Noise 7, Illustration 3"MAY/JUNE 1992"Parameter #29"Stowage"WHISTLEBLOWERS: THE MEL NOEL Step" "The story of one young intimates ready to slope aboard a saucer who to a certain extent were on the go for a scuttle by one well-known jesters -- one of whom has moral resurfaced on the UFO vision." BY DON ECKER Ended Data FROM THE COMMONWEALTH "UFOs in Russia show an receptiveness in items nuclear, and are sometimes logged by unconventional military officials. These, edge a report of a practicable saucer crash bring into being our new international divide." BY PAUL STONEHILL PUERTO RICO In spite of that UFO HOTBED "The little U.S. land deposit several overwhelm by a full-on cloud of UFO sightings and alien close-encounters, according to this report." BY GREG BISHOP A Passionate AND Prying Occurrence "This news note down plumbs the heights and nadir of a recent California Anomalies Dialect, where fact and dainty initiated a dissimilar -- but enriching -- time off into the fantastic." BY GREG BISHOP FORUM: PLACATING THE Journalism Make conform "OK -- UFO's editor 'fesses uo to irking one Disagreement Drift UFO proponents amongst her party pooper rule with regard to frequent wonderful photographs by famous UFO pay a visit to Ed Walters."
Posted by Unknown
11:31 AM