Synopsis Of The Alien Master Plan
Version 1.0
This article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda. It merely skims the surface and should therefore supplement your own research, not replace it. If you want a thorough grasp of what's going on, I recommend analyzing with discernment the following books (email me if you have trouble obtaining them):
"Gods of Eden" - William Bramley
"The Threat" - Dr David Jacobs
"The Love Bite" - Eve Lorgen
"Into the Fringe" - Dr Karla Turner
"God's Gladiators" - Stuart Wilde
"Tales from the Timeloop" - David Icke
"UFOs and the National Security State" - Richard Dolan
"The Allies of Humanity" - Marshall Summers
"Bringers of the Dawn" - Barbara Marciniak
"The Ra Material, Books I,II,III" - Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert
"Cassiopaean Transcripts" - Cassiopaeans, LKJ
Each of these contain valuable pieces to the puzzle. Use your heart to tell you what is right, and use intellect to tell you what is false. The same goes for what you read in this article. Keep what makes sense, and throw out what is blatantly false.
"Something's right til proven wrong or something better comes along."
Of course not. We're not even alone on earth. Even assuming that a finite 3D universe is all there is, calculations show a high probability that intelligent life exists elsewhere in this galaxy and that earth has seen the presence of extraterrestrials. Anyone with common sense acknowledges this possibility, anyone with an open mind will research the subject, and anyone with open eyes will confirm for themselves that aliens exist, have been active in our past, and continue to be actively involved in human affairs today.
Skeptics tend to be ignorant and refuse to examine all the evidence, closing their eyes and claiming they don't see any evidence that aliens exist. In truth, ignorance is never proof to the contrary. To put it another way, "Just because your head's up your ass doesn't mean the sun don't shine."
Evidence is everywhere - from worldwide religious and mythological accounts commonly describing ancient encounters with advanced beings, anomalous archaeological sites and artifacts indicating past use of superior technology, over a century's worth of eyewitness sightings of UFOs, hundreds of physical trace samples recovered from UFO landing sits, government documents and whistleblowers acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrials, and thousands of abduction cases that include multiple witnesses, memories recalled without hypnosis, and undisputable physical and medical evidence confirming these accounts.