Ufo News And Reports
SHOCKING UFO NEWS AND REPORTS // Tw of the biggt events in 2010 ufo news and reports m frm Professor Sthn Hwking nd seven frmr U.S. Air Fr ilt. Perhaps th mt interesting thing i the diffrn in inin btwn th tw rti Th ti? Th diitin f the lin. Thir "gnd" to k. Mr. Hwking ud quite a tir when h md th ttmnt that w should not k out lin lif. Intd, we huld b ding vrthing in ur wr t hid from the lin. Atull, hi wrding w mr lng th lines f avoiding n contact but th mg h w nding n rtinl be tkn as a warning fr u rthling t hid as bt as w can. Why wuld the professor make uh a statement? Bu h bliv lin lif is rtin to xit in many l beyond our wn lnt nd we hv no w of knwing wht tht alien lif will b lik. Hi reasoning i inrdibl iml nd yet highl lgil. Thi universe ntin an timtd 100 billin glxi. Yes, glxi! A you knw ur own lnt i but n f mn in th Milk W galaxy. Hwking uggt that each glx contains hundreds of millin of tr nd planets. In uh n immn, it i highly unlikl nd indd, illgil, t expect tht Earth is the nl planet to hld life. H believes th imrtnt qutin i nt "d lin xit?" but "wht r th lik?" Whil Hwking xt tht most thr lif will b extremely simple uh mirb, at lt a fw of th life frm out there r certain t not nl b intllignt but also likl t rnt a threat to humn. Professor Hwking nidr th possibility tht lin m hv already exhausted all natural rur n thir hm-wrld so have taken t space Intrglti nmd traveling from lnt t planet nuring nd raiding th rur n each wrld. I find it very intrting tht thi bit of 2010 ufo news and reports reminds m vr muh of th movie Independence Day whr lin br n unnn resemblance t wht Hawking dribd. In th mvi, the lin r dribd bing imilr t lut, mving from planet t lnt devouring all rur from h n. Regardless, I mut dmit tht the rfr indd makes a vlid point and he drove tht point hm in his conclusion whih compared contact btwn lin races nd humans t th utm of Chrithr Clumbu mking contact with Ntiv Americans. // Nw, let's tk a lk at th it view. On Stmbr 27, 2010 seven frmr U.S. Air Fr ilt delivered testimony tting tht nt nl do lin xit but th r and have bn viiting u. The ilt stated th had either reviewed reports dumnting UFOs hvring above nuclear it, r hd rnll witnd th events. Rbrt Hting, a UFO researcher, stated tht h, nd the vn frmr U.S. Air Force Pilots, bliv that thi lnt i urrntl being visited b beings from nthr world. Furthermore, th bliv tht fr whatever reason, th alien viitr hv taken n bviu interest in th nulr rm r whih bgn on Earth t th end f World Wr Tw. The pilots provided dritin of th events. Dribing rd glwing objects, nd other lin rft, tht projected beams f light r nrg dwn from thund f feet bv. Th lim the Mlmtrm Air Force B w th location of one uh event back in 1967. UFO rd and tmrril dibld nulr miil b uing these bm of nrg. In ntrt to Sthn Hwking' view, the nluin of the vn frmr U.S. Air Fr Pilt i tht, whoever th bing r, th bviul wnt u to stop our continual bikring between ntin around th world nd t cease th uruit f nuclear wnr. Th rn't u t n gd. Hw d we know this? Bu th hvn't blitrtd u t. Of ur, n may wonder wh th aliens care. Are thir mtiv ltruiti? D they trul wih t v u from urlv or do they viw ur nulr wnr as a thrt t thm. Answer for thus questions and more you can find one ufo news and reports.
Origin: project-ufo.blogspot.com