Stanton Friedman in Roswell, July 2010. image credit: Alejandor Rojas I seldom assess other peoples reviews ingot of my own books. But I consider I fancy to awful an release. Two very studious sounding experts exercise reviewed at compelling scale Annie Jacobsens extraordinarily flimsy and dishonest book "Sway 51" on their site Washington Decoded. It apparently tells all about the extreme precisely classified base not far from Las Vegas, In above it provides an entirely new and relatively fragile and outrageous explanation for the Roswell Understanding. I,too, reviewed the book in one of my academic journal columns and could vulgarly stool pigeon zip up to clutch her unique disagreement that beings manipulated by Joseph Mengele in convergence when Joseph Stalin in some way piloted a German Horton Brothers flying wing vehicle to crash close to Roswell to siren America.. In this schedule two very formidable sounding professionals, Dr. Robert S. Norris and Dr. Jeffrey T. Richelson, simply published a very long-drawn-out fatalist assess of her book and besides managed to in some way edify the theorist boom of the pseudo science of anti-ufology. They appropriately top score that she through no point out to a inundate of directly compelling sources and through adequately of matter-of-fact mistakes re Sway 51 related matters. After that, spectacularly, they allocate abundant errors of glide and issue about Roswell and singularly convinced other stuff and besides slur me. And vulgarly I am reddened. Sway 51 book cover I was stupefied at convinced gaps in their conspiracy. For example, they noted that Annie three sundry get older falsely referred to a pin-up of mine, Dr. Vannevar Flowering shrub, as head of the Manhattan Proposal. That greatness hack to Prevalent Leslie Groves for the Services Element of Engineers and the puzzling condescending, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. But then they reduce in importance to Flowering shrub song as "Science Appraiser to Proceed Franklin Roosevelt and as such was chairman of a 3 partner confound duty specific as the military Diplomacy Commission, that thoroughly rubber printed decisions that Groves had earlier through.". Their receive fortunate about Flowering shrub was G. Pascal Zachary, "Myriad Frontier: Vannevar Flowering shrub, Oilrig of the American Century". Zachary was a raconteur for the Barricade Aspect bulletin and as far as I could tell did not be introduced to much about Bushs precisely classified schedule. One would consider that the fact that VB was head of the Area of Arithmetic Dig and Impending from side to side the war may possibly exercise been noted. Thousands of engineers and scientists worked on projects funded by the OSRD. These included such main developments as that of the friendship seal, radar, and certain the Manhattan Manufacturing Zone. Their testify is a bit intend referring to Harass Truman as a Missouri haberdasher and ignoring his support in the US Lower house and as US Proceed. They reduce in importance to song 3 Roswell books,and touted debunkers intend Phil Klass none of them by serious researchers who searched for and interviewed first hand witnesses, visited history and crash sites, etc Current is no endorse of such books as "The Roswell Understanding" by Charles Berlitz and William Moore and to which I was a receive contributor;"The Data about the Roswell Understanding" and "The Unadulterated Data about the Roswell Understanding", by Don Schmitt, and Kevin Randle, "Fit at Aura",by Don Berliner" and in my opinion and "Proof to Roswell" by Don Schmitt and Tom Carey.etc. They were disturbed of my existence as shall be noted after that, but misused my locale and disliked a cluster of papers which I exercise published moreover my books. They are upset that Annie repeats a pleasant pointer about me by Larry Ruler, but palpably couldnt be anxious glance out me or my publications. Vannevar Flowering shrub image credit: U.S. Store of Congress They state "Long-winded something like her story, as well are innumerable mistakes and iffy claims". That is certainly raw. But it is raw of them as well. They blindly gather the 2 big Legislature Roswell volumes supposedly accepting whatever thing in them as Gospel conversely abundant errors exercise been described for abundant years. Trendy is how they circumscribe the Roswell Understanding " refers to convinced garish rubbish that was found on 7 July 1947 at a plow not quite 75 miles northwest of Roswell, New Mexico. The rancher who naked it contacted the national sheriff who contacted Roswell Services Air Matter. Specified Understanding officers were sent and poised regulate of the rubbish and took it to Roswell AAF that dusk. The flanking day, the majestic information endorsed released a aver catchphrase that a flying disc had been enhanced. The lead subject caption of the July 8 spring of the Roswell Thesis Enumeration was "RAAF Captures Above ground Saucer on Fish farm in Roswell Realm". The rubbish was then flown to 8th Air Strength Office at Castle Difference AAF in Texas and inspected. The theory was that the rubbish was the remainder of a weather tremendous". Taking into consideration they believed it was a tremendous since being are balloons through of metal? The facts stain that this is much beneath than amend. In the first permission the rancher had found the rubbish popular a few existence earlier to Saturday, July 5, being he went to Aura and showed convinced to friends at the Prevalent Run of the mill donate. The Rancher did not get a pamphlet and had no e-mail and had not heard about flying saucers until the category in Aura told him about them and that donate was a squeeze out for pieces. They suggested he go to the Sheriff in Roswell. He took a down regulate of what was on the tremendous rubbish field to Sheriff Wilcox on July 6. The sheriff contacted RAAF and tease when Plain Jesse Marcel who certainly handled the waste and was ordered by his bigger Colonel William Blanchard to photograph a Counter Understanding endorsed when him and pursuit the rancher to his permission out miles from any trail. They passed away the night, viewed the rubbish field the flanking day, and brought moment a down regulate in their vehicles. Colonel Blanchard then ordered Plain Marcel to exercise one of their B-29s photograph him and the waste to Wright field manufacture a check at their hub in Castle Difference. By some means not song are the dates and thread infected up, but no endorse is through of the fact that the Roswell group, the 509th was the most exclusive military group in the world having dropped two minuscule missiles on Japan in 1945 and 2 completed from side to side Drive Crossroads in 1946. Blanchard went on to render 4 completed promotions and was a 4 star by and large portion as Vice-chief of Guy of the USAF being he died of a immense foundation attack at the Pentagon. He had served as Operations office for the Means Air Let know being it had thousands of nuclear warheads at its disposal. Marcel was the intelligence endorsed of this most exclusive group. Every Marcel and Blanchard were very recognizable when weather balloons since they were launched completely day at the base,and would exercise at this time blatant the waste as such. Marcel handled the strange waste in Roswell. He would never exercise been sent out short noting that the question was very strange. Norris and Richelson speak well of precisely, "The Roswell Report: Data Versus fabrication in the Roswell Disown" by Disinformation clout Colonel Weaver short noting all the fabrication available by the Air Strength. For example, it claims it was Proposal Big shot, a Top Concealed Curriculum, launched 4 June. The fact is that the brand new pamphlet accounts the story appeared and grew in dusk papers from Chicago West. say the waste was found "last week".The rancher had been in the area fair existence beforehand. Supercilious research by Dr. David Rudiak showed it could not exercise been that Big shot sincere. The program was not TOP secret. A minute ago the bring to an end was TS. If it had been TS, donate would exercise been a hound plane downcast at respectively sincere and the balloons and bits and pieces would never exercise been sanctioned to fib in the abandon. The foolish disagreement was through that the tremendous report was a declassification direct. It was a stay direct. Norris and Richelson insensitively state the balloons were through of special question. They were median neoprene weather balloons. They glance at very enthusiastically of the Air Strength report and hoop not to exercise immovable any of its abundant mistakes. For example it states a "Back home Enquirer" article about Marcel appeared in 1978. It was certainly in 1980 and was a upshot of my putting outstanding journalist Robert Pratt in express when Jesse Marcel so the first Deem "The Roswell Understanding" was due to be published. The report makes it unquestionable as conversely I worked not together from Berlitz and Moore and got my deliberation from the "Enquirer", being I certainly worked very exactly when Moore for years. I told Moore about Roswell. They endorse a strange grossly dishonest book by three professors which besides insinuated that Marcel was lucrative by the Enquirer. Of course none of these debunkers leave any information about my locale. To the USAF I am a UFO bookish. To Norris and Richelson I am "a UFO conspiracy Academic." No endorse that I am a nuclear physicist, that I worked on classified top-quality technology programs for 14 years for GE,GM, Westinghouse, Aerojet Prevalent Nucleonics etc. or that I exercise visited 20 sundry Chronicles, abundant get older they disagreement that any "trusty level Friedman has is obviously forbidden to citizens who belief in UFOs and Extraterrestrials." No fortunate is precise for these mad charges. They may possibly exercise mentioned that I belong to the American Nuclear Beat, the American Establishment of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the American Substantial Beat. No endorse that I exercise lectured on topics such as "Above ground Plates ARE Unadulterated" and or "Above ground Plates and Science" to completed than 700 colleges and complete groups in all 50 states, all 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries. I exercise had adequately of ecstatic observations from these institutions. Are all of these "believers in UFOs and Extraterrestrials?" Current is no endorse of all the evidence I exercise provided such as dozens of TOP Concealed almost unreservedly blacked out CIA UFO documents, or 156 almost complete whited out NSA UFO documents. In fact they are unaccustomed of the observations through by USAF Prevalent Carroll Bolender "Rumor of UFOs which could doing national justification are through in accordance when JANAP 146 or USAF Manual 55-11 and are NOT guise of the Depths Deem Arrangement" and "Supposition of Proposal Depths Deem would explore no country national office to render reports of UFOs. While, as earlier exact, reports of UFOs which could doing national justification would maintain to be handled not later than the median Air Strength trial assumed for this bring to an end." I placed and tease when Prevalent Bolender. I would bet these guys never heard of him. As expected the USAF has been lying perpetually since his October 20, 1969, hint which resulted in the closure of Proposal Depths Deem. The USAF has since then falsely claimed donate is no national justification company when UFOs and they exercise been act out zip up about them. They dont endorse the Congressional UFO Conference of July 29, 1968, which multipart 12 presentations by scientists amid me, or the major consider perpetually undamaged for the USAF, Proposal Depths Deem Miraculous Know No. 14. Of course, intend Jacobsen they are inferior of "authorial malpractice." Norris and Richelson besides buy hip the 2nd foolish USAF intensity "The Roswell Report: Quantity Blocked". "The aliens observed in the New Mexico abandon were perhaps anthropomorphic test dummies that were carried aloft by high distance from the ground balloons. One 43 high distance from the ground tremendous flights were launched and enhanced something like NM in the midst of June 1954 and February 1959." Afterward that the Roswell Understanding occurred in July 1947 Life budge, I personage and the bodies, one of whose pictures is in the USAF Know, were 6 tall and weighed 175 pounds, and was in a unwavering and could not maybe exercise morphed equal when time budge hip a 4 tall alien when a big head, one is flabbergasted at their naivety. I talked to the head of the program, Colonel Madsen. Of course, he isnt mentioned by them, nor did the USAF talk to him conversely they showed an old picture of him and one of the dummies. In momentary, we exercise high-level category catchphrase incorrect and dishonest bits and pieces. I, of course, cannot be introduced to whether it is out of indolence, fancy, solidity or so they were conspiring to protect the level of the USAF. They owe us all an amends.
Posted by Unknown
6:38 AM