UFO'S ARE REAL - ASK THE GOVERNMENTby Harry A. JordanStudents, faculty, parents and staff often ask questions about UFO's. Themost frequent questions listed here are answered from personal experience.1. Do you believe in UFO's ?No, I don't "believe in" UFO's as they were some religion, I know they exist.2. Why are you interested in UFO's ?There have been incidents I've seen first hand where the national media haveclouded important facts with "disinformation". People need to be aware thatsomething is really out there. I think the truth should be known.3. Dr. John Kasher is a friend, do you know if he has seen a UFO ?In 1992 Dr. Kasher saw UFO's flying around the shuttle Discovery STS-48 onNASA Select Channel #6. Real time(uncut)-Video tape's and Short wave radiorecordings of astronauts talking about "alien spacecraft" are a matter ofofficial record with Nebraska MUFON. Dr. Kasher is State Director forNebraska MUFON, The Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network.4. Has Nebraska MUFON information been shared with the media ?In October of 1992 the "SIGHTINGS"program, hosted by Tim White, aired briefexcerpts from Nebraska MUFON report files. Over six hours of interviews wereconducted with Dr. Kasher and I by 'SIGHTINGS' producers. The public sawonly 12 minutes from much longer tapes stored in Nebraska MUFON files.5. Is there anything going on now with UFO's in Nebraska ?As recent as November 3rd of this year, a 35 foot circular impression showedin a sorgheim field only five miles from a site of nine impressions weinvestigated in 1989.6. What other cases has Nebraska MUFON investigated or, what haveyou found out first hand, about UFO's ?We've interviewed people who've seen disk shaped, silver and bronzed coloredsaucers on the ground. Little people, 3 to 4 foot tall were observed walkingin gardens with bright light sticks in their hands. These little fellowshave been seen frequently in Nebraska and Iowa by children as well as adults.People who've never met one another are telling us the same stories. We'veinterviewed Amish farmers who've seen saucers landing in the middle of dirtroads. One hunter and his son, after having observed "silver tents withcarnival lights on them" in a neighbors pasture, called the neighbor askingif a barn sale was on for that Sunday. When they walked down to the sitethey found nine circular burns, one was seventy feet across.7. Have you ever seen a flying saucer ?On July 20 & 21st 1952, I was 9 years old living in Washington, D.C. with myfamily at #7 Knox Circle, S.E.. My father was assigned duty at the Naval AirStation in Anacostia, Maryland. Around 9:30 to 10:00 in the evening, somevery bright lights came from the south up the Potomac River, some stoppedand hung in the sky over a ridge of trees just a few hundred yards from theback of our house. They were over thirty feet in diameter. There were noclouds, no lightning storm, no airplanes landing, no weather ballons, nowind and no sound other than crickets and a few frogs. The lights wereamber, bluish white and red balls of light. They hovered for a few minutesand then floated over trees like soap bubbles being blown on by the wind.We saw these quiet pulsating balls of light on two nights. The second nightduring the event, an Army General came on television and announcedWashington was experiencing "ball lighting" and "atmospheric disturbancesdue to sun spotting". That statement was as untrue then as it is nowregarding what the federal government knows about UFO's.8. Why doesn't the media tell the truth about UFO's ?Authentic reports of Unidentified Flying Objects along with detailed desc-riptions of alien beings are not reported by the media as a serious matterbecause you'd have people who couldn't handle the truth.9. Isn't a lot of this E.T. stuff is just plain bunk, stimulated bymovies and books people read ?The real heart of the matter is that the reverse is true; the federalgovernment has been releasing information to publishers, media person-alities and movie producers for years. The movies: Close Encounter of theThird Kind, E.T., The Abyss, and Hanger 18, were based on real events.Agencies of the Federal Government are actively involved in investigatingand monitoring United States citizens who've reported E.T. experiences.10. If what you say is true what proof do you have ?The "public conditioning policy" is ongoing today, I've seen proof firsthand and so has Dr. John Kasher. Federal agencies follow citizens who'vehad experiences to help condition the general public.Students, faculty, parents and staff often ask questions about UFO's. Themost frequent questions listed here are answered from personal experience.1. Do you believe in UFO's ?No, I don't "believe in" UFO's as they were some religion, I know they exist.2. Why are you interested in UFO's ?There have been incidents I've seen first hand where the national media haveclouded important facts with "disinformation". People need to be aware thatsomething is really out there. I think the truth should be known.3. Dr. John Kasher is a friend, do you know if he has seen a UFO ?In 1992 Dr. Kasher saw UFO's flying around the shuttle Discovery STS-48 onNASA Select Channel #6. Real time(uncut)-Video tape's and Short wave radiorecordings of astronauts talking about "alien spacecraft" are a matter ofofficial record with Nebraska MUFON. Dr. Kasher is State Director forNebraska MUFON, The Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network.4. Has Nebraska MUFON information been shared with the media ?In October of 1992 the "SIGHTINGS"program, hosted by Tim White, aired briefexcerpts from Nebraska MUFON report files. Over six hours of interviews wereconducted with Dr. Kasher and I by 'SIGHTINGS' producers. The public sawonly 12 minutes from much longer tapes stored in Nebraska MUFON files.5. Is there anything going on now with UFO's in Nebraska ?As recent as November 3rd of this year, a 35 foot circular impression showedin a sorgheim field only five miles from a site of nine impressions weinvestigated in 1989.6. What other cases has Nebraska MUFON investigated or, what haveyou found out first hand, about UFO's ?We've interviewed people who've seen disk shaped, silver and bronzed coloredsaucers on the ground. Little people, 3 to 4 foot tall were observed walkingin gardens with bright light sticks in their hands. These little fellowshave been seen frequently in Nebraska and Iowa by children as well as adults.People who've never met one another are telling us the same stories. We'veinterviewed Amish farmers who've seen saucers landing in the middle of dirtroads. One hunter and his son, after having observed "silver tents withcarnival lights on them" in a neighbors pasture, called the neighbor askingif a barn sale was on for that Sunday. When they walked down to the sitethey found nine circular burns, one was seventy feet across.7. Have you ever seen a flying saucer ?On July 20 & 21st 1952, I was 9 years old living in Washington, D.C. with myfamily at #7 Knox Circle, S.E.. My father was assigned duty at the Naval AirStation in Anacostia, Maryland. Around 9:30 to 10:00 in the evening, somevery bright lights came from the south up the Potomac River, some stoppedand hung in the sky over a ridge of trees just a few hundred yards from theback of our house. They were over thirty feet in diameter. There were noclouds, no lightning storm, no airplanes landing, no weather ballons, nowind and no sound other than crickets and a few frogs. The lights wereamber, bluish white and red balls of light. They hovered for a few minutesand then floated over trees like soap bubbles being blown on by the wind.We saw these quiet pulsating balls of light on two nights. The second nightduring the event, an Army General came on television and announcedWashington was experiencing "ball lighting" and "atmospheric disturbancesdue to sun spotting". That statement was as untrue then as it is nowregarding what the federal government knows about UFO's.8. Why doesn't the media tell the truth about UFO's ?Authentic reports of Unidentified Flying Objects along with detailed desc-riptions of alien beings are not reported by the media as a serious matterbecause you'd have people who couldn't handle the truth.9. Isn't a lot of this E.T. stuff is just plain bunk, stimulated bymovies and books people read ?The real heart of the matter is that the reverse is true; the federalgovernment has been releasing information to publishers, media person-alities and movie producers for years. The movies: Close Encounter of theThird Kind, E.T., The Abyss, and Hanger 18, were based on real events.Agencies of the Federal Government are actively involved in investigatingand monitoring United States citizens who've reported E.T. experiences.10. If what you say is true what proof do you have ?The "public conditioning policy" is ongoing today, I've seen proof firsthand and so has Dr. John Kasher. Federal agencies follow citizens who'vehad experiences to help condition the general public.11. Why would our government cover up such an important factabout other life in the Universe ?People without any knowledge or personal experience to relate to, have avery difficult time dealing with the whole idea of E.T.'s and UFO'. Thereare many people who will need help accepting the truth. Nine saucers arecurrently being studied within the boundary of the United States.12. I want to know the truth and to see actual proof, what can I doto bring this about ?Write to your elected officials in Washington and "ask the government" whyyou weren't told E.T.'s exist and their space craft commonly known asflying saucers.13. If all of what you say is true what's your feeling about whyE.T.'s are even here bothering with us ?I believe the human race has some profound connection with why they areobserving us. Each human being is unique, not one other human being isexactly like you, we are perhaps a very rare presence in the total cosmicscheme. We are a rare find for them.14. Why would E.T.'s want to meddle with inferior races involved intribal warfare ? They have more advanced science and ability totravel to other stars?They could be here to protect the Earth from us and to effect change in ourtribal warfare activities. Warfare and the economic mind set in humangovernment is killing animal life and destroying earths natural resources.E.T. cooperation with military leaders was severed in 1988. Earths total,planetary military structure was more interested in the viability ofmilitary "assets" than helping effect social change. It is a very dangerousworld we live in.15. What do you see happening in the future with all this E.T. stuff ?Within the next five years, I and Dr. Kasher believe, more definitivestatements will be forthcoming from official government sources. Publicstatements will be made on the issue of flying saucers and existence ofextra-terrestrials. People will learn the truth about where some ideasreally came from for stealth technology and various NASA research anddevelopment programs.16. What would you like to see happen with new technologies E.T.'swould bring?The seed of the human race could already be scattered among the stars of ouruniverse. I would much rather see human beings exploring star systems notjust wear them on shoulder boards. The political mind set of electedofficials, the greed of people and vanity in all human beings will beearth's undoing. The planetary ecological system of the entire world isdrying up and dying because of these practices. If we don't rid ourselvesof these bad "human elements" we will live to see a world of unimaginablehorror like none ever experienced before in human history. We've alreadyseen the beginning, hopefully its not the beginning of the end.
Posted by Unknown
5:03 PM