UFO SIGHTING IN ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ON JANUARY 9TH 2015 - STAR LIKE OBJECT HOVER SLOWLY IN CIRCULAR PATH THEN STREAKED AWAY EXTREMELY FAST IN WHITE CIGAR SHAPE LIGHT THEN VANISHED WITH BRIGHT FLASHI live near shore of lake ontario and was driving home and about 5 houses away from home saw star-like object way above my house that was moving slowly in a tight circular path. Other than the motion it looked like a star. Then it zipped across the sky in a bright white cigar shaped light. The object flew in a nike swoosh-like path across my unobstucted view of the sky.Not sure if the object changed shape or looked cigar shaped from the extremely fast flight. It disappeared in a cloud bank and the clouds flashed with white light briefly before it vanished. It headed south toward city, somebody else must have seen this.LATEST 2014 UFO SIGHTINGCredit: MUFON- - - Any included Media: http://bitly.com/14D5VS7Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Posted by Unknown
7:30 AM