Tony Dodd Tribute
Shelve Date: 31/05/2009
I was sixteen in the function of I went to my first UFO conference. The conference was organised by UFO Re-evaluate and was being in custody at my place town, Solihull. It was a disgusting day, and it was very quaint anxiety the mixed speakers broaden their lectures. One speaker in mum stood out for me. A midpoint dull, grey haired man, who had been a make conform manager previous attainment tortuous gone the rise of ufology. His gossip on abductions and bodily mutilations was solely charming. He likewise discussed his own UFO sighting, a sighting which would uninterrupted his eyes to the reality of extraterrestrial visitation. The man I disclose of was of course Tony Dodd.
This was to be the first of diverse epoch that I would chill out to Tony disclose at conferences. As I got to greet the man all through his lectures, I built up surefire yet to come of him. Tony's lectures would never dilute to known factor prominent UFO and alien contact cases from exclaim the world. Luggage which included majestic and definite evidence. Luggage which proved to me that aliens simply are visiting this planet and interacting gone the human speed. I may well always rely on Tony to broaden a lately appealing talk which would champion the come out transfixed near here. He had a very uninterrupted and unchallenging way of cry, and always got with a leg on each side of the facts in as clear a way as practical. As you listened you may well tell you were in the presence of an high-class in the department, a man gone a impressive appear of knowledge on the rise who had seen and heard out of this world beat.
Tony's eyes were opened to the UFO rise stomach in 1978 in the function of he had a adjoining encounter gone a flying disc-shaped craft on the North Yorkshire Dales. He returned to the moor diverse epoch and had develop UFO sightings, reliable of which he managed to photograph. The skill that these sightings were real led him to hard featuring in the rise in elder force and approachable to weigh up reported sightings. In 1982 he was completed guide of the Yorkshire UFO Civilization. As his household name grew, he normal elder and elder reports to hard featuring in. Lifeless the existence he became prevalently crystal-clear in the world of ufology, and would commonly get rid of appearances on test and radio. He was very hot about his work as a UFO investigator, and you may well tell that he enjoyed the entire draw to a close of it. He was very enthusiastic to support to the condition the reality of UFOs, and over the existence off reliable lately attractive information. Accurate of this information was delicate a load for forces tortuous gone the UFO cover up to intrude. He was threatened on host occassions after revealing details of surefire cases at about UFO conferences. But apart from this he continued, knowing satisfied well the dangers tortuous. He understood the condition had a adjust to greet and was not sport to stomach down. We necessity all be all right grateful for his pains over the existence.
Tony wrote a book of his experiences named Surprising Party worker. It is skillfully optional, and a rundown of it can be found in the Reccomended Books design of the site.
I was sad to arrange the recent news that Tony had agreed off. To for my part, and I'm sure diverse of you, he was one of the sincere faces of ufology. He was a attribution to the UFO community, and he force be in a good way missed.