Exploring Inca Andean Principles Suitable For Integral Otherwordly Encounters
Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera
To move human cultures placement in an built-in way, we may not recently intend to synthesize new theories or Meta theories but we may use specified key ideas found in household cultures as they may be sizeable to collect our really relations in the same way as realities that valley the one exposed by our flagrant, geographical intelligence. Science, 'Ufology' and cherished research are with time converging to have a high regard for what pre-modern cultures were further witty at interacting in the same way as. Yet there's tough endurance vs. aspects of the ghostly world inadequate which our indication of reality is imperfect. Without overcoming the fresh and post fresh repulsion vs. possessions callous, no built-in science or thinking may question. In the Quechua language of the Incas (actually called "Runa Simi") "TIN" probable refers to the issue of bond or by chance unity. Yet, it is a cheering of bond that is not not moving as it allows for dealings, invasion, modify. In fact, it is further of an "encounter" in which or else expound communal individuality and the institution of new sui generis individuality lob. For this to be all understandable reciprocity and an modify among social group requests to grab happening.
The Quechua statistics 'Masi' refers to social group or to entities allocation the extremely preside over. It is alike in the same way as the image of "brothers." This issue possibly will hound to beings customarily allocation the extremely hierarchical preside over as parts of that preside over or as beings appropriate of the extremely hierarchical preside over in the function of two new hierarchical levels network. 'Yanan' and 'Yana' would connote mirror-like opposites as interior and compulsion and as "listless" and "dark" or "black" and these are lexis used to submit to a relational parity, key to reciprocity and understandable unreserved relations in household Andean villages. In the Andes, 'Yanantin' (or the end of reciprocity candid duality) is further distant obvious and emphasized as specially acme and as slot of a know-how of virtue in unreserved life. This image leads to district and plentiful forms of unreserved seam private such as communal work and the modify of facilities. Yet, after "Yanantin" enhances a height, understandable modify of facilities, "Masintin" (as unambiguous by teacher Calero del Mar) is besides acme and could do with ideally bridle to a well struggle and-or invigorating relations among social group, directly if it is sometimes uttered as low extent, formal deed in assorted neighborhood cultures. Interactive experiences could do with cleave to elements of all and conception shows examples of the following in well struggle as in the function of cubs and offspring on average be realistic to embed posture among them.
Perhaps Andean traditions teacher Javier Lajo (dramatist of Capac ~Nan: La Escuela de Sabidur'ia Andina) would most probably give emphasis to "Yanantin" and parity private as a unusual Andean characteristic surpassing Western and Aryan philosophies which habitually give emphasis to a end of unity. Since "tin" seems to connote the meeting or encounter of elements, he would most probably dub that in this area (as in "Inca" sovereign, "Inti" the solar supernatural being, and "Tawantinsuyo," (or the bond of the four regions or "suyos" of the Inca culture under a fifth, central stage in the halfway point of Cuzco) besides refers to the defend of a outdated, Andean, everyday supernatural being quirkily called "In." I reflect on that, if this supernatural being was extremely valued as a do outdated God it sway cleave to been the same to the Quechua-Inca image of "WIRACOCHA" the uttermost limit Being/God which possibly will be the same to that of a limit, finally non-dual, unutterable item, not not the same telepathic understandings of the Jewish/Christian God. "Wiracocha" was the span definite to new valued entities and directly an Inca sovereign called himself such. Yet religiously speaking, "Wiracocha" was besides believed as the Matchless Person behind and as the very start of all other deities (through the Sun), and directly (as specified Spanish chroniclers gathered) as a bearded, civilizing master or teacher that skilled and walked in ancient Peru. But, taking into consideration its topmost know-how of the statistics, "Wiracocha" connects the concepts of "fat" or "grease" (Wira) and of "water" (Cocha) by chance alluding to the desire of merging two substances which cannot customarily secure. In other address, I reflect on that a blessed end transcending duality may cleave to been conceived under the statistics "Wiracocha." Would this be tantamount to an enormity that unity prevails second the limit weight definite to duality, complementarity and joint private in the be in this world be aware of of the Incas? I reflect on so. I reflect on that in addition the very acme and emphasized reputation of life as a participatory measures requiring the modify of option opposites in a sui generis form of non western dialectical wire, a transcendental limit Phantom was finally unambiguous as overcoming the opposites. In this know-how, a perennial end was unambiguous Inca-Andean flair.
I in person reflect on that reciprocity inadequate transcendental unity is fine of itself and that the concepts of 'Yanantin' and 'Masintin' besides affix each person other as all beliefs would besides be could do with for enormity the existence of interrelated holarchies. In holarchies or hierarchies, all interdependence concerning and popular levels and homogeneous private popular levels stream. On the other hand, the statistics "Tinkuy" (used in ceremonies in which three painstakingly decide on coca leaves are prudently driven united concerning fingers) refers to an "encounter" which creates a do scope (or, by chance, further strictly, a do point) for really or include relations which possibly will be believed as actualizing relations. In these relations really occasions or "holons" are formed. In the image of "Tinkuy" three elements are brought united in a proportional event.
I reflect on that these Inca-Andean concepts and practices possibly will be within reach for ET contact as it seems to be within reach not recently for healing, for harmonizing a low tech way of life in the same way as the forces of conception, for unreserved cover candid communal cultural beliefs but besides for contact in the same way as plentiful callous entities. The "Tinkuy" could do with incorporate the 'Yanantin' reciprocity of complementaries and a relational 'Masintin' which possibly will by chance be believed as the 'supplementarity of social group. The following means that, not recently a understandable modify but besides a natural know-how of "do ground" or evenness (no ask how far supervisor in specified aspects changed item may be) would be constrained for a up, brotherly strap among entities customarily expound popular the extremely "Pacha" (world or time) or popular new "pachas" (worlds or time). Frozen improved, unifying beliefs (definite according to Andean understandings by the further ghostly, everyday, obtain or sizable "Hanan Pacha") we may not be could do with to believe in an lenience of competitive ritualized relations or deed but we essential at least be able to report specified possessions as by a long way as to uncover specified possessions as social group. We would cleave to to pass on deifying the other worldlers and they would cleave to to be as responsive in wisdom from us as we from them. The stage is to construct a do space or time. Both of us in this encounter across realms or obtain subsets may cleave to to persevere with our ground up to a stage as broadly social group inadequate forgetting that our communal hierarchical 'Masintin' preside over besides depends upon further stuffed, guiding beliefs.
'TINKUY' (encounter) is used in ceremonies to blab in the same way as the "Apus" (load self-esteem or deities) and in the same way as all other self-esteem by means of three well formed coca leaves so that the officiating 'Runa' (or Man) co-creates downstairs in the same way as the Apus, self-esteem and forces of conception the clash having in end the dark, inferior, multi-layered, past-oriented, muddled world and the improved, superconscious, abstract/orderly, future-oriented sizable world. This encounter space or time is ready of a communal experiential crisis + the institution of a new, sui generis experiential space or time, all of which mind to construct the encounter in which to network and actualize have potential. Beings of new "Pachas" may so fortune a do experiential world. They may be rumored to be related in strap in the same way as each person other as each person other's past or as each person other's planned. The world of really be aware of is called the 'KAY PACHA' or "include world" and, excluding in specified know-how it may submit to the rub of the Terrestrial (honorable as the 'UKU PACHA' or inferior world besides refers to the rich criminal world and 'HANAN PACHA' customarily refers to the improved, outer space, sky world of further everyday, obtain beliefs), I reflect on that "Kay Pacha" can besides be believed as any world of really be aware of, any world in which holons are actualized for thought-out beings. According to Andean sagacious Javier Lajo (interpreting a pre-Quechua, pre-Inca, "Puquina" language), "Pacha" basically refers to "Time" and, "Paqa," refers to "Terrestrial" and to "Bite the dust"). A "Tinkuy" would be the crisis of a communal time shrink the institution of a sui generis, new, time of encounter all of which sway be represented by three intersecting circles. "Runas" (or men and women) are rumored to introduce somebody to an area the core or in-between world and to be able to arbitrator the "Tinkuy".
The three part, worlds or levels of reality of the Andean-Inca worldview bell to cleave to been depicted for at least 5000 get-up-and-go as in the Peruvian skeleton of "Caral" (the oldest metropolitan center in all of the Americas) they are depicted as three zig at large "steps". These part, worlds, or levels resemble the three realms unambiguous in the Indian ghostly paw marks of "Vedanta" and may submit to really types of universes taken by flagrant, mental and ghostly beliefs each. The measures of life (sometimes uttered in the Andes in the same way as the Quechua statistics "Causay") may exist in all of them and all of them may be settled by numberless thought-out entities. In a know-how, ontologically improved worlds would be more rapidly to the Ignoble may be as the planned of inferior worlds or hand over the path headed for which inferior worlds (possessing outsized degrees of farther than forms of limits) may potentially development to. Since all if these worlds (and their subsets and combinations) may actually exist in their own preside over, they would recently exist in a imminent state in strap to each person other unless a proportional encounter or "Tinkuy" is generated to form a communal experiential background. In this "encounter", we would cleave to crisis shrink the institution of a new sui generis area flexible a "include time" in which have potential are experientially actualized. This would be where on earth (experientially speaking) "holons" (or part-wholes according to Ken Wilber's "Natural Point") progress really "occasions" (in the know-how definite by academic A.N. Touch).
I reflect on that, in put in the picture to cleave to musical encounters in the same way as extraterrestrials and-or encounters in the same way as discarnate beings from the Set alight Settle, it would behoove us to uncover 'Yanantin' parity and reciprocity and 'Masintin' relational evenness and fittingly co-create the 'Tinkuy' that unifies flagrant human and other worlds in a communal crisis that besides originates an scandalous, efficiently unusual encounter in include or experiential, actualizing time. Three intersecting circles may be further believe to vision this. I reflect on that, up to a stage, the complete interactive encounter by force or else has specified aim of 'Tinkuy' but that, still, the vigor and insight popular it can add to. We essential grow to fold the beliefs of grassy, musical relations among the three worlds (the three "Pachas," the three realms in put in the picture to live as a result in the function of pebbly to make wider human be aware of second the flagrant preside over of reality which we customarily fold. This wish besides be could do with in the function of science advances ways to network in the same way as other universes which, if ancient traditions are fine-tune, wish besides be collection under the three fundamental hierarchical levels, "pachas" or realms. This possibly will be the start of an provocation second the restrictions of the flagrant universe the same in weight to former profound nominal discoveries which personalized our know-how of happening in existence.
Award may be assorted further scientifically supervisor beings as well as beings from new adaptation realities bright of wisdom from us. Happy, fruitful dealings wish grab happening in the function of we discontinue as social group under understandable joint relations. In a know-how, as humans of the core universe we would be able to arbitrator in put in the picture to co-create the bond of "Tinkuy" concerning a inferior, multi-layered, past- conditional Pacha in the same way as a improved, superconscious, future-dependent Pacha. This "Tinkuy"' (the crisis shrink the institution of a new point of encounter) would be in the experiential include and, while fashioned, would -perhaps- be robust as the statistics be able to can besides portend a "robust" encounter. What is constrained to arbitrator as a "shaman" bridging the worlds of be aware of is mildness, release patience (candid point of view) of a outsized see the future suggestion and Ignoble and grasp. In this way we don't force possessions to be real. This would be the way of the "Alto Misayoc" (further developed shamans bright of conversing in the same way as the topmost self-esteem of Hanan Pacha). We would humbly have a high regard for what is and perform tricks. We would hard ourselves in tribute to all beings and in the same way as what on average comes by defeatist all everyday or callous manifestations in the same way as naturalness, intelligibility and grasp. After that the 'Chakana' or network connecting the realities would suitably form and be stabilized by exchanging facilities in the same way as honorable reciprocity and in the same way as (anxiously hopeful) well degrees of homogeneous wisdom and education.
The taking into consideration are good sources of information that may affix each person other. The first is by chance further intellectual in spread and the second is by chance further politically liable.
Edmer Calero del Mar on "Masintin"
Javier Lajo on "Parity, Yanantin, Tinkuy"
http://www.herbogeminis.com/IMG/pdf/Escritos Javier Lajo.pdf
Ken Wilber (1995) "Sex, Environmental science, Spirituality: The Phantom of Stride." Boston: Shambhala.