Pc Alan Godfrey
ALAN has informed this conference's organizers that this will be the last time he intends to speak on these experiences in a public forum. - DO NOT MISS OUT BUY YOUR TICKET TODAY!November 28th 1980, 200 miles north of Rendlesham forest another British UFO encounter took place, but this time it was the British police who witnessed and came in contact with UFOs.
Alan Godfrey was one of the two officers to inspect the body of the deceased Zigmund Adamski. Adamski's body was found lying on a heap of coal in Tomlin's coal yard in the town of Todmorden at 15:45 on Wednesday June 11, 1980. Godfrey's inspection revealed that the body had been crudely dressed: he was wearing an overcoat and a vest, but no shirt. His jacket was fastened unevenly, the fly of his trousers was unzipped, and his shoes were not tied properly. Godfrey thought that the shoes seemed as though they had been placed on Adamski's feet by someone else. The forensic inspection of the body revealed that he had died of a heart attack, and had been dead for at least 8 hours before the police arrived. There were other unusual circumstances as well: Though Adamski was found at the top of a pile of coal, no scuffs or traces of coal dust were found on his clothing or skin, nor were there any signs on the coal itself to suggest that he had climbed to the top of the pile. Furthermore, strange burn marks were found around the back of his head, and another on the back of his neck that was covered in an unknown gel-like substance. Neither the burn marks nor the substance were ever identified. It was concluded that Adamski had been missing for six days prior to the discovery of his body. Godfrey was tasked with investigating the case (thought to be a homicide), but was not able to ascertain what had happened to Adamski.
The investigation into the death of Adamski was dropped later that year, and a security clampdown forbade officers from speaking to the press. Reflecting on the case in 1993, coroner James Turnbull claimed that the case absolutely mystified him. He also expressed some willingness to believe, along with popular speculation, that a UFO had been involved. The case remains unsolved.
Within six months of discovering Adamski's body, Godfrey was given another, seemingly less pressing, assignment. The Police station had been receiving multiple calls from concerned citizens regarding a herd of cows that had allegedly been appearing and reappearing on a local council estate. On the night of November 28, 1980, Godfrey was dispatched to investigate. He was driving his car down Burnley Road when he spotted something down the way ahead of him. Thinking that it was a double-decker bus that had skidded sideways on the road, he turned on his police lights and moved in for a closer inspection. When he got within 25 yards of the object, he realized that it was not in fact on the road at all; it was hovering approximately five feet off the ground. Not knowing how to proceed, he tried calling for backup in the car radio, only to discover that it would not function. His personal radio was also "completely dead." Godrey recalled that the object appeared to have been omitting some kind of force capable of disrupting the trees on either side of the road, yet it made no noise whatsoever, nor could he feel any vibration in the police car. For safety reasons, he remained in the car and proceeded to sketch the object in front of him in a notepad he kept in the vehicle. He described the object as a diamond shape, with the bottom half rotating and the top sitting stationary. Soon after finishing the sketch, he reported a "jump in time"; he suddenly found himself driving the car again, approximately 20 or 30 yards past the point at which he met the object. Confused as to what had just happened, Godfrey turned the car around and inspected the area in which it had rested. He found that the road was perfectly dry where it had hovered, despite the fact that the entire area had been dampened from the rainfall that night. Despite initial skepticism, Godfrey later came to believe that the he was the victim of an alien abduction.
Godfrey returned to the station to retrieve two fellow officers in an attempt to continue the search for the missing cattle. They managed to find them in a field, to which the only point of access was across a bridge and through a locked gate. There was no sign of the cattle having walked there themselves, despite the ground being wet and easily disturbed. Godfrey insisted that the only way the cows could have gotten there was for them to have simply been dropped on the spot.
Upon returning to the station, Godfrey also noticed that there was approximately 30-35 minutes "missing" for which he could not account. While he claims his trip down Burnley road should have only taken him 15 minutes, he had been gone for approximately 45-50. He also noticed several other things for which he had no rational explanation; an itchy but painless mark had appeared on his foot, and his boot had been split horizontally on the sole. The next day, he also discovered that three other officers had reported seeing strange lights at the time of Godfrey's encounter.
Godfrey reported the occurrences as per standard police procedure, despite some ridicule from colleagues. He soon found that the story had been leaked to the press, much to the embarrassment of the department and his family. Godfrey maintains that the department, uncomfortable with his newfound notoriety, pressured him to resign through such tactics as replacing his car with a bicycle. Godfrey no longer works for the police force
The Rendlesham 2012 Conference
Sunday June 17 at: 10am - 11.30pm. Tickets are lb20 each. Entry is strictly ticket only, tickets will be available on the door.