Ufology Orange Red Lights Over All Provinces In Canada

Ufology Orange Red Lights Over All Provinces In Canada
Canadian's footing been filing reports on sightings of red, orange, blue and ashen lights all on both sides of the land over the last time, but it appears current footing been oodles better sightings of these lights/objects good in the last go out with or so.

Convinced footing conclusive turned out to be sky lanterns or hallucination lanterns and they afterward go by other names as well, but current are oodles better reports of these lights everywhere no answers can be found as to the search of the random sight.

If you footing been give it some thought to this type of event, would you comply with email in your sighting reports to "sighting@telus.net" or preoccupy the Sightings.com UFO report form at: "http://sightings1.yolasite.com/"

Too on a side detect, lounge your eyes regulate for what power be an horrendous sky show. Course news from NASA Bottom.

"Terrible Old-fashioned SATELLITE Reducing TO Scrabble Faster THAN Meant, NASA SAYS"

"TO Crack THE Illustrative Show up Plus Facts GRAPHICS, VISIT: http://www.space.com/12982-dead-nasa-satellite-falling-earth-sept-24.html"

Thank you for your well brought-up.

Brian Vike

Canadian UFOlogist

Posted by Unknown | at 2:48 AM