The Carlos Diaz Encounters
He was astounded by what he saw and couldn't get it out of his mind, Diaz became so engrossed by his sighting that he started to return to the spot on a daily basis with the hope of seeing the craft again. Several weeks passed and there was nothing, just as he began to give up hope of ever seeing the UFO again it reappeared. Diaz stated the weather was atrocious that night but the UFO was clearly visible with its bright orange glow. He crawled through the rain and poor visibility to a point about fourty meters from the object and was amazed by the amount of detail he could see on the craft. The UFO was dome shaped and smooth around the top with strange cylindrical circles underneath. Diaz was so transfixed by the UFO he didn't notice someone creeping up behind him, he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder and immediately passed out. He woke up hours later and found himself to be completely dry despite the heavy rain just before he passed out.
Diaz picked himself up slightly confused and bewildered and made his way home. Despite his strange experience he returned the next day to find what he described as a strange alien looking entity sitting on the grass near the spot where he had passed out. He was told by this alien being that he had been taken aboard the UFO the day before and even though he doesn't remember now he would remember in time, the alien then disappeared. Over time Diaz's memory returned and he recalled being inside a massive cave and seeing the UFO parked on some sort of raised platform. The cave he said was awe inspiring and seemed to contain lots of Mayan type sculptures. The cave was full of people walking around and Diaz was led to a smaller cave and placed inside a giant glowing egg shaped object. Whilst inside he was transported to a tropical rainforest and could feel the atmosphere of the forest as he walked through it. Shortly after experiencing this he was removed from the egg by the Alien and transported back outside onto the grass.
These visits continued for many years after and according to him still go on to this day. During these encounters with this egg thing he was transported to all sorts of different Eco systems from all over the world, he was taught how all these different Eco systems were being systematically destroyed by mans actions and was told by his Alien friend that all life was linked in a way we would never know. The reason his completely far fetched story is so widely believed is this, over the years he has taken a series of photographic and video evidence of his encounters with the UFO and they are widely believed to be the best visual and photographic evidence of a UFO anyone has ever taken. The film footage and the photographs he took were scrutinised by experts from all over the world and they have all been convinced by the amount of detail in them.
A professor by the name of Victor Quesada from the polytechnical institute at the university of Mexico said this of the photos "We were shocked to discover that the spectrum of light from the object was unlike anything we have ever seen, it broke all previous parameters and didn't match anything in our data banks. The light was extraordinarily intense. There was no evidence of superimposition or a hoax. We estimated the object to be around 30 to 50 metres in diameter". He wasn't the only one to investigate these photographs and film footage, they were also thoroughly examined by photographic experts from the university's of Pisa, Mannheim and Louvain, Dr Robert Nathan from the Jet propulsion lab at NASA and Bob Shell the photo technical consultant for the FBI. Dr Robert Nathan publicly stated he could not see any evidence that these photos had been faked. Professor John Mack, head of psychiatry at Harvard Medical school has spent many years investigating alien abductions and interviewed Carlos Diaz at length about his experiences.
John Mack has written a book about the Alien Abduction phenomena and he's quoted as saying "Diaz case is among the most convincing I have come across, out of all the experiencers I have worked with, it is Carlos Diaz who seems to have developed the richest understanding of the interconnected web of nature. Diaz's experience of connecting with living creatures is so intense that he seems literally to become the thing he is describing" he is referring to the fact that during his visits to the alien craft Diaz has aparantley visited so many parts of the earth through this weird egg thing. Carlos has amassed a huge understanding of the Eco systems of the world and describes them as well as someone who had lived in these systems their whole live's despite never having physically been to any of these places himself.
Carlos attended a UFO conference in Germany in 1995 and made the following statement, "he had been informed through his contacts that the civilization of the visiting extraterrestrial, like ours, had been threatened by its own history of destruction, but had somehow managed to survive. He remains convinced that his contacts' disturbing prediction for our future is only too real - a prediction that states with near certainty that humanity, on its current course, is headed for total extinction". Another comment made regarding the photographs Carlos Diaz took of the Alien craft are as follows "Certainly, for many who have examined the images, the first shot is the most impressive. In it, the orange glowing craft can be seen through the windshield of the car, and light from the object is reflected both off the car's bonnet and off the metal guard rail by the side of the road. These, in particular, are details that experts claim are extremely difficult to fake".
It's not only photographic evidence Diaz took, he has also made a series of video recordings of his UFO visits and these again have been scrutinised and confirmed as genuine the world over. It was Mexican Ufologist Jaime Maussan who challenged him to film the UFO meetings, Diaz made several video recordings over a period of several months and it has been universally recognised that these videos contain some of the best UFO footage ever taken. Around 12,000 people in Carlos's home city of Tepoztlan reported seeing the same UFO that he had photographed and filmed, regular UFO sightings are picked up by air traffic controllers in Mexico's international airport and a researcher by the name of Dr Roberto Pinotti who visited the area while investigating the claims made by Carlos Diaz also witnessed the same UFO. According to Carlos and many other abductees and people involved with the UFO phenomena all over the world Aliens are living among us and have been for thousands of years, a theory that grows and grows as time goes on. Personally I think the photos are shit but there you go, what do I know.