Ufo Sighting In Minneapolis
I believe the sighting was Sunday June 9, 2013 (though it could have been the day before). I'd parked in the Cub Foods parking lot on a side (closest to 35W south overpass, not Nicollet side) I don't normally park on to go to the garden center hut there (and also go into the store). The hut turned out to be closed due to some earlier rain I believe. After getting out of my car, I noticed a round/oval gray object not far above the roof line of the store in the sky (a little to my left). (My car was in an E-W orientation to the store. The store faces S.) Nothing significant made me look at the object - it just seemed like it was in my line of vision before I turned around to go to the garden hut. At first I thought it was an escaped balloon or something, just my eyes. But I stood there and watched it for about 3-4 minutes. It was moving away from me, like it was going upward and away I'd guess to the N.W. in that it was going upward and back from the top of the building. It was small (smaller than an aspirin) so it was pretty far away. The weather was party cloudy I believe more toward overcast. I had seen a UFO before in Michigan about 16 years ago so I realized it wasn't a balloon or a regular aircraft. Around the time it retreated from sight, to my right, planes were landing at Mpls.-St. Paul airport - they were coming in over the 35W/62 Crosstown exchange - a couple of them, very clear in range of vision, low. I didn't need this gauge to know that whatever I saw wasn't a plane or a balloon. I see a lot of planes and know my aircraft. By the time I realized I should take a photo it was moving out of sight. I have an old cell phone (not a smart phone) so I knew the picture quality would be very poor even if I got to it early on in the sighting. Emotion wise, I was a little bit excited to see it but because I'd seen one before I wasn't overly excited. I was like "oh wow, that's cool. It's a UFO." I've studied about them and as a journalist have written about them, interviewing scientists and abduction researchers. My sighting years earlier in Michigan was much more profound and visceral. (And ironically, it was the same summer I believe I'd covered the July 1997 MUFON conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I was with another attendee of that conference). That one was a triangular shaped craft with lights, definitely not a plane, but very high up. Relatively speaking, the UFO I saw in Minneapolis in early June 2013 was lower in the sky, and more of a direct flight path if that makes sense. Ultimately I believe I lost sight of the object because it was simply going farther and farther away from me.
(via MUFON.com)
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