The Paglen Pictures But Where Are The Ufoet Pictures
Mr. Paglen is a fellow who is noted for his artistic photographs of highly secret places like Area 51.
Mr. Paglen hopes to enlighten the population about such clandestine venues by making aesthetic images of those venues.
I don't get the point exactly but found an effort by Mr. Paglen to be worthy of extrapolation.
That effort is this: Mr. Paglen has gathered a group of images that he, along with help of researchers at MIT and astronomer Joel Weisberg, will be launched on a satellite, the Echostar XVI, late in 2012.
The intent is to provide the images, called The Last Pictures, for intergalactic aliens.
This is similar to the images that Carl Sagan helped create and gather for Voyager 1 which is at the outer edges of the Solar System and meant to enlighten galactic civilizations about the Earth and its inhabitants.
These "notes in a bottle" are interesting and projective; that is, they assume that life exists in the Universe and that life will find the images informative about another existence, us.
But questions arise...
If there is life elsewhere, why hasn't it tried to communicate with us, via such imaged projectiles or something similar?
After all, UFO ET advocates would have us believe that flying saucers contain thinking humanoids.
And haven't UFOs and their witnessed occupants mimicked humanity, in clothing and appearance, even appurtenances (such as belts, weaponry, footwear, helmets, et cetera)?
Even UFOs or flying saucers haven't been more exotic than Earth's aircraft designs.
So there would seem to be a similar engineering mind-set at work in the UFO phenomenon.
But even without UFO entities like us, science thinks that galactic civilizations would have the same mathematical sensibilities as our own, or even an evolved mental (or societal) ability not unlike ours so they would understand the images attached to Voyager 1 or Paglen's satellite insertions.
Implicit in the Paglen and Sagan thrusts lies a belief that life isn't unique to Earth.
But science refuses to accept visitations here from those outer lives.
And UFO buffs have got to ask themselves why UFO occupants haven't tried to provide images of their cultures or civilizations.
That is one of the enduring mysteries of the UFO phenomenon: the lack of identification.
Your thoughts?