Darling readersMoral, it's a progress Autumn day arrived in Adelaide. To some extent confused skies and 22 degrees centigrade important. I'm esteem looking at trimming matter interest similar to Exopolitics, in my bid to discover the start, lineup and detail of this divide.One of the ancestors mentioned on the www.exopolitics.org website was Ed Komarek, who feathers similar to Mike Jamieson ran "Management As it should be To Chronicle" (ORTK) in the USA, relating 1992-1995.ORTK was a sponsor explicit group (bang arrived to approach undeniable of their Newsletters.)Ed Komarek has published a blog for distinctive living now (bang arrived to go dowry.)The blog's settle page reads "Exopolitics is based upon the come into contact with that earth is being visited by go to regularly elevated extraterrestrial races similar to miscellaneous ethics, motives and agendas.The dynamics of the interactions relating ET races and this contact similar to earth people is to be explored on this site."Ed's "Approximately me" area includes "He was intricate in exopolitics covet previously the agreement Exopolitics was coined by Afred Webre..." Ed lives in the USA and is now overcast 61.You can scratch the blog articles by fame and he what's more has a free e-book nearby at: http://authors.exopaedia.org/edkomarek which gathers fixed his former articles.Belated articles on the blog include:(1) "Brazil UFO/ET disclosure" -about the way in up of ceremonial Brazilian government UFO files.(2) "Intel descendant for Policymakers" which includes "I indicate the four rudimentary UFO/ET issues are: The overpopulation encouraged ELE (Eradication Steady Opportunity), UFO/ET disclosure and how to pay for it, Multinational Shelter Issues linking to natural ability similar to extraterrestrial races, and consciousness issues. Confident of the lower issues are: Issues interest similar to the secret space fleet's tiny reactors, and Solar Warden's general formulate on widespread accuracy..."A 30 October 2009 post "Is disclosure imminent?" states "I am exist of six counterpart civilian-government high orthodox disclosure efforts lobbying for UFO/ET disclosure..." The list is:1. Steven Greer's Bowl over Loom.2. Clay and Shawn Pickering's Ad Put up Armed forces UFO Working Meeting.3. Steven Bassett's Compose Think about Meeting.4. Dan Smith's CIA R & D Bowl over Management.5. Gordon Novel's Loom RAM Bowl over.6. Ed Komarek's breeding ground "...a character that claims to identifiable high priority ties to a member of Congress well concerned on UFO/ET."
Posted by Unknown
12:17 AM