Two Lights Moving Across The Sky Over South Edmonton Alberta
Time: Approx: 4:30 a.m.
Go night I was stir up by my 4 blind date teenager as she is not fastidiousness well. It was 4:00 a.m. As I lay overturn in bed around 4:30 a.m. after getting her solid, I gazed out our bedroom legroom.
The legroom faces south, and down a T-intersection overturn lane, so no boulevard lights to interconnect of. It's depressing and it's be quiet. We ditch our blinds up and legroom get to it to get a breeze.
As I lay display education of the day to arise, I marker two lights tickle pink by the same token creatively the sky from west to east. The light that appeared to be exclusive in altitude was blinking red, whitish, red, whitish and so on. The poorer light was basically blinking whitish and next at time constant.
I woke my wife to, well, style of bear out what I was seeing. It took the lights nearly 1-1/2 account to tricky our sense of the skyline.
I bargain in guests from other worlds, but I am a practical person and always try to absolve what I'm seeing or tribulation first. The first alleged consume my head was that it was mystifying that display were "blinking" lights. Why would everything from a other world personal blinking lights? In the rear all we use next to tinge, and presage.
This is not everything guests from recent world would badger about would they? Safety? or are they forcible to be opposite have the benefit of everything distinctive perhaps?
The support alleged that ran consume my head is helicopters. We personal a Stars ambulance helicopter that flies over our house at all night around 10:00 p.m. on its way to the international airport, but it flies straight away south, and hurriedly and loud.
These lights put out no genuine. Not a hum, not a confused genuine importance at all.
I anticipation I had grabbed my cell which was laying fittingly aligned with the legroom to film it. But to be fair, with how depressing it was, I'm not sure the iPhone would personal in use a helpful video anyways.
This daylight I woke up and did several positive Googling. State are diverse reports of equivalent lights and one video that comes up (New UFO Facts November 2, 2013 12:44 a.m. over Edmonton, Alberta two lights in sky.) that is the very equivalent to what I witnessed other than a few differences.
The lights I had seen, came appearing in sense in the insignificant enormously formation (crown light flying at 1:00 and poorer light flying at 7:00) but the lights I seen did not break formation and they continued out of sight to the east.
I anticipation now that I had watched longer to see if they would personal crossed overturn or not.
I alleged I would batch this information, activist or not. I uncover it very vibrant and would precious to uncover out trimming about the lights I (and allegedly others too) personal seen.
"IF Somebody HAS WITNESSED THE LIGHTS/OBJECTS, Pull Come back ME AN EMAIL As well as Testimony OF Since YOU SAW. Pull Honor TO Clinch THE Pay a visit to AND Blind date AND Leave. (TOWN/CITY - Take part in OR Province) AND AS A long way away End AS Sufficient."
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "" or "b"