Evidence The Case For Nasa Ufo
In down below 3 plus hour documentary, David Sereda analyzes the footage, and provides a very in-depth level headed scientific investigation into these phenomena. It is important to note that David Sereda does not automatically jump to the conclusion that everything seen in this footage is inherently an alien or man-made spacecraft, but that there are some very peculiar phenomena occurring in the videos.
He keeps a logical scientific open mind as to what is observed. In his investigation he contacted several officials at NASA about the footage, only to be told it was dust and debris, or could just simply not be explained.
In the second half of this documentary David Sereda presents his new Theory of physics, called "Gravity Beyond Light Speed Theory", in which he presents how to travel faster than the speed of light. This is the most comprehensive analysis of the NASA footage obtained by Matryn Stubbs. In the beginning Dan Akroyd gives a quick synopsis of what you are about to see.
Watch, Enjoy, Share, and decide for yourself.
Credit: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com