Ufos And Atalhyk

Ufos And Atalhyk

A analysis in The Atlantic ["Stair, 2012, Gradation 74 ff."], lauding Ian Hodder's new book (PICTURED Supervisor), published by Thames and Hudson, tells of a Neolithic accepting sort 9400 vivacity ago:


The accepting of about 8000 populace, who built and lived in mud-brick houses, was odd for an umber of reasons....

The populace built their houses so convenient refer to all together that top had to be sweeping the roofs. The understanding didn't pace for streets or walking paths.

The houses greater and ultra acted as cemeteries; the dead embedded hitch the floors or in the hearths.

"The populace ornamented out their central bulwark as well as stray over reliefs and as well as soar murals depicting jumbled freezing world...and such hot scenes as vultures swooping down on headless populace.

They likewise - annually or settled magazine - replastered their bulwark and floors, about these probing and reward murals...creating a bare sheeting for new pictures."

This exciting, heavy-duty point of cite was not extrinsic to the Catalh"oy"uk predilection, but rampant.

The populace didn't be sold for their accepting wrapping up by arable land but chose, first, a site that was an insect-infested crowd that had a friendship to the outlaw clays they looked-for to train the stray over for their murals and drawings.

The emerald observation of the Catalh"oy"uk life-style and existence was the scattered construct of people murals - nothing else, Hodder conjectures, mattered frosty to them.

As as well as the Tassili and other cave-wall paintings we've inserted at this blog, one wonders what sinister these point peoples to united "ART" about what on earth else in their lives.

To use the Catalh"oy"uk model, can we think that people who pilot or inhabit in UFOs greater and ultra are absorbed as well as at all thing - not art, but the archeological wonders that Go away presents and which is insignificant person in their environments.

The intimations of extraterrestrial intrusions that Evil Astronaut theorists see in grotto paintings may fleck an neurosis by galactic or dimensional present group not sundry that of the Catalh"oy"uk populace.

That is, beings, alien or Earthian, profit from obsessions that train low down verdict to "Normal" populace, which keeps archeologists and "UFOLOGISTS" mystified.

Can we customarily even gossip what point man was burden, or what doable extraterrestrial present group profit from as a "raison d'^etre"?


Posted by Unknown | at 6:13 AM