless if the Governments want it or not. Sooner or later majority of people will wake up not by any help from the Government but from social media sites as well as perhaps viewing a UFO themselves. With the steady but quickening increase of sightings world wide, it is clear that any Alien beings are not waiting on a bunch of pencil pushers to tell the truth. Why should the Governments disclose? They are enjoying their control over the people and why should they rock the boat? It never mattered about the truth or what was best for humanity. They even go out of their way as well as Hollywood to make it a scary thing. I'll save the Hollywood agenda for another post but it's no coincidence that the negative aliens out weigh the good ones in the movies and TV.People should never relay on Governments, especially for the truth. The Disclosure community is relaying to much on the fact that the Governments just might tell the truth if the majority of people demand it. It won't happen. We, the people need to make Disclosure for ourselves through educating each other and sharing evidence of UFOs and Alien visitation. Though many countries are open about UFOs and the records of sightings, none would come flat out and say the truth. They give hints such as when the UN named Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku as a Representative to Extraterrestrials or even Ronald Reagan's infamous speech at the UN. The hints are there from Government officials but it is up to us to take it to the next level. A great video about sightings that undoubtedly shows UFOs-
Posted by Unknown
4:16 PM