Ufology Unknown Flashing Lights Over Hialeah Florid10 Mar 2012
Evidence report: "Went out unto the arcade and noticed a absolute tally of red orbs in the sky, confident touching methodically from side to side and others staying stationary. At the same time as I first noticed them acquaint with were improved than 20 orbs. I scrambled in the house difficult to follow my camera, such as I came confirmation confident of the orbs had used up but acquaint with were dormant more accurately a few passed on and I managed to video tape them. At confident points covering the video, I gadget out a few helicopters formation their way towards the lights. But as without difficulty as they had appeared, they used up. And definite 1 or 2 orbs were passed on and they at the end of the day worn tangent as well. "
"My camera is not HD so this video is the best I possibly will do. I'm not sure what I saw but I gotta say it was honestly stress-free. This was filmed from my apartments arcade underneath McDonald's Program in Hialeah, Florida."
"I'm not the definite life form who saw them I texted a commerce after I filmed this and she told me her and her home-grown saw the red lights too."Author: Jamessource: submitted to www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net