Exopolitical Disclosure Revelations From The Mod X Files Ufo Spied Over Westminster Houses Of Parliament

JUNE 29, 2013 - UNITED KINGDOM - A UFO was spotted flying above the Houses of Parliament just a few years ago, according to Ministry of Defence files released today.

The files, released by the National Archives, include sightings reported to the MoD's UFO Desk between 2007 and 2009, when it was closed.

One person reported seeing a UFO over the Houses of Parliament, leaving a message on the UFO hotline's answerphone.

The report, from February 12, 2008, described "green, red and white lights", static in the sky and quite far in the distance, seen for about an hour and a half.

It said the person "said there were many aircraft passing the UFO, but it stayed static in the air. He said that he had seen it on Sunday, February 10, 2008 too".

Sightings, which saw a surge in 2009, came from across the British Isles, and even further afield, including the Canary Islands.

Another sighting described "discoid" shapes noticed in photographs of Stonehenge.

The email, dated January 14, 2009 and given the subject, "UFOs over Stonehenge?", said: "I thought that I would send you these digital photos because they were taken a couple of years ago at Stonehenge of all places; so, possibly significant.

"All were taken within about 30 minutes (including the one of the thistle) and although I didn't see anything in the sky at the time because I was focusing upon the stones.

"Upon uploading them to my computer, though, I spotted the discoid shapes in the background. It was upon 'zooming in' on the shapes that I thought the images significant."

The message added: "I'm sure you get this kind of thing every day! However, I'm very fond of my UFOs so needed to share them!"

The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk in 2009 because it served "no defence purpose" and was taking staff away from "more valuable defence-related activities", the files showed.

The latest tranche of declassified MoD UFO files, 25 in number and over 4,400 pages, showed the decision was taken to close the desk and its UFO "hotline" in a year when sightings reported to the department had trebled, but that, in more than 50 years, none had indicated the existence of "any military threat to the UK". - LONDON 24.

Origin: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com

Posted by Unknown | at 2:28 PM