By Inexplicata11-27-09 Perhaps the most chilling detail of what happened yesterday morning in Joaquin V. Gonzalez, a town of 20,000 residents considered by traditionalists as the "heart of the province of Salta" is the abundance of eyewitness accounts and the manner in which they are so perfectly synchronized with each other. This little town is also known to the ever-watchful gaze of science for the fact that its heights are regularly swept by the passing of UFOs.The entire town - or at least those who were awake at 0200 yesterday - agree that it was hot, an unbearable heat that kept people from getting a good night's sleep, their eyes wide open under treacherous, menacing and stormy skies. Outside, people drank cool drinks or ate ice cream hurriedly, before these were reduced to sticky confections.This was the fate of many residents of Joaquin V. Gonzalez, engulfed by nearly 300,000 hectares of soybeans, when at 2:00 a.m., with heat still burning under their skins, they saw a strange, gigantic luminous creature, elongated and weightless, heading southeast to El Tunal, some 35 kilometers from the town. It plowed the dark skies, lighting everything around it, visible to everyone.The "cigar-shaped UFO" (as it is known to specialists) crossed the Saltan night suspended under a spongy ceiling of clouds, and according to some of the numerous witnesses, "with intermittent, flashing lights and a fixed red beacon". As the object disappeared from view, those who watched the sky as though expecting something more, saw it disappear into the darkness toward El Tunal. Minutes later (some say 5, others 15), all of Joaquin V. Gonzalez experienced an electrical blackout that submerged a 200-kilometer area in the deepest darkness possible."It was terribly hot. Some people were eating ice cream while others sat around the outdoor tables of local restaurants," said one witness to Salta's El Tribuno. "Suddenly everyone saw a strange vehicle plow across the sky, completely illuminated, and a little bit later, there was a power failure. The phone lines were also rendered inoperative," said the excited witness. "Things went back to normal at 11:30 a.m., nine hours later."The power failure was confirmed by the EDESA Company, which confirmed the lack of electricity only minutes after the blackout, adding that it was impossible to find the failure, which had occurred at the main power station located at El Tunal. The problem? "A burned-out generator"UFO expert Luis Burgos told DIARIO POPULAR that "the blackout occurred some fifteen or twenty minutes after the object was sighted over Joaquin V. Gonzalez, and right when it hovered over the generating plant at El Tunal." To Burgos, the protagonist of yesterday's episode was "what we call a mothership, a sort of space aircraft carrier measuring no less than 200-300 meters long, and which usually issues smaller UFOs measuring between 8 and 10 meters in size, which later return to the [mothership]."Burgos noted that yesterday's episode is significant "due to the large number of eyewitness reports" to be found, although he added that he was familiar with this small Salta community because "the most significant case of last year occurred in the nearby town of Chicoana."In October 2008, "dozens and dozens of witnesses saw lights hovering over planted fields, and the following morning found strange, gigantic geometric figures."Meanwhile, other specialists added to the discovery of a "mothership" the fact that after the enormous device was seen over El Tunal, several UFO flotillas were reported in Peru. "It is almost certain that they had departed from the Mothership that passed over Salta," they affirmed, and that in coming days, "we will surely have more developments."* (Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)*Source: Diario Popular (Salta, Argentina)Date: 11.26.09More...See Also:Argentina: Resident of La Pampa Stood Under a "Flying Saucer" Argentina: Locals Claim Seeing UFO in Rio Cuarto SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCEHELP SUPPORT THIS SITEABOUT DONATIONS Grab this Headline Animator
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12:50 PM