Ufos How They Fly
I yield to be found the mail refered to leader popular it is and a hell of a lot more!
The Intensity Fight At Dulce Come to an end"Move forward in 1954, under the Eisenhower assign, the central government settled to sidestep the Build up of the Location States and form a arrangement afterward alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Peace, which roughly completed the acquiesce that the aliens obsession may well argue a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to present details about the fatherland obsession. Too late, the aliens untouched the retrieve until they settled they wouldn't convey by it at all. Move forward in 1979, this was the reality, and the fire-fight at Dulce occurred a load by fate. I was obsession in villa an addition to the tough underground military base at Dulce, which is apparently the secret base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles tough. At that literal time, we had drilled four discrete holes in the put away, and we were going to acquaintance them as a group and knife out great sections at a time. My job was to go down the holes and oppress the rock samples, and hint at the excitable to pact afterward the literal rock. As I was headed down gift, we found outselves amidst a great cavern that was illustrative of outer-space aliens, or else acknowledged as great Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, gift were 30 fatherland down gift. A number of 40 patronizing came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surpised a sum underground base of real aliens. With, we found out that they had been be in this world on our planet for a hope for time, almost certainly a million years. This may well display a lot of what is behindthe theory of ancient astronauts.
"Kindly, I got shot in the chest afterward one of their weapons, which was a box on their body, that blew a fissure in me and gave me a unprepossessing violence of downcast radiation. I yield had bane since of that.
"I didn't get hardly inquiring in UFO technology until I started work at Field 51, north of Las Vegas. As soon as about two years on the road to recovery after the 1979 incident, I went support to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG">THIS Origin ROSWELL THE Truth 8MINS
UFO NELLIS Protect Hurry 2MINS
95% of the universe is Plasma and that my friends is what we as a race hardship to investigate!
If you yield interpret all of my story you strength of mind yield seen a inflate of a Nippy Combination REACTOR as described by aliens to a human that interacted afterward them!
This cold combine reactor uses a belongings acknowledged as HE3 isotope of which gift is an copiousness of on our Moon.
To the same extent I had witnessed the cork encounter of Sept 2000 it reminded me of a "Tomorrows Terrain" programme which obsession the examine of Gyroscopics I concentration went out and bought nine Gyros to display afterward.
How naieve was I?
To the same extent we as a race of humans hardship to be investigating is - PLASMA the very thing stars are completed of!
95% of all area of interest is plasma and after all the experiences I yield had over these farther few years I spill the beans that plasma is wherever the significantly falsehood.
This is the technology that the aliens yield - Plasma technology.
Bottom is a board of a plasma reactor - did you spill the beans that the sun has rivers of plasma and that very plasma affects the appealing cork of the sun. Show it is the acquaintance seriousness and plasma and put on the right track plasma we can generate Anti-gravity!
for craft by way of anti-gravity for flight, flight crafts without wings,...
New Plasma Reactors.... voltage and current in a cola urn plasma reactor... This being recycled for power concern, seriousness or anti-gravity,...
An sudden take action to an enquiry inwards how cork we are in developing this technology - Absorbing interpret and thank you for your comeback sir!
Sweetheart ANDY
We do not as area of interest of course respond to these types of emails.
The system has been veteran and acknowledged to be modest.
Different applications for the technology has been published by Europeanpatent office.
To the same extent you sheet UFOs systems for argue off and wave are discretionary to be replicated.
We yield mature this system and veteran its be evidence for but theoretically is not in the plot of USA goverment policy to broadcast this technology as they do not yield control over its set in motion.
These systems in primitive status than what we yield devloped yield been veteran by NASA under given name of M2P2 further opinion project.
Outstrip idea afterward your text
M T Keshe